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Good morning! Here is the uncut reaction for Fallout 1X7.



Mariah Mack

Need ep 8 asap

Mariah Mack

If u like this u fasho need to watch “ the 100 series “


please do more game of thrones!


Side note: I remember my mom saying “don’t sit so close to the TV” lol!


loveee fallout but we neeeeed more GOT

Nobu (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 10:44:11 Does it usually take up to 5 days for new stuff to be posted on patreon? Recently subbed and I don't use Patreon much so I'm not sure how this works.
2024-05-02 10:44:11 Does it usually take up to 5 days for new stuff to be posted on patreon? Recently subbed and I don't use Patreon much so I'm not sure how this works.
2024-05-02 10:44:11 Does it usually take up to 5 days for new stuff to be posted on patreon? Recently subbed and I don't use Patreon much so I'm not sure how this works.
2024-05-02 10:44:11 Does it usually take up to 5 days for new stuff to be posted on patreon? Recently subbed and I don't use Patreon much so I'm not sure how this works.
2024-05-02 10:44:11 Does it usually take up to 5 days for new stuff to be posted on patreon? Recently subbed and I don't use Patreon much so I'm not sure how this works.
2024-04-21 08:11:35 Does it usually take up to 5 days for new stuff to be posted on patreon? Recently subbed and I don't use Patreon much so I'm not sure how this works.

Does it usually take up to 5 days for new stuff to be posted on patreon? Recently subbed and I don't use Patreon much so I'm not sure how this works.