Lista para la festividad (Patreon)
// Anteriormente Maily estaba platicando con Gema sobre un libro que le pareció interesante que trata de artefactos misteriosos.///
Maily: Y tu que opinas?
Gema: Parece interesante..
Maily: Si, muy interesante diría yo..!!
* Feliz *
Y por cierto, tu ya estas lista?!
Gema: Que si estoy lista?
Lista para que?!
Maily: No me vayas a decir que no..!!
Ven, solo acomodamos los libros y acompáñame a mi casa..
Gema: ...
* Sale de la biblioteca y se dirigen a la casa de Maily *
Maily: Muy bien, puedes pasar.
*Sonríe *
Gema: Gracias..! Con tu permiso.!
Maily: Adelante..! Estas en tu casa!!
* Pasan al cuarto principal *
Gema: wow!! Se ve bonito!
Maily: * recoje un gorro y se lo coloca cuidadosamente mientras Gema esta mirando el árbol de navidad*
Y bien?!
Ya te acordaste!!.?
Estas lista para la festividad!!
Gema: Oh!!
No me esperaba esto!!
Maily: ¿?
Porque no? Se supone que ya casi es navidad, todo el mundo lo sabe!
Gema: No es eso realmente, si no que..
*Suspira *
No la paso bien en estas fechas!
* Suspira*
Maily: Pero.. porque no?!
En esta época es para que todo la pasen alegre.!
Gema: Si.. .!
Sobre eso!!
Para mi es todo lo contrario..
Yo la paso sola y las pocas personas que me hablae desean felices fiestas, pero para mi no son tan felices.
*Suspira *
Maily: * suspira *
No lo sabía..!
* Le toma las manos a Gema*
Esta vez sera diferente..!
Gema: Por que lo dices?!
Maily: Porque yo estaré en esta ocasión contigo para acompañarte!!
Y no te preocupes por si yo tengo planes, yo los voy a cancelar para estar contigo!
Gema: Oh..! No, no es necesario que lo hagas..
No quiero arruinar tu festividad..
* Baja la cabeza*
Maily: No va a suceder, tu tranquila..
Yo estaré contigo..
Gema: Es en serio..?!
Antes me lo han dicho y siempre a la mera hora me dicen que no pueden y me dejan sola..
* Suspira*
Maily: Esas son personas irresponsables que no cumplen su promesa..
Pero yo no soy así..
* Sonreí y la observa emocionada *
Además.. que te parece si te quedas en mi casa!!
Gema: Me parece bien..
* Solloza un poco voltea a ver a Maily y sonríe *
Gracias.., no sabes cómo me alegra escuchar eso..
// Previously Maily was talking with Gema about a book that she found interesting that deals with mysterious artifacts.///
Maily: And what do you think?
Gema: It seems interesting ..
Maily: Yes, very interesting I would say .. !!
* Happy *
And by the way, are you ready ?!
Gema: Am I ready?
Ready for what ?!
Maily: Don't tell me no .. !!
Come, just put the books and accompany me to my house ..
Gema: ...
* Leaves the library and they head to Maily's house *
Maily: Alright, you can come in.
*Smile *
Gema: Thank you ..! With your permission.!
Maily: Go ahead ..! Are you at home!!
* They go to the main room *
Gem: wow !! It looks nice!
Maily: * picks up a hat and puts it on carefully while Gema is looking at the Christmas tree *
And good?!
You already remembered!!.?
You are ready for the holiday !!
Gem: Oh !!
I was not expecting this!!
Why not? It's supposed to be almost Christmas, everyone knows!
Gema: It's not really that, but rather that ..
*Sighs *
I am not having a good time at this time!
* Sighs*
Maily: But .. why not ?!
At this time it is for everyone to have a happy time.!
Gema: Yes ...!
About it!!
For me, it's just the opposite..
I spend it alone and the few people who talk to me wish happy holidays, but for me they are not so happy.
*Sighs *
Maily: * sighs *
I did not know, I did not know it..!
* Takes Gema's hands *
This time it will be different..!
Gema: Why do you say it ?!
Maily: Because I will be with you this time to accompany you !!
And don't worry if I have plans, I'm going to cancel all my plans to be with you!
Gem: Oh ..! No, you don't need to.
I don't want to ruin your holiday ..
* Head down*
Maily: It will not happen, you calm down ..
I'll be with you..
Gema: Are you serious ..?!
Before they have told me and always at the mere hour they tell me that they cannot and they leave me alone ..
* Sighs*
Maily: Those are irresponsible people who don't keep their promise ..
But I'm not like that.
* I smiled and she looks at her excited *
Also .. what do you think if you stay at my house !!
Gema: Sounds good to me.
* Sobs a little, turns to see Maily and smiles *
Thank you .. you don't know how glad I am to hear that ..