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Hello, my beautiful Patrons!

We've had a fantastic start to January with tons of great comic pages and new pinups. And of course, there's still so much more to come! You'll be getting more LOVE LOST #3 CHAPTER 2 and X-MEN "ESCAPE FROM LIMBO" pages before you know it!

But I wanted to share a little secret with you today... I'm working on a VERY SPECIAL MYSTERY COMIC PROJECT that I should have completed very soon! This is something I've wanted to draw for a very, VERY long time, and I finally decided to just go for it.

I'm not going to reveal any details yet, because where's the fun in that? 😉 But I wanted to get your imaginations running wild!

Hmmm...? I wonder who that thick, beautiful uncut peen belongs to? Only time will tell.

This MYSTERY COMIC will likely drop next month... but for now, I hope you're intrigued!

Much more from me very soon. Love all around!

XOXOX Patrick



Jocko Ak-shan

I was going to say, I may not know what it is but it's got a beautiful uncut cock lol


The way I’m convinced it’s Felix’s cock that just ripped through that garment


LOL! I love that we're on the same page, here! I just HAD to use this as the preview pic!! 😊💖 XOXO


I can absolutely see why you might think that, my dear LlamaLlama. This cock is similar to Felix's... but is it ACTUALLY his? Only time will tell, 'cause I certainly won't! MWAH-HA HA HA! XOXOX 😆💖💖😆

Space Cadet

My first guess is it’s either Felix or Zahn if they are class comics guys but it could also be Trip as an out the box guess. Purely based on penis obviously. Very scientific.


Educated, scientific guesses based on penises are the very best kind, of course, my dear Space Cadet. I mean, even if one guesses wrong, one still get to enjoy and appreciate a lovely, thick, veiny cock. Nothing wrong with that at all! LOL! 😍🥰🤣😅

Lux Et-Umbra

lol my brain has gone to the ‘who’s that Pokémon’ shadows that used to play before and after the commercial breaks. But like, ‘who’s that penis?!?’ 🤣 Ruining childhood memories aside, I’m looking forward to all the giant dongs coming! (pun very much intended 🍆💦🥰)


HA HA HA! I love it, my friend. Interestingly, you may have touched on something here with your "ruining childhood memories" comment. Just saying... maybe there's a hint -- albeit a small one -- in that... even if the penis itself is FAR from small! LOL! 😆😆💖💖 XOXO


This is a literal and figurative dick tease! 😂


Uncut surprises are one of my favs. So much to behold ;)


Oooh enticing Patrick, can't wait!

Conor Young

How exciting, I wonder who it could be?? My first thought was Felix since he's uncut, but then I remembered that so are half of your guys, so I'm right back to square one 🤣🤣🤣. Can't wait to learn more about this mystery project!


I feel like from what I know of ya I’m leaning towards a Star Wars based mini comic… theoretically I could also see something Alpha Flight related but I figured with the X-comic you’re currently running I’d think of non-marvel ideas for this project


Oooh, or could this imply a cartoon comic based on classics like the Scooby-Doo, the Flintstones, or Jetsons

Lux Et-Umbra

Ooooh there’s so many possibilities in 80’s cartoons… Is it a Captain Planet mini-comic (by your powers combined, he’s here to get pounded…🤣)? Lion-O? (Probably not enough body hair for an anthropomorphic cat…although Thundercats Ho would take on a whole new meaning…) Revisiting He-Man? (Always more room for the beefiest man-whore of Eternia) A scooby-doo/ Mystery Inc adventure? Under that cravat, I bet goody two shoes Fred is a big dicked kinky sub between solving crimes. Hmm I can’t think of any others right now.. (There’s a few others but they are canonically under 18 so… no) If it’s not any of those then, hey at least if you ever decide to do another parody mini-comic series (like lost in limbo) there are some ideas 😁


HA HA HA! This is a great list of "guesses/suggestions"! I've put some of these on my list! I hope what I've chosen to draw won't disappoint, even if it's not been guessed at quite yet... hopefully the surprise will be a fun reveal for everyone. Thanks so much for the great "possibilities" -- there are DEFINITELY some hotties there I wanna touch on at some point in your list! SMOOCHES, my friend!! XOXO 🤣😍🤗😊


HA HA HA! This is TRUE -- in my universe, so many guys are uncut, foreskin can't really be used as a determining factor regarding "who owns that penis"! LOL! But hey, I'm happy you're excited about seeing the project regardless of who that cock belongs to... Heh! Heh! Heh! I;m having such a great time working on this, I really can't wait to share it with all of you. Soon, now... soon! SMOOCHES, my friend. XOXO 😘💖😍💖


JT, Sweetie... I will leave it to you to decide what these little emojis actually mean! HA HA HA! Maybe... you are closer than you think! 😘😘 But my lips remain SEALED! LOL! 😅😅