Working on... MYSTERY COMIC PROJECT! (Patreon)
Hello, my beautiful Patrons!
We've had a fantastic start to January with tons of great comic pages and new pinups. And of course, there's still so much more to come! You'll be getting more LOVE LOST #3 CHAPTER 2 and X-MEN "ESCAPE FROM LIMBO" pages before you know it!
But I wanted to share a little secret with you today... I'm working on a VERY SPECIAL MYSTERY COMIC PROJECT that I should have completed very soon! This is something I've wanted to draw for a very, VERY long time, and I finally decided to just go for it.
I'm not going to reveal any details yet, because where's the fun in that? 😉 But I wanted to get your imaginations running wild!
Hmmm...? I wonder who that thick, beautiful uncut peen belongs to? Only time will tell.
This MYSTERY COMIC will likely drop next month... but for now, I hope you're intrigued!
Much more from me very soon. Love all around!
XOXOX Patrick