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Ahem...! Ima just leave this right here.


COLORS: Cabrera and Fillion

ALPHA FLIGHT, NORTHSTAR, SNOWBIRD, SASQUATCH, PUCK, and KOLOMAQ © Copyright & ™ 2025 Marvel Characters Inc. All rights reserved.



Michael Mendez

Oh wow!!!! Jean-Paul’s gonna get it good. I can’t wait to see this ❤️




I... I just HAD to! LOL! Glad you're excited, Michael. Won't be long, now! XOXO 😅😆💖😘


BAH HA HA HA -- I TOLDJA you'd guessed right...! LOL! I just didn't tell ya WHAT GUESS was the right one! 🤣🤣🤣😈😇😍

Simon Exton

Fantastic, my favourite Marvel team. Can't wait to see Shaman...


I mean technically my official guess was Star Wars related, but that was absolutely my second pick because the moment you said it was a love from your past there was only ever one option (given we’re in the middle of a storm centric story already)


Awww -- I'm sorry Simon. Shaman isn't actually in this one. The featured characters appear in the poster. But I LOVE Shaman, too... there may well be a next time! But I'm glad you're excited. ALPHA FLIGHT FRIKKIN' RULES!!!! 😅❤️❤️😘


Sorta 🤣 those were not the most subtle emojis 😜


I'm very impressed at how you figured this out. Honestly, while X-Men may have been my Gateway into comics, ALPHA FLIGHT is where I will ALWAYS live! I can't wait to share this with all of you! XOXO


Me too!!! I’m Super EXCITED, cuz with your love & passion for these characters there’s no doubt, this gonna be incredible


You were actually the one who first turned me on to them all those years ago; had me drooling all over Puck 🤤

David Cantero



Awww -- thanks, JT! I'm so happy that I could help you discover Alpha Flight. The series -- at least the John Byrne run is EPIC and, literally, comic book PERFECTION. I'm pouring a LOT of love and admiration and affection into my little comic. I really am very excited to start sharing it with all of you. Won't be long, now. Oh, and PUCK is AWESOME!!!! OXOX


HEH! HEH! HEH! I was HOPING you'd be excited about this project, my dear friend. 😈😆💖😇

Simon Exton

I like that you're going Original Team, although no Guardian. Maybe a bit of pre-curse Puck? Alpha Flight and X-Men in Asgard was my first introduction to the team


Part of what I loved about Alpha Flight is that, as a team, they were rarely together. In the beginning, they were largely spread out across Canada... and Canada is a very BIG place! So we only got a few of them at a time each issue, (beyond issue #1, of course) up until issue #12. That format left a real impression on me. And with my parody comic, I wanted to channel some of that. Anyway, I love Shaman and Guardian TO BITS as well, but I could only really fit a few supporting characters into this -- and there was NO WAY IN HELL I was gonna do Alpha Flight without my second favorite super heroine, SNOWBIRD! LOL! And of course I had to focus on my Alpha Flight crush, which is Northstar. But you know... I 💖💖 them all so much! It's one of those rare ensemble comics in which I love all of the characters -- there are none that leave me cold -- I may find it hard to not draw them at some point too! And OH GOD, YES -- X-MEN/ALPHA FLIGHT was pretty damned awesome!!! XOXO

Simon Exton

I'm a huge Snowbird fan, although my favourite superheroine from the team was Witchfire. Plus, gotta shout out Major Mapleleaf. Our UK team didn't hold a candle to them (apart from Lockheed, of course)


I admit, I literally LIVE in the John Byrne era of the team. I did enjoy some of what came after that, but after Byrne left, it was never really the same again IMHO... ALTHOUGH the original DREAMQUEEN issues written by Bill Mantlo with the Jim Lee art were a phenomenal standout, and truly groundbreaking. They brought a lot of PUNCH back to Alpha Flight. Also... YES -- Witchfire was FABULOUS!! 😁💖💖

bundy ted

This kind of wild to me as I only just read the initial Byrne run of Alpha Flight only a few months ago and really enjoyed it but hyped to see the Patrick Fillion XXX-Men cinematic universe continue, I got say of all the X-men spin-off series I didn't see Alpha Flight coming but in retrospect yeah it makes sense. Jean Paul, Walter and Puck together definitely going be interesting given the sheer size difference and of course I'm eager see your take Snow Bird, such a great design. Almost disappointed Guardian not there, James may be kind of an ass be he sure fills out that Maple Flag suit nicely. Now if only Marvel Unlimited would upload the rest of the post-Byrne issues, the series has taught me so much about Canada.


WOW! That's so wild, Bundy Ted. I love that my take on Alpha Flight literally comes on the heels (hee hee) of your discovering Alpha Flight for the first time. The John Byrne era is, IMHO, comic book perfection. There are a lot of comics titles from my youth that I'm passionate about X-Men, of course -- but none compare to those Alpha Flight issues. Of course, my parody expresses my lust for some characters, but also my deep love and appreciation for this amazing series. It's a heartfelt HOMAGE above all. As for Marvel Unlimited... I'm just a choked as you are that they haven't dropped all those other issues. The Bill Mantlo/Jim Lee era was pretty STELLAR in its own right, with the introduction of the ALWAYS-FABULOUS DREAMQUEEN!!! OMG -- if you can even get your hands on printed copies of those issues, I HIGHJLY recommend them. Maybe -- HOPEFULLY -- they'll freakin' get around to uploading them at some point soon. Snowbird is an absolute GODDESS... second only to Storm where design and overall character are concerned. And Mac... yeah, he can be a party pooper at times, but someday, I'll have to try my hand at him, anyway... because, you're quite right -- he is YUMMY, too! LOL! All that to say I'm THRILLED you're looking forward to my Parody! It's gonna start dropping very soon! Much love to ya. Thanks again for the awesome comments!! XOXO 😊🤗😍😘❤️

Conor Young

Oooooh!! I'm not that familiar with Alpha Flight, but I'm sure we'll be in for a wild ride in your capable hands, Patrick, I can't wait to see this one!


All good, my friend. The story is quite self-contained and I'll be sure to provide some context as well. It's just a brief little comic, but I plan to make it as HOT and as PUNCHY as possible. Besides... familiar with Alpha Flight or not, I think most people will definitely be able to appreciate Northstar's beautiful, perfectly scultpted Canadian rump! LOL! Glad you're looking forward to it, Conor. Much love to you!! XOXO 😅😊🤗💖

Simon Exton

Well, this has just prompted a full re read. John Byrne's era is absolutely the title's finest hour. Snowbound is an astounding issue.