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Because it can't be ALPHA FLIGHT or Marvel Comics-inpsired art ALL the time, I'm preparing LOVE LOST #3, CHAPTER 2, PAGE 03 for you.

Let's just say that PUPAE is havin' a great time testing out LOCUS' bod!

The page will drop in the next few days, and you're gonna wanna be here for it! STAY TOONED!

ILLUSTRATION: Patrick Fillion

LOCUS, PUPAE © Copyright & ™ 2025 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




Gods, you capture the insane beauty of the male physique so sooo incredibly well!!!!


Lucky Pupae got an incredible upgrade, can't wait to see what's to cum Patrick!


Your teaser looks very promising, I know it will be awesome 😍😋😘

Erick Hanlan

Cam Locus and Diablo are my favorites, are we ever gonna get a part 2 of Ani-males? That was quite a kinky cliff hanger 😂


Hiya, Erick. Thanks for the great question. Ani-Males as a series was officially canceled several years ago by Class Comics. But that doesn't mean that there's no chance that we we'll get a conclusion or continuation. It may happen in a volume of Rapture, or some other comic anthology or series, but Spot has his fans -- I'm among them -- and I hope someday to revisit his story, and that particular cliffhanger. As for your faves, you definitely have very good taste! 😁😁 LOL! Much love and thanks to you! XOXO 😍😊🤗💖