A word from Patrick... About the art of VINCENT. (Patreon)
Hello, everyone.
As you know, I don't usually do this, but this morning I wanted to share the work of another artist whose illustrative style I find very intriguing.
VINCENT has been creating comics for several years, with some even available through the Class Comics "Marketplace" catalog. He recently shared a fan art piece of DEIMOS with me, and I've always appreciated his fascinating art style, which seems to blend North American and Asian comics and illustration influences.
Vincent has a real talent for depicting the male form, and his work often explores themes related to male desire and connection. He presents his subjects in a way that is both appreciative and expressive. His comics offer a unique perspective within the realm of male erotica, and I've personally found some of his artistic choices quite interesting.
If you're curious about Vincent's work and enjoy discovering artists with a distinct vision within the genre, you can check out his Patreon campaign. Supporting independent artists is a great way to help them continue creating and evolving their work. Here's a small smaple of his artwork. Enjoy, my friends.
All Artwork © Copyright 2024, Vincent. All rights reserved.
DEIMOS is © Copyright & ™ 2025, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.