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Hello again, my beautiful Patrons.

And finally, as promised here are PAGES 04, 05, & 06 of "SNOWPLOWED", my all-new ALPHA FLIGHT parody mini-comic, fully lettered for your reading pleasure.

Now bear in mind that as this is a parody of the iconic ALPHA FLIGHT #6, published by Marvel Comics back in the 1980s, there are THREE "blank" pages in which ALPHA is lost in a massive blizzard in this story. Don't worry -- I didn't forget to draw those panels -- Heh Heh --  and pages 05 and 06 are meant to have no actual art on them! So, no angry comments, pretty please!! XD

BUT - Don't worry, while PAGE 07 will also be a blizzard page (mostly), PAGE 08 will be filled with HOT BODS and ARTWORK... and those pages will be dropping very soon, so STAY TOONED!

Meanwhile, I do hope you enjoy reading these three... I worked very hard to make sure the narrative would be every bit as captivating as an illustrated page.


Story and Art by Fillion (based on story elements created by John Byrne).

Colors by Cabrera and Fillion.




You sneaky devil… how could you tease us with such visceral descriptions and leave the rest up to our imaginations (pouts in the corner) 🥺😭🥺😭


HA HA HA! I know, I know... I'm soooo CRUEL! Honestly, I remember feeling the way you do about the OG Alpha Flight #6 back in the 80s... but I guess if I'm gonna parody that comic, I HAVE to include the blanks, or it just wouldn't feel quite as "authentic"! LOL! But Sweetie, I KNOW you have an INCREDIBLE imagination. I'm SURE you can fill those panels in with your beautifully dirty mind! LOL! XOXOX 😅🤣🤣😍💖

bundy ted

Ahh an actual SnowBlind reference and here I was thinking "Snowplowed" was just a coincidence. Very clever.

Lux Et-Umbra

Love, love, love all these panels. 04 is fantastic seeing Northstar impaled fucking himself on the giant cock with wanton abandon. (let’s not beat about the bush, he’s not actually being held down by Kolomaq, so despite his mind saying ‘no’, his dick and ass are saying ‘breed this Canadian muscle sub with all of your monster cum’). As amazing as 04 is, 05 and 06 are viscerally more erotic. I’m a huge fan of written erotic since it lets you imagination run wild… like kolomaq clearly got off his back to call the blizzard so is Northstar now just impaled fully on that monster dick while in a chokehold? Perhaps he’s fallen face forward into a puddle of his own precinct and is now moaning whorishly as fat balls paint his face with a fresh hot squirt of precum each time Kolomaq’s mammoth cock rams into his prostate. Or maybe, he’s just given into his true power bottom self and actively slamming that perky bottom into that monster dick while Kolomaq crushes those big juicy Canadian nuts. He’s calling for the others hoping not that they’ll save him but Sasquatch and Kolomaq will double team to see how much wider he can stretch that hole while he eats out Puck’s hairy hole. (Practice using your imagination people, it’s good for your mental health!) Regardless what my filthy mind dreams up, I can’t wait to see the next panel and see what snowbird stumbles into!


Patrick!! This is so amazing 😍 Your nod to the original white panels of "Snowblind" is so clever, not to mention written insanely hot 🥴 a selfish part of me wants to see Northstar get USED, but I love the eroticism of not being able to see any of the fantasy 😈 uh, my Canadian King, you keep outdoing your own work, can't wait to see the final pages ❤️❤️❤️