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And finally, as promised here are PAGES 07, & 08 of "SNOWPLOWED", my all-new ALPHA FLIGHT parody mini-comic, fully lettered for your reading pleasure.

I gotta say, I'm pretty ecstatic at how much you've all enjoyed this mini-comic! I never DREAMED that so many of you would love seeing me take on ALPHA FLIGHT so much! The teams means the world to me and has influenced so much of my artistic and comic-creating journey throughout the years. To know how much they also mean to so many of you really fills me with great joy! I'm so honored that I could contribute to your love of ALPHA FLIGHT in my own small way with this story.

BUT - All good things must come to an end, and these are the final two pages of what was always meant to be a small, fabulously hot comic... hot despite it's snowy title! LOL!

HOWEVER -- I still have a few ALPHA FLIGHT pinups to share with you this month, including a very special one that was commissioned as a PATRON SAINT illustration by one of your fellow Patrons. These pinup sets will drop throughout the rest of MARCH, so STAY TOONED for all of those... and TONS of other goodies.


Story and Art by Fillion (based on story elements created by John Byrne).

Colors by Cabrera and Fillion.



Johnny Gayzmonic

I love how Snowbird is like "All right, have fun with the gay stuff. Bye!"


LMAO! YUP -- exactly! 🤣🤣💖😆😆 She saves the day, then she's off again, leaving the boyos to play! 😂

Simon Exton

Fantastic. I love to tribute to Snowblind


Thank you so much, Simon!! Glad you enjoyed this -- and ME TOO! I can't wait to share the SNOWBIRD tribute with you and everyone else. Won't be too much longer, now! Much love and thanks to you, once again!! XOXO 😍🥰💖😘

Conor Young

A brilliant finale, Patrick!! Gotta love Snowbird cleaning up the mess single-handedly and immediately leaving like "my job here's done, you sluts have fun with yours" 🤣🤣🤣. Walter's dick is a jaw-dropping sight, Jean-Paul will definitely have his work cut out showing his appreciation - though Kolomaq's opening act would definitely have him plenty open for it 😈😆. Puck's definitely got the right idea, a happy ending all around!! I've enjoyed this comic so much, Patrick, especially for how much your love for these characters comes through in every panel. I'm a little sad to see it come to an end, but it's awesome to hear we'll be getting more of Alpha Flight in the coming weeks 😍🥰. An absolute scorcher of a classic, thank you for sharing this with us!


😍🥰🙏😍🥰🙏 WOW -- I can't even begin to thank you enough for all this love and these incredibly touching compliments, my dear Conor. THANK you SOOOOOOO MUCH for this incredible message. 💖💖💖 I'm very nearly speechless. I'm ecstatic over how much you enjoyed SNOWPLOWED. I always knew it would be a very short comic, but I wanted it to punch as HARD as it possibly could. I'm so pleased you feel I managed to make it do that! I'm also thrilled that you feel my love for Alpha Flight and these amazing, iconic characters really shines through -- that was my primary goal! And I gotta say, I'm kinda sad about this coming to an end, too! I've enjoyed myself IMMENSELY on this project, and I'm really blown away by how much everyone here has appreciated the comic. Who knows, maybe Snowbird will have to save her teammates again down the road! LOL! And YES -- there are still some fun Alpha Flight pinups to come, so the fun's not entirely over yet. SO MUCH LOVE to you, dear Conor. Thanks again for the incredible comments. XOXOXO 😊🤗😍❤️😘

Lux Et-Umbra

haha beautiful, love this ending and Puck getting some appreciation. If Jean-Paul is having trouble walking, Walter can just carry him around impaled on the giant orange cock like a meaty Canadian fleshlight. Once Jean-Paul can manage to spend all day in it without involuntarily shooting his load, he'll be ready for round 2 with Kolomaq :D


I love that we never see Kolomaq’s full cock to know how big he truly is… because if he just needs to “catch his breath”, for 3.5 seconds, to take Sasquatch’s massive meat… how huge is it really?!?!? And bitch when do you walk anywhere 🤔 I see you 🧐 (sorry for the comment that follows this… my homosexual came out)


Also why do I get the feeling Kolomaq’s mind control is as strong as a whiff of poppers (probably because in less than a minute the bitch found himself re-impaled on the largest cock in existence [now] and is agape sucking off three men… 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ such a fluffin slut 🤣) p.s. You’ve captured him perfectly, like more than I thought possible even for you (and you’re a master). Like don’t get me wrong, I love that he had that big splashy wedding, it meant a lot for our community… but Northstar?!?!?! Are you serious?????? The serial playboy settles down, and not only that, but decides to get married?????? Sure Jan. But this faggot, this fag I recognize, cuz you know he be doing EXACTLY this on that mission (I know this comic precedes the wedding) I want this Northstar again; mature Jean-Paul is offensive 🤢


I hardly knew Alpha Flight before, so this was a great intro! Very enGAYging! 😜


WONDERFUL!! I'm SO HAPPY I could help to introduce you to what I feel are some of Marvel's most AMAZING characters. Very pleased you enjoyed this project, dear David! Thank you so much!!! XOXO 🙏😊🤗💖


🤣🤣🤣🤣 This comment had me laughing out loud, my friend. BAH HA HA HA! The "Meaty Canadian Fleshlight" bit... PRICELESS!!! 😂😂😂 I'm so pleased you enjoyed the ending of this little comic story, and that you liked seeing Puck get a little bit of love! Thanks for love and making me HOWL, Lux! LOL! XOXOX 😍😍


BAH HA HA HA! As always, your comments are SUPER ENTERTAINING and tons of fun to read, dear JT! Oh my Gosh!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Looking at Sasquatch's junk now, I think I see for the first time that it's nearly as BIG as ALL of Northstar! EEP! LOL! Sometimes, I just don't always really notice how big things I draw can get! 😅😅😂😂 Yes, Northstar needed VERY LITTLE convincing from Kolomaq... but I figure that my take on the Marvel universe is a pocket universe in which MOST, (not all, but MOST) of the male characters are gay or at least swing both ways... so to Jean-Paul this woulda been like any other given Tuesday! As for your observations about the official Marvel Universe Jean-Paul... I definitely hear what you're saying. I think that there's something poetic about him being the first out and proud character in mainstream comics who officially gets married in one of the first out and proud gay wedding issues in mainstream comics. So in that way, it's certainly nice and fitting and as you say, FANTASTIC for our community, but yeah, it does see the character calm down a little. But never fear, there's always my alternate universe if ever you want to see Northstar get back to his slutty ways! BAH HA HA HA!!! Great Big Hugs + Kisses, Sweetie. Thanks again for all the love and the fabulous comments. Always a ton of fun to read from ya!! SMOOCHES! XOXOXOX 😊🤗😍😊🤗😍