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Hello, my beautiful Patrons.

I'm so excited to finally post my very first all-new illustration of 2024! I give you "DEIMOS LOVES LURO" 01. This is the LINE ART!

This is the first of three PATREON EXCLUSIVE illustrations and short stories/prose that tie in to the DRAKE'S DUNGEON game story mode.

Along with fellow artist DIZ, I contributed to the game by drawing tons of new DEIMOS, DRAKE and DEREK the Knight artwork.

For his part, HOTCHA wrote and created an absolutely INCREDIBLE story mode in which you will actually get to HEAR DEIMOS SPEAK!! And lemme tell you, it's FRIKKIN' HAWT!!

I was SO INSPIRED after I got to play the finished game for the first time, I just HAD to create this set of tie-ins. I love LURO and figured DEIMOS should too! HA HA HA!

Anyhoo, let's get the colors for this first piece out here, shall we? STICK AROUND, because those are up next!!

LINES: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

DEIMOS and the TROLLS © Copyright and TM 2024, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

LURO © Copyright and TM 2024, HOTCHA. All rights reserved.



Jocko Ak-shan

So I'm curious who they got to be the voice talent for your Taro demon? You, perhaps? 😏😏😏😏


Nope, not me... LOL! But the dude's got a super masculine, gruff voice. He voices him really nicely!

Jocko Ak-shan

Well I'm sure we all hear his voice differently. But if the voice actor who's portraying the young gruff version at least presses some of the buttons, that's better than nothing at all. 😉