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This was inspired by John Bierce's (https://www.patreon.com/johnbierce/posts ) what if!


No real rules or restrictions, ask whatever questions you'd like, for either series!

I'll collect the questions that most intrigue me and write up answers to them, no promises to get to any/all of them, but I think it's fun.

For readability, please use bulleted lists if you have multiple questions, or otherwise format it to be easily legible, and mention what world you're asking about

(My own disclaimer: Due to the fact Mana Mirror's world has some... things... questions about alternate timeline Malachi's may show up in the eventual text. You're welcome to ask about them, but if you one day spotted something similar, that's why. If they showed up in a short story compilation, then they would with attribution to the asker)

If there end up being enough questions that interest me, who knows, we might get multiple posts out of this! Again, no promises, but it's for fun.



What if Malachi didn't mess up his chance with Alvaro/got with Ivy? What if Evan went heavy into dreamscape stuff instead of faerie stuff? What if Evan went druid or Sorcerer? What if Axel did kill the senator?


What if Malachi stayed with Orkyson?


If Mal had stayed with ory, what level of the idyll tower could he have reached? Would that mean he'd have been sent to an even higher floor once the tower broke? Which vote do you think has been most impactful so far? Any that surprised you with the result?


My questions are Mana Mirror related: - What would have motivated Malachi’s mana choices if his body was male from birth? - What if Malachi had met Kene after they were transformed into a hag? - How would Malachi see the world if he had synesthesia (like color sound)? - What if Malachi had a twin?


1) (journals) what would have happened if Evan goes full Druid? 2) (mana mirror) what would it take for Ikki to kill his Father? 3) (journals) was the amulet Avari gave Evan the reason for his Aura to spark? 4) (mana mirror) will we see more ED, he’s one of my favorite?

John Bierce

What if Malachi got a tiny Karl Marx who kept calling him Engels instead of Dusk?


Mana Mirror What if Orykson and Meadow had each other's personalities as far as their own histories would allow? What if Vivian had actually been a suitable successor for Orykson? What if Mal had taken one of the other full gate life spells? What if Mal had a warlock legacy? What if Mal had never helped to create Dusk? What if Mal had become a melee mage instead? Journals of Evander Tailor: What if Evan and Osheen switched places, and Evan was born a Roark and Osheen was an orphan adopted by Aldvarri? What if Osheen had been the one turning into a fae? What if Evan hadn't become a witch and Osheen wasn't a sorcerer? What if Evan and the Ligature were connected a different plane and entity than the Silver Queen?


Journals: what are some archstars we haven’t seen yet, and what tier are they?


what if Malachi bonds with the hag as a spirit after it separates from Kene?

Kat B M

What if Mal had picked Creation/Desolation?


What if the Kirin and it's mate sparked an egg while in Dusk's world and Malachi bonds with it when his spirit heals?


What if Malachi is able to somehow use the bone fields to heal the damage cause from getting the beast mark?


What gate would Vivian have reached if she never gained Ory's attention?


What effect would using a lushloam seed have if he tried to use it to reinforce his soul or body with his current body (though in perfect condition)


What if Malachi had bonded with space instead of time?