Idle Curiosity Poll (Patreon)
This is NOT going to decide which set of magic Malachi is going to pick, I'm just curious.
At this point in the story, which of the magic gates calls to you most? If you want to comment why, please do!
I've left off Knowledge/Abnegation, since that's... Almost EXACTLY Evan's powerset, lol. That may be a bit 'meta', but I don't want to write two protagonists with the same general magical abilities, just in a different system. The point of Mana Mirror is giving me a break from Cré, so I'm using my author powers to veto that. I am sorry, I don't much like to do that, but it is worth noting.
I've included Creation/Desolation. While his contract does stipulate that he cannot take these, they are potentially an option. I'd advise against it - Orykson has a LOT to offer, after all. But it is a potential option, if everyone thinks it'd be worth tossing aside the contract and going into debt for, it is an option.
I've tentatively included Physical/Mental. Mental magic, by its very nature, has a tendency to go to some dark and ethically ambiguous places. Malachi's already going to be using Death mana, and the tone of Mana Mirror is a bit light. Sure, it isn't sunshine and rainbows, but it's far from dark or gritty. If there's an overwhelming amount of support for Physical/Mental, and it sparks some good discussion, I may consider it more heavily, but I fully admit that, as an author, it's my last choice by FAR.
All in all, as an author, I'm perfectly happy with Lunar/Solar, Telluric/Tempest, or Spatial/Temporal.
I personally lean Spatial/Temporal, since teleportation and extraspatial pocket style magic is very fun, and time magic can do a lot of cool things, like temporal echoes of spells and items.
But voting is a fundamental part of this experience. I want to hear your all's thoughts! :)