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So, as some of you may know, I currently have two family members in the hospital, both sedated. I've gone to visit some family, leaving me with some time off work. Given they're sedated, I haven't been able to do much but sit and look at the wall, read, and write. As such, I'll actually be delivering a chapter tomorrow.

Something else I've done in this time is research and look at some of the other successful patreons that RoyalRoad users have had, and I've come to realize that my patreon is... Very oddly structured.

Part of this is the voting system. Voting is integral to Mana Mirror, and will absolutely continue, but there is going to be a tier restructure that's going to happen very soon, to make my patreon fit the RoyalRoad format better, and allow me to keep more in-tune with the 'norm'


I am creating what I'm calling 'Legacy Tiers' for anyone currently subscribed. Legacy Tier subscribers will get everything they've been promised - So if you're currently the 'Malachi' tier, you'll continue to be able to read the two chapters I put out each week. If you're currently 'Ikki' tier, you'll continue to be able to vote. Etc, etc, etc.

That being said, changes like this are understandably sudden and rough, so I don't blame anyone who wants to skip out. I do ultimately feel like this is best for growing as a story and community while not harming anyone who's supported me thusfar.

And... A big thanks to everyone who's subbed! Seriously, I... Wouldn't be here without you all.

Edit: Just to note, since I had someone ask... If you want to join or bump up a tier, now's the time to do it. I'm unpublishing the Legacy tiers on Monday, so you have four days to get into whatever legacy tier you want. Once it's unpublished, your rewards will stay at the tier you are, but nobody new will be able to join the tier. 



With these changes are you also going to change your RR publishing schedule?

Lila Maynard

Will the general perks included remain the same?