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Hey y'all! I just wanted to show some different typographies I've got that I liked, and I'd love some input!




Not gonna lie these are not doing it for me. Sorry

Connor Brennan

I prefer the second one in blue. I like the consistency and it reads better to my eyes.


Fair. Shawn, the person who did Typo for The Enchanter and Diviner, is crazy busy, so I'm having to find some alternate solutions.

Tim Dedopulos

I want to like the first one, but the letters blur into the background too much for me. The second feels much stronger.


I like the first one. I like the contrast and the “PoP” that the glassy finish in mirror has. But I like the bottom lettering “your name” in black

Lila Maynard

The 1st one is more eye catching and your name reads much better as well, which is important so people recognize it from the Evander books and want to pick it up.


I really like the effect used in the first one. It may be because of the low resolution, but I have trouble reading some of the text there when it's black. The blue text on the second one is much easier to read for me. Once again, not sure if it's the image resolution or what, but I'd check if people can read the text comfortably.