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Someone on my Discord asked for the recipes that Meadow uses, and I thought it could be cool to do something like that. I love to cook, and I've been cooking since I was probably too young to be left alone in the kitchen, which is part of why the food descriptions in my book get a lot of page time.

NOW! THIS WOULD BE A LONG, LONG TERM PROJECT. I'm already working on The Abjurer and Mana Mirror, I don't need a third project, lol. But it's something I wanted to see if there was any interest in.


travis pancake

I mean I would obviously like it to be free or included in the patreon but I respect that it would be a large investment of time for you.


Fair! It also depends on the level I went with - compiling some recipes in the back of the book as a kind of appendix is much easier than giving them all short stories to go with them or such


As Travis said I would like it and think it's an awesome idea, but please don't overwork yourself. It seems like a pretty big investment of time on your end.