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Edited reactions coming soon!

166-167 Reaction

168-169 Reaction



Regarding the pumpkin comment from Gan Fall. Pumpkins didn't exist in Skypia before Jaya so Gan Fall refering to liking the Juice is also refereing to all the things Jaya brought to Skypia. Without wanting to spoil, the pumpkins have an additional meaning which will be revealed later in a short notice.


Soil, farming, pumpkins—I'm pretty sure it will be mentioned repeatedly if it is important. You probably have some vague idea already in your mind. Don't worry about it. It will click eventually. If you don't get it until the next arc I'm sure someone will write a full article in the comment.

Eul Ahn

Gan Fall said he likes pumpkin juice because pumpkin could only grow on earth (Vearth). I think that is the reason why he could not give up upper yard to the Shandians in its entirety. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.


Amazing job connecting Mantra with what Zoro experienced during his fight with Mr 1. Regarding Zoro's lack of directions, there is a funny Fans' Theory. It's believed that if we let Zoro go in the direction he feels we need to go without interrupting him, we would have already found the One Piece ages ago. So basically the theory is The One Piece is in whatever direction Zoro is heading to. Luffy singing is epic. And the song sang during the campfire party with the wolves was sung by the Straw Hats' voice actors.


I always look forward to that moment in skypiea where Luffy sings "Ahoo baka" :D


I will try to remember to tell you the double meaning of what Eneru (I say Enel, fight me) was saying next week. Not exactly a spoiler, but I will hold off for now.

RobinXZoro Addict

The Pumpkin is a bit of luxury that ppl in the sky got used to over the 400 years. He is very honest (and taking the conversation to a more personal level trying to make it more comprehensible) saying the HE cannot do without something instead of saying ppl wont give up their amenities only bc it would be the right thing to do. Its just human to not just give something back that's convenient. It doesnt make the skypians bad ppl, you were right to say he is just in a very difficult position.


eminem the rap god arrived


Luffy's song is so iconic 😂😂😂


One thing I want to add regarding the pumpkins. I don't think his comment necessarily implies they need vearth to grow, since we see him tending to his pumpkin patch at his home where he takes Conis and Pagaya, before Chopper blows the whistle. He states explicitly it's outside of Eneru's range, so they probably aren't growing on vearth, and he mentions sky island clouds can sustain plant life but not birth it. What he likely meant is a little different, which I think will become clearer in a later episode.

Andres Urquijo

I kinda like the Most Wanted as you have it. After all One Piece has many asshat villains (in a good way?). Also, regarding the pumpkin comment. I think he was just expressing his feelings honestly, but didn't expect Wyper's short fuse reaction. I think it was an insensitive comment for sure, but not ill intended. The message is more about the failure of communication between both sides. It may be interesting to consider the real world parallels to this conflict. I'm sure Oda did, to some extent.