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An AMAZING Sanji moment




I'm a little sad that there's no 189 episode, but I'm satisfied because there was a great scene of Sanji Have a great holiday soon


Nami and Ussop interactions are always hilarious


I think the snake Noland cut was much smaller than the one in the sky. Remember all creatures up there evolved to become much bigger.


Sadly the simp trope for Sanji starts off as one of the better ones, but gets progressively worse, early OP it’s done well. I love sanji for his big moments like this one and his backstory/ character focus, but I have the most turbulent relationship with him out of the Stawhats. (Sometimes that’s intentionally story connected, which is good - most times it’s because he’s something of an over the top tone killer)

Takumi King

Carlie is better at guessing ahead of time xD


I would like to bring these two words to your attention: Kin tama/kintama: When Luffy says "I can't get this golden ball (kin tama) off" he says kin tama as kintama, which means testicles, and that is the reason Aisa says "Don't call it that!" Eneru's attack Manaragan: Manaragan is a lightning ancestral being in Australian Aboriginal mythology (Kunwinjku) who "speaks with thunder as his voice" and "rides a storm-cloud and throws lightning bolts to humans and trees" which is a very fitting name to that specific attack and how it is animated.