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The animation and voice acting is TOP TIER!

Episode 7 Reaction

Password: SL7FL



I'm getting "Incorrect Password" when I try to access the video.

Ya Boy

password seems to be false

Kevin Pahson

Incorrect password

Uzair Islam

password not working lol

Maya Coleman

Password isn't working 😕

Ryo Kurosaki

The password is top tier as well

Brother Nature

Do I have to say it at this point 10 ppl beat me to it 😭


They probably misstyped the password into Streamable when posting it


rip password

souma shou

Is it just me or is the password wrong


Ok, guys. Everyone tries to figure out the password, someone's gotta find out with many people trying :D


How is this not resolved yet? It's been an hour.


Because it is 2 am on a monday morning in australia. It will probably take a atleast like 6 more hours.

Smash Bran'Discootch

LMFAO seriously dude? How pathetic can you possibly be? Not only are you getting SUUUUPER butthurt over literally nothing, but you're also being super bitchy in the comments? How sad and lonely is your life that you're sitting here frothing at the mouth constantly refeshing an ANIME REACTION? Don't get me wrong, I dig Carlie and Ange as much as the next person but my life doesn't revolve around them. Go outside. Get some sunshine. Stop acting like the world exists to please your whim. As the kids would say, "Go touch some grass."


Just for fun I tried a couple of typo combos - no luck, GG. If someone else figures it out before they fix it let me know because I’m curious LOL

Reid Dawson

When you guys read the comments about the video being locked, don’t feel bad, you are just human. Anyone with an opinion thats worth paying any mind to are the same people that understand this isn’t a huge deal😂

Carlie & Ange

Soooooo did no one guess SL9FL as the password??? Shame. It was SOOO OBVIOUS.... 👀 Sorry guys ❤️ Should be fixed now!




Haha I tried 6 and 8 but didn’t think to try 9! Thanks guys (:


I tried 1 to 8 and stopped there LMAO

Matt Rhinehart

Cerberus, the three headed hound of Hades, pronounced - Sir-ber-us, is a creature from greek mythology that was the gatekeeper of the underworld. and it was his job to prevent dead souls from escaping back into the mortal world.


The animation popped off this episode damn! Btw the health and longevity buff Jinwoo got is his reward from the Double Dungeon secret quest: Courage of the Weak which Jinwoo survived, though at the time he did not know about the quest or this game system as a whole. He mentions this at the start of the episode, that he hadn't yet checked the reward from that quest. This reward will basically help heal his body overall from any toxins that are poisonous to his health (including alcohol, hence why he can't get drunk), so he drank the poison he got from the first instance dungeon he cleared, the one with the snake, and then the health reward healed him which also helped increase his health stats so that he could finish the fight against Cerberus. I mean I think you guys figured it out but just sharing in case you missed the reason why he drank the poison. Loved the reaction as always! Can't wait for next week!!


I think that Jinwoo will accept Jinho's offer and use the gates they will go into to level up so that he can eventually go to the Demon Castle.


i tried all 10 numbers and also played around a bit with first plart (SOL, SOLO, SLV, SLV) none worked :P


Can't believe he went for the blessed box. I would've gone for the cursed one for sure


Yeah, same here. Looks like we'll never know


@Cayseron you are right..they are not being right with us. That Password did not work. I mean i went a little further to check nearby keys in a qwerty keyboard.. turns out this as interesting as the show itself :P.. Now C & A what was the original password?? lol


havent read the manwha or anything so no spoilers just a theory , but i think he will pick the cursed one soon if he maybe does it again or smth?

souma shou

make this a regular thing where people try to guess the password lmao