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Yesterday we filmed a small tutorial, start to finish, using as little as possible. The emphasis was natural light, and use of highlights and shadows. 

I used my canon R5 and a 50mm 1.2 lens. which is obviously an expensive set up, however I am confident the same quality could be achieved with a much cheaper set up.

For lighting, I used one garage door window during sunset and added atmosphere with a 30$ smoke machine. 

For depth/dimension I used my phone screen or a prism as a reflection obstruction near my lens.



Jeremy Jernigan

Smoke machine better than fogger for your purposes?

Memoirs of Steph

Hey thanks for the support! Yeah, it's much cheaper and more of an effect, the only downside is I can't bring it out doors like I could a can of fogger. I talk a little about that in the video tutorial I'll be adding here soon.

Jeremy Jernigan

Patreon instantly suspended me when I tried joined after you sent me the link lol... I am assuming it was due to me using a VPN. Just got unsuspended about an hour ago