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The beast girl(Mina 01) is ready to rumble! I wanted to give her a cool and unexpected weapon.

So... Nunchucks!

What weapon you recommend for the 2nd muscle level?




Maybe 3 section staff or 9 section whip since it's like an evolution of nunchuck but sadly these weapon is not heavy or strong looking tho


A Morningstar

Klesk Vadrigaar

A flail on the same scale as the Witchking's?

John Doe

How about a ball and chain? Seems like a natural evolution

Corentin Broquet

gosh she is basically big, how much bigger she will become after ? oO As a weapon suggestion, a good ol' big axe would be sufficient :p


Oh, she is a fast lady, eh? A nunchuk was really unexpected! Maybe her next weapon could be something she grabs from the background, maybe breaking a pillar or an iron I-beam and using it as a bo staff or improvise a huge tonfa, but keep it martial arts.


Ah! The weapon of Guan Yu, I think. Maybe something more... weird?


She is in third place. The witch and the queen in their final forms will be larger.


AH! I think this is the perfect choice! Where did she find it? Who cares!


I will do some sketch with the given ideas. The anchor sounds good. Or maybe a traffic light with the pole and everything?