🌟[Early Access] TACS 2 - FOP - Page 75 // ✏️[WIP] TACS 2 - FOP - Page 76 I Flats (Patreon)
2024-05-08 15:39:30
Ongoing stuff:
❗Feedback Round 1 Concluded, check your replies! II TACS 2 - Chapter 6: Suggestion Thread: After a rather eventful lesson with Mrs. Crocker, Timmi ran off. What happens next?
Project Overview
Project Overview
Hey everyone,
sorry for the lack of a post yesterday. RL has been busy with the festival being tomorrow (I'm gone from morning till midnight, so there won't be a post) + my wife's not feeling that well emotionally recently. Basically, my attention is all over the place lately, so sometimes I don't get anything done. I'm sure it will be back to the usual soon, but for now I can't make any promises how much I can get done till Tuesday next week.
We reached the deadline for the monthly fanart and sequence, but I'm not sure I can post the polls for them tomorrow. I might have to post them the day after on Friday based on how much time I got.
I'm happy that I finally got a new TACS 2 page done. I got started on the next one but it once again will take some time till it's finished based on the current circumstances.
Thanks for your patience,
have a nice day,
have a nice day,
PS: I'm almost done with all the feedback stuff, doesn't look like I need another feedback round tbh, therefore I'll hopefully post the poll for the next TACS 2 chapter soon :)