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Ongoing stuff:

TACS 2 - Chapter 6 - Picture Corruption: Revote on Elimination Round (Deadline: October 19th, 9pm CEST)

❗Monthly Sequence - Re-Voting Phase (Deadline: October 16th, 5pm CEST)

Project Overview

Once again a belated post!

Not because I wasn't working today, but because I had to go out and do some stuff before night fell xD
I've had two more frame ideas for the sequence so I've added the roughs for that before cleaning up the remaining frames that were left before getting started on the lines. I am itching to stream again so I'll be probably doing a 4 hour lineart stream of that piece.. hoping to get that done xD

Besides that I've been gathering the results of the elimination round of the scenario stuff which sadly has to go through another revote before I can start scripting ^^



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