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Ongoing stuff:

Editing Progress: 1035/2875 Posts

Edited years: 2017-2019 + 2024

Estimated remaining worktime: 10h

Thought I'd share a brief overview how things are progressing. I severely underestimated just how much posts I have to go through for checking. I've been sitting at my PC for 2 hours straight going through ~362 posts of 2024's content. I'll break the next few years up into smaller pieces, cause I actually want to get some drawing done as well. So in case you were wondering why I didn't stream today, that was the reason.

After I took care of 2024 I got back to cleaning up the fanart and sequence. I got started on the lines for the fanart afterward but there's still a lot to be done till that stage is finished. I'll continue my work on it tomorrow and also hoping to finally prepare some of the Sketch Tier sketches :)





god damn, love that boob window, especially the nipples peaking way into it