✏️[WIP] Colored Sketches of December 2024 I Flats (Patreon)
Ongoing stuff:
Monthly Sequence - Voting Phase (Deadline: December 13th, 3pm CET)
Monthly Fanart - Voting Phase (Deadline: December 13th, 3pm CET)
TACS 2 - Chapter 6 Progress:
8,5/26 pages of script visualized, storyboard: 9 pages thus far
Hey there!
Today I got started on the monthly colored sketches. I've added the flats and aim to finish shading one of the two tomorrow :) Besides that I continued with the storyboard of the chapter. Seems so far each page of script equals one page of comic. Therefore it's highly likely that the next chapter will have 26 pages, we'll see how many it will be in the end. Even though I am just drawing small page thumbnails progress has been rather slow. I might leave my room tomorrow to test out if I thrive in a different environment while doing these ^^
I hope you like the progress so far,