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The google drive folder got updated already :)

The transformations depicted are happening in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Ongoing stuff:

❗TACS 2 - Chapter 5 - Suggestion Thread: After  a dozen of changes in the girls locker room and the encounter with  Chester, Timmi is on her way to her next lesson. What happens next?

Project Overview

Hey there!

Finally the second page for this month ^^ It's been months on end where I was able to only finish one page of TACS 2 per month, so I'm happy I finally managed to do more ^^

This marks also marks the end of the suggestion thread for chapter 5. I will answer the last suggestions tonight and collect everything tomorrow for the poll I'll be posting ^^

With those pages done I'll fully focus on the monthly fanart and sequence now so I don't run into the risk of accumulating a lot of backlog! I also don't have any appointments in the morning anymore which means that I can finally focus on the colored sketches and Patron sketches as well ^^

Hope you like the finished page,

have a nice day and stay safe!


I'll greet new Patrons tomorrow, I ran out of time ^^;



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