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Ongoing stuff:

Hey there!

I'm still not done with page 72 and I probably won't finish it before Monday. I am busy in the morning with a family visit before I got an orchestra gig after lunch till the evening which leaves me with almost no time to work on something. I might sketch a one-shot idea if inspiration hits me, but I can't make any promises.

I haven't heard back from the fanart poll winner so far and the sequence poll is still ongoing so I can't sketch anything regarding that so far so that's something for next week Monday as well.

Thank you all for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the last colored sketch I've finished today in the meantime ^^

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and stay safe!




Cole jones

If you do decide to sketch something tomorrow maybe you could do the bakugo my hero corruption you sketched when you first thought of the my hero corruption idea. That was one I was looking forward to you doing the most and I would love to see you fully do it like the Deku and Uraraka corruption.