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Ongoing stuff:

Hey there!

I began working on the Patreon sketches this morning, managed to finish the rough concepts of 3 of them while cleaning up the first.

After lunch I focused on cleaning up the sketches for the monthly fanart and sequence and started working on the lines for the monthly fanart. I managed to finish some of the lines, I'll finish the remaining ones tomorrow and continue with the sequence.

If everything continues like this I should be able to finish everything before the end of the month. I'm still sick but feeling good enough.

I hope you like today's WIPs,

have a wonderful day and stay safe!




Cole jones

Hope you feel better and can be back to a 100% soon.


Looking amazing as always Hope your feeling better soon

Ice rock bug Night

are these shorter versions of mineta corrupted or is it a different universe aka the one there deck and mineta are already bimbo


Thanks ^^ and I already do feel better, still battling the residue of the sickness but other than that I'm fine :)