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Ongoing stuff:

Hey there!

I've been working on and off on my stuff today. Had to help out my parents with some stuff so I wasn't constantly on my PC ^^ Got another sketch of the patron sketchdump done and got really close to finishing the fanart, there is still a little bit of shading left, some fixes in the background and the speech bubbles. I might be finishing it tomorrow and take the remaining day off ^^




Finn the Human

Now I want to see the end result of that Cow TF... wait... can Schinkn do anthro TF cuz this is the first I've seen of it by them


I think I never did full-on anthro stuff xD I am pretty decent at nailing down everything below the face, but snouts or whatever else elude me skill-wise so far ^^

Finn the Human

Have you tried doing a nose snout? In practice I mean like the nose just has animalistic qualities but not a full on muzzle n stuff?

Finn the Human

Although you can simply do anthro or animal TF stuff without changing the face like the artist Elek does cowgirl stuff without snouts and stuff... just established characters with bellies, udders, etc from the neck down XD


Drawing characters with a lot of animal features may be something I enjoy occasionally but I never had the urge to implement that into my main projects.. yet, we'll see xD