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Ongoing stuff:

Hey there!

Made some decent progress today. Still, not as much as I intended to due to the reason that I was busy configuring myself a new entire rig today.

After 7 years of working with this PC I finally decided to upgrade every aspect of it and because new hardware isn't compatible + doesn't fit in my current case I decided to work from the ground up. New setup got a 1TB SSD, 16GB of VRAM, and 32GB of RAM with a way better CPU.

My PC was struggling with loading files, my CPU and GPU are at their limits sometimes and rendering some timelapses became quite a hassle. With all those upgrades I should be set for another 7 years hopefully and enables me to enable more ambitious stuff (and file sizes if needed)

That means tho, once said assembled PC arrives I need some time to install my art programs and essentials. So it may affect some uploads but I hope I can keep it to a minimum. Still, my projects files are stored on an external drive for quite some time now due to this PC getting older and crashing occasionally. Therefore I should be ready to continue work as soon as Clip Studio Paint and Rebelle are up and running again ^^

That's about it, thank you all for your continuous support without it I probably would've never been able to upgrade any of my hardware ^^

Have a wonderful day,




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