Decembrrrrrr (Patreon)
Hello gorgeous(es)! You may have noticed there wasn't a story in November. I'm sorry about that - I've been writing, I promise! I'm actually working on two at the moment, they're just not done yet.
I had a cute theory that being unemployed would give me more time to work on stories. The opposite wound up being true. Life became so unpredictable and unstructured that time to write, work out, etc became a constant moving target.
The very good news is that I've accepted a job offer and this month will see some things returning to normal! Obviously, starting a new job in a new office with new colleagues will come with its own set of challenges, but I'm looking forward to having more organization to my days at the very least (it doesn't hurt it's a job I'm also really excited about).
Here's to new stories this month, and big bodybuilding achievements in 2023!