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Hereeeee's another TOP video as promised! :D

This time we reacted to the English lyrics video as well as their live performance (Korean version) on Mcountdown - had lots to talk about (still) and had a lot of fun with our discussions :D

Also, fanboying as usual XD duh.

But this all builds up to Slump, and then the Go Live album - so we hope you're excited :D and having fun as much as we are!

Thank you always for giving suggestions, great links, and encouraging comments, and apologies for the raw jumpscare face in the middle XDXD. It was morning and I hadn't had my coffee yet. Can you tell we're invested in SKZ? Yeh.

Enjoy <3



Oh. Im excited. So glad I didn't go to bed yet. I'm definitely interested to see what you think of the English version. Also real quick. I'm going to mention it again. You still haven't listened to hoodie season the 3Racha version. I don't know what it is but when Han says and I ain't even afraid no more it just makes me feel. What does it make me feel? I still don't know but it just makes me feel and I love it. "What is going on with their... Wow." Exactly D'some. Yeah I can definitely understand that. Some words did sound a little bit mumbled or jumbled and squished together. Lee know looks absolutely stunning in this performance. I love the ending pose of TOP so much. RIGHT HAN-C!! Yeah it's just white mascara. It makes it pop so much. It's so dynamic. It is the first time you call changbin sexy. And it's such a shame honestly. Because all of them are sexy. Lol. So what would have made the mix better for this? Is it just turning down the volume so you can hear the voices? Or like what would you have done differently? Oh yeah, in music videos there's a lot of cutaways so you don't get to see the full choreography which kind of takes away some of its power sometimes. Oh yes, we love fierce seungmin in this house. Lol not D'some jumpscare. Oooo, ok tattoos. Looking good D'some. Truly. Sometimes they pull sneaky little tricks and they start to sound like each other and it's crazy. Okay yes, while I think top is a banger of a song, slump is just one of those ones man. It's so beautiful and powerful and just well produced. It's absolutely amazing. And I completely agree. You need to watch their first take of that video. Honestly, you should watch all of their first take videos. I think they have like five total but yeah. Bye my handsome sausages. 🫰🏾


i cannot wait for u to react to slump AHHHJJJJHRHEEHEHDJDJA (also fyi - it’s felix’s favourite song. he keeps talking about slump)


I think the Japanese version of Circus has English, Korean, and Japanese (but I could be wrong about that and might be English and Japanese only). Top is one of my favorite multi language songs!!! Can't wait for more multi version reactions!!

Sam w

This is one of those songs that almost doesn't sound like stray kids to me? Like it sounds like an anime ost that they covered, and then I remember that they actually wrote it and it's their song, and then I get irritatingly happy. I don't really know how to explain it


to answer that question, it is only Han that does it, and In was his echo on stage, he does it multiple times on live performances of this song, and i love the morning face 😍 and final thought of this entry.... Top is the intro to tower of god, and Slump is the Outro of tower of god

Estelle S

Oh, man... for trying to distinguish voices, the HARDEST song for me to figure out is Going Dumb! Drives me batty, ngl!! I'M SO EXCITED TO GET TO SLUMP!! YES, First Take!! Slump is also for Tower of God as an ost I think but as like the ending credits song? Idk for sure, since I didn't watch the show, but that's how it's related to TOP. :) Also, Slump was written by Han, if you guys didn't know already. 🫡😊 Can't wait!! 😁 Edit: also also, YES, CHANGBIN IS SEXY ALWAYS, AND YES. Seungmin at the end! 😍 I love this look on ALL of them. ...except the white eyelashes on Felix... 😅 it weirds me out for some reason. But his hair and outfit are still 🔥 Edit 2: there IS a song that 3Racha did with SKY-HI that is all 3 languages by the way, it's called Just Breathe 😁😁


AHHHHH I loved! And I just finished Tower of God (again kkkk) because the second seson will be out in July.. Oh I can't wait for SLUMP! i love this song so much! Lee Know's vocals are amazing!


Oh!! One song I can think of with all english, korean, and japanese in one song is 'Just Breath' by Sky-hi and 3racha. Maybe you can listen to it in the future! It's one of my fav collab songs from them🫶🏻

J.A. Moore

Han-C Watching you reacting to the live performance was one of those times when I was SURE you were going to throw your underwear. HAHAHAHA

J.A. Moore

Yep, they wrote and sang it, AND it's an OST for an anime. Trifecta!!


Lyric videos are not always correct. That's my only takeaway lol. And Changbin is always sexy.

Kiki Meowzilla

To answer your last question, Slump is the closing OST for Tower of God. So, Top and Slump are a pair! Can't wait and since you are taking suggestions for links here is mine: Live from their 2023 5-STAR Dome Tour in Japan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oexDoRjCvw They also performed it live in 2021 for a fan meeting but it was when Hyunjin was on hiatus so I think this 2023 version is better since its all the boys!


TOP is the opening OST for Tower of God. Slump is the ending OST for the anime. So that's why they are connected to each other :D


I love Top, the song, the choreography and the MV. Perfection across the board!

Jenni Heath

Slump is one of my all time favorite SKZ songs! Slump is also a song that they do Japanese Korean and English

Jenni Heath

Double Knot and Levanter they also do in Korean, Japanese, and English versions.

Jenni Heath

I believe Circus was only Korean and Japanese. I wish they did an English version!


I warn you: Slump is mind blowing! And Chanbin is always sexy, but probably the most underrated member. I feel him to be the backbone of Stray Kids, a solid grounding for all of them. You normally don’t see the backbone, but if you look closely it is definitely sexy, especially if held straight! And Chanbin never bows, is always upright, keeping them on TOP of everything…


FYi: sometime lyrics videos get the member that is singing the part wrong or since they put the videos so fast they don’t see the live performances to confirm who’s actually singing so however is singing in the performance is 9/10 times who’s singing in the studio version, the part Han-C was asking about is sang by I.N and Han, the first time by Innie and the second one by Han but I do think I.N ends up singing it all in the live performances cause he’s at the front so he will sing with Han’s backtrack if that makes sense

bald frog

!!!!!! very excited for slump and go live i'm having hair erections


Haven’t started watching the reactions yet but gotta comment that Han-C starting with aegyo while D’some was trying to do the intro really just made me smile so wide xD


I mean the Japanese version used all 3 languages, not the was a version for each language. There's only Japanese (the original) and Korean versions of the songs yes.


I'm very excited for slump the first take video! It btw also has the song lyrics, so you don't necessarily need to check out a colour coded lyrics video. Just turn on the subtitles when they start singing the song (I wouldn't recommand turning them on from the beginning of the video because they talk a bit first which is covered by in-video subtitles and the youtube subtitle function coveres those, but for the song they don't have in-video subtitles so as i said it's good to turn on the youtube subtitles. Hope you understand what i mean xDD)


Changbin is always sexy, thank you :) Everyone is already saying everything that needs to be said, so just a couple of side notes: 1. The single album 'TOP -Japanese ver.-' hasn't left the Oricon chart since its release in 2021 :DD 2. As someone already said, that part was probably Han and IN, and Han is probably singing too 3. I'm so glad you're listening to SLUMP before the SKZ Code family episode so you could get the reference xDD AND YEEESSSS FIRST TAKE LET'S GOOOOOO!! If you like the format, SKZ performed a total of 5 songs on the channel, in order: SLUMP, Scars, Mixtape: OH, Case 143, Lost Me

melinda castillo

I love the English version of slump


For a livestream or a special, you should watch the full Maniac Concert! It’s on DVD from seoul and japan. It’s so good and they do TOP with a new mix I think with a live band.


Double knot and levanter have a Korean, English, and Japanese version as well as the ending song they have for Tower of God called Slump has all 3 versions. As for the lyrics/line distribution that you thought were Han and Hyunjin lyrics tend to get members wrong a lot because they try to get them out so fast. It’s unclear who is actually singing those parts on the actual recording but for performances it is I.N singing those parts. Slump is the ending song to Tower of God it’s why they are often paired together. Slump is by far my favorite of the two and I love all 3 versions but for whatever reason maybe it’s because English is my native language but I gently like the English version more than the others but only slightly. The First Take is definitely a must watch but I recommend listening to the actual studio recording version of the Japanese one first and then the First Take. Then you can go on to the Korean and English one.

Star Dust

The lyric videos are often wrong for who is singing. But on the music shows, I think the on-screen lyrics actually come from SKZ. I could be wrong, but I think those are the official lyrics like in the album lining, so the person indicated should be correct.

Star Dust

Slump and Top are sisters :)

Stacy Marie

I constantly watch the First Takes, especially OH 🤌🏻 But that's on the NOEASY album aaaand you guys have a music video first for that one 👏🏻