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Yes. Absolutely right that season two is where it's at.

Outdoing themselves like it's nothing. THIS WAS HILARIOUS. :D


This season is going to be so much better, and we thought season 1 was already a masterpiece XD. Such a pleasure to watch ATEEZ be ATEEZ and add endoscopy on top? It's guaranteed comedic gold.

The staff realllly upped their game with on screen texts as well, and boy, there were too many things that couldn't be explained properly through basic subs, but where applicable (aka where I noticed while editing), I did add extra context to make it make sense.

Be aware that the entire show had text full of Korean wordplays, but I put a few explanations here and there as an example of its complexity.

If you have specific questions about certain parts (why was this funny, what was said by this member, what was written on screen, etc.) we'll elaborate on that section as usual :)

Hope you enjoy this, because we had a blast, and as always,




Oooo, new season of Ateez. Can't wait to watch. I'm so behind on so many things 😩


Ahhhh!!! Can't wait to get home to watch!


This was one of the funniest things ateez has done (also because of the great editing)!! It really went by wayyyy to quickly. Edit: The thing you guys said at the end about Mingi really made me think, I hadn't thought about it like that. But it really makes sense, Mingi is a sensitive person and I think that he's the type of person to be more doubful of himself which might be why he likes to receive this straight forward type of love and validation. Also I wanted to ask is if there's a seperate space or something similar for recommending contents for you guys to watch? Or should I just mention it in a comment?

Sam w

wooyoung being a little ass, mingi and his instant "I'm a beast, new record, can't beat me" an yeo being so adorably polite! I love these episodes, they make me so happy!


Mingi really has changed a lot. If you go back and watch their first appearance on Weekly Idol (shared episode with ONEUS; ep. 412), it is hilarious, and you can see more of the spark he had prior to quarantimes and his hiatus. It's nice that he's slowly loosening back up and showing his funny side more. I'm so glad they decided to make Wanteez an ongoing thing. It really does keep getting better and better. I can't wait until you get to episodes 19-21.


Yay! One of my favorite moments of ATEEZ is Mingi dancing during this episode 😂😂

Eva Minster

This season is my favourite. I loved Mingi this whole season. I love how you can see Mingi waking up while standing up. It was like he woke up while sleep walking


There were a couple extra clips at the end of the episodes you missed, after the previews, that showed their results in the first episode (eye test, blood pressure, etc) and in the second episode, Hongjoong after the procedure (he just slept peacefully haha). I think they were all just that extra bit more playful and snippy with each other here because they were fasting and probably hangry lol. Especially Wooyoung 😂


I love this episode! My favourite part is Wooyoung's angry-funny muttering when he's just woken up :)

Stacey Mac

Loved these episodes. And as someone who works in the medical field and deals with insurance companies not approving procedures for patients, this makes me want to just send all of my patients to Korea to get excellent medical care. You can’t even get these done in the U.S. at their ages. Insurance won’t cover it.


Why does it feel like a mission success whenever you two laughed out loud! Hahahahahahaha! It's so fun! Looking forward to the next ones. :)


Ah so fun. And i agree, The episodes are indeed wày too short. It's like they set a time limit on some episodes. Sometimes It seems like 60% of what was filmed ends up on the cutting floor and it feels abit rushed. Mingi's "rolling" veins is a thing. Mine are like that. As soon as the needle enters my skin, my vein dodges out of the way. Just like Jongho was to San: blublublublu, missed me! Mhuaha try again!


Thank u for ur extra editing!! Specially for us who know like one word of korean 😭


400$ FOR A FULL CHECK UP?!? WOW! I might need to do that. Bcuz i ended up in the emergency room for dislocating my rib and it was 1200$ 😩. Yo that new intro is DOPE!!!!! Not going to lie. I really miss Hong Joong's split hair. But I'm loving yeo sangs longer hair. Mingi...they are asking for a number 🤦🏾‍♀️ my sweet, precious boy 😩. Seeing them all with dark/ black hair is honestly a little bit strange. Mingi, what? Why did he change his mind like that? Is he afraid of seonghwa and yunho? Sorry I had to run for a bit because somebody else was reacting to stray kids album. The sound and I fucking love that album but I'm back now. It's kind of interesting that we're going to see these idols get a full checkup. Interesting, but extremely fascinating. I can't wait for this actually. Is that thing measuring their height? That is the cutest way to get your height measured ever. I am not a fan of needles or blood whatsoever. I literally have to look away whenever I am getting my blood drawn because it freaks me out so much. Even if I get a glimpse of it, my heart will start racing and I will start to get a headache. I cannot do it at all. Yeah that went really quickly. D'some the way you were like nodding so enthusiastically when Han-C said this feels like another show we're watching was so cute. Mingi is so adorably naive. I adore him so much more for it because I can be the same way. Okay, but as much as I hate needles I feel like that empty tubing that they keep in your body to get the IV stuff in feels worse because I can literally feel that tiny tube taking up space in my body and it makes me so irrationally uncomfortable. Like I can't sit, I can't lay down. I'm afraid to bend my arms even though it's plastic and it moves easily. It terrifies me. I've only had to deal with it once and that was for that emergency trip where it cost $1,200 but I hated every minute of it. Oh I thought they were going to do it one by one and kind of like make the time work for them. So does this mean that they were there for 8 hours. Woo young is absolutely fucking adorable on anesthesia. Oh my gosh. Mingi is so fucking adorable. I kind of love him right now. Wow. Mingi is the star of this episode. Oh Yeo sang is SLUMPED. Ah someone please watch after san! Awww yunho got the hiccups and it woke him up. Wait so where are all the members going after they wake up from their nap after the endoscopy? Oh in the recovery room. Okay. Well at least I got some good sleep. Wait why is yunho doing the ending when he wasn't the first one in the endoscopy. What is going on? This really was so short. Like I really could have watched their entire checkup process which is strange because I do not care for going to the doctors whatsoever. It weirds me out. But this was shockingly entertaining.

Handsome Sausages

If it's a floating idea, feel free to comment. If it gets down to the nitty gritty of shows and all, DM us ! :D

Elizabeth Lowery

I love watching your reactions to Wanteez so much, I look foward to it each week! I can't wait until you get to episodes 19-21! Don't forget to watch to the end of the next episode, there is a little cookie you don't want to miss :)!


In UK you get nothing...I had an endoscopy and they just gave me some numbing throat spray and held me down... Was free tho so 🤷‍♀️