[Tier 2] SKZ Seungmin - Start Over / You Were Beautiful Cover (Patreon)
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Here's our reaction to SKZ Seungmin's cover of Gaho's Start Over (Itaewon Class OST) and Day6's You Were Beautiful (예뻤어).
We love SKZ Player, and how following it in chronological order got us from dance cover marathon to vocal covers. :') So good.
And as we always say, Seungmin's vocal skills are crazy underrated.
We love you Seungmin. You ARE beautiful. :D
Enjoy <3
EDIT: There were some unknown audio issues in this video (we found no problems elsewhere - only on the exported file) and are trying to pinpoint the exact cause of this! For the two missing audio sections that we found - the transcript goes something like this:
6:30 - 'Also because, I don't know how they got the instrumental/backing track but, maybe it's in part because they couldn't get it from the OG producers and had to remove the vocal track, and that caused some loss in quality in the process'
18:10 - 'That's probably why it sounds more 'pure' quote on quote; I think Seungmin is genuinely a big fan of Day6 and we could tell even when we were watching SKZ Survival Show ...'
Apologies! :) Hope this helps!