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Here's our reaction to SKZ Seungmin's cover of Gaho's Start Over (Itaewon Class OST) and Day6's You Were Beautiful (예뻤어).

We love SKZ Player, and how following it in chronological order got us from dance cover marathon to vocal covers. :') So good.

And as we always say, Seungmin's vocal skills are crazy underrated.

We love you Seungmin. You ARE beautiful. :D

Enjoy <3

EDIT: There were some unknown audio issues in this video (we found no problems elsewhere - only on the exported file) and are trying to pinpoint the exact cause of this! For the two missing audio sections that we found - the transcript goes something like this:

6:30 - 'Also because, I don't know how they got the instrumental/backing track but, maybe it's in part because they couldn't get it from the OG producers and had to remove the vocal track, and that caused some loss in quality in the process'

18:10 - 'That's probably why it sounds more 'pure' quote on quote; I think Seungmin is genuinely a big fan of Day6 and we could tell even when we were watching SKZ Survival Show ...'

Apologies! :) Hope this helps!


Mariya Fae

A nice treat just before starting work! Thank you for this. Have not heard these covers before, so I am very excited! After watching, I noticed that D'Some's voice cut out a couple of times. Was this an accident? Looking forward to the Handsome Sausage cover of "You Were Beautiful"!! Thank you for this reaction. Seungmin is awesome!

Green Hayes

I cant wait for more Seungmin covers especially “Phobia” https://youtu.be/xndR58WxI2c?si=j-X_y7T5IQ-10doh And his latest and OST from Photo Studio “Destiny” Here Always OST is still my favourite 💚 As always thank u for reacting 👊🏻


Seungmin always brings so much emotion 🥰


Ah thank you for reacting to these beautiful covers! I love Seungmin's voice and I think he started doing these covers because he found a vocal teacher outside of JYPE (idk if he switched in between, but last thing we know is that it's the same vocal teacher as Baekhyun from EXO) and wanted to share his improvement with us. (fun fact: in between the time Seungmin started going to this vocal teacher and now, I.N and Lee Know also started going to this vocal teacher!) The thing I love most with these covers is that you get to see what the members think their vocals suit best or what they like to sing the most personally. So if you look at I.N's covers, they're such a different choice from Seungmin's! Also: this made me so enthusiastic for you to start reacting Lee Mujin Service! You've probably been recommended this series already, but I think you would love it, not only for SKZ (Seungmin, Han and I.N all have an episode). But until then, I'll wait patiently haha


Man. I'll watch this a bit later. I'm getting ready for work. Ok let's do this. I love when Seungmin cover's songs. I love getting to hear the different tones he can absolutely crush. Like i genuinely have not heard a bad cover from him. Oh was the first one originally a Day6 song? Very interesting how you both had the same analogy but it was kind of different. That comparison has been made since before stray kids even debuted. And I love that it's still coming up to this day. And I'm sure Seungmin loves it because he is such a huge Day6 fan. Oooo a handsome sausage cover?! I need it. I LOVE this cover so much. Han-C getting lost in the song is so real. Yes you know Seungminnie is gonna do a Day6 cover justice. Yes Han-C. That is the way to listen to this cover, eyes closed and let him transport you. Yea Seungmin doesn't need any cheat codes. Mans is a powerhouse when ut comes to singing. I feel like bcuz he is such a fan of Day6 he knows all of the nuances of the song and he knows how replicate it. I absolutely love Han and Seungmins voice together.


I love day6 + seungmin. skz have absolute admiration for the whole day6 band.


Speaking of Day6, they are absolutely killing it in korea right now. They are literally everywhere. It's university festival season, and they are literally in every university (sometimes performing in 2 universities in one day) including mine, which I missed😭, and 예뻤어 and 한 페이지가 될 수 있게 is consistently in melon top 10 these past months. You were beautiful is one of my favorite cover of seungmin along with 'ghost'. There's just something in seungmin singing that touches the heart😭❤️. I think it's the hard work and passion along with talent that is just so attractive ang touching.


So if I remember correctly, Chan talked about the "Itaewon Class" OST cover in one of his VLives (I just don't remember which one), and he said that he recorded the instrumental from scratch and you can hear Chan in the vocal chorus, so you are correct about it being slightly different.

Estelle S

I cannot WAIT for you guys to get to Seungmin's OST tracks. Especially, Phobia and Destiny, his most recent ones! He's always, always had a lovely, beautiful, expressive, amazing voice but just hearing how much he's grown over the years is so so so cool and such an honor that our singing puppy is so good and keeps improving his craft - Even though he's already SO GOOD. I think they all have in their respective roles, but I feel Seungmin has the most...? IDK, in my opinion, anyway :) ALSO, can't wait for you guys to get to Love Me or Lose Me covered by Lee Know. I seriously can't listen to the Day 6 song anymore because I just hear Lee Know's vocals and have to go listen to his version. lol.

Estelle S

Oh, OR Han and Seungmin's cover of Zombie & Congratulations!! OHHHhhhh, this is going to be a FUN Journey!!


And Han is now at the same vocal teacher, so that's 4/8 of SKZ working with Voice Tuning.


from my understanding he only joined Lee Know once or twice haha, but obviously we'll never know for sure


Here's a cute moment with Chan & Seungmin reacting to Seungmin's cover of "Start Over". https://youtu.be/gbk7UiuXN2g?si=iZgy58MQdRu2ipcI


„You were beautiful“ is also in a live version sung by Seungmin and BangChan available in the live concert DVD of the Maniac Tour. And in it Seungmin is singing it so powerfully and beautifully!


I'll say it again, but seungmin's voice can hold SO many emotions, it blows me away how deep his voice hits!!


I know!He's done such an amazing job this far, and he's showing no signs of stopping. And I've always gotten this Day6-feel from some of Lee Knows parts that I couldn't put my finger on (like in Ex or 24 to 25, amongst others), and with his cover of Love me or Lose me I realised that it's because in some tones his voice really rwminds me of Sungjin. It's such a good cover, can't wait for that either.


All of a sudden I’m dying to see you guys start reacting to Lee Mujin Service, so many good artists (including SKZ and ATEEZ members) and you get to see different sides of them. So good 😊

Gail Palmer

I just have to say a big thank you to all the Sausages. You all amaze me with your thoughtful comments and extensive knowledge of SKZ discography. I have so much fun learning from you and, of course, Handsome Sausages. This neophyte Ancient Stay loves all of you. ❤️😘

Ceci n Ana

LOVE this reaction!! there’s just something about seungmin’s voice. if it were a person, it would be the boy next door. …or, well, seungmin. 🤷🏻

Kacey Miller

When you get to Seungmin’s cover of Zombie, there is the audio version with Han, but there’s also a live version with Bangchan.


Can’t wait for you guys react to all the OST are Seungmin have, in total they are 4: - Here Always - Close to you - Phobia - Destiny And you need really watch the Lee Mujin Service of Seungmin, IN and Han they’re amazing

Estelle S

Aww you're so sweet!! 🥰 I prefer the term "Granny Stay" but whichever, we're glad you're here!! 🫶🏻😉🥰

Gail Palmer

Ha, ha…I would too only my kids never blessed me, but I might inherit a few. We shall see. 😁

Star Dust

Background for Hansome Sausages, the reason he sang live with Bang Chan is because HAN got sick just before the performance, so Bang Chan stepped in and learned the song in just a couple hours.

Kumu Leato S. Savini

YAAASSSS SEUNGMIN!!! Thank you for covering these HS!


All this reaction proved to me is that you are going to pass away whenever you get to watch Seungmin's episode of 리무진 서비스. His vocal tone alone.....