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Here's our reaction to SKZ Changbin's Cypher! :D

Enjoy <3


Musicians react & review ♡ SKZ Changbin - Cypher

DIFFERENT CHANGBIN STYLE IN ONE TRACK? SIGN ME UP. Moving on from Han and Seungmin's tearjerker of a cover, Congratulations by Day6, is Changbin's career ending Cypher track, featuring 4 different sounds and 4 different styles - one of which we noticed was the infamous Maze of Memories. We're sure the other tracks used in this piece eventually came out as a full, separate track, but we didn't catch anything else - probably because we haven't reacted to them yet! Either way, this was a one of a kind Cypher featuring a single rapper - Changbin - as he takes the listeners through 4 distinct styles AND story - progressing from beat to beat - to visualize his incredible mindset, journey, and determination as a part of SKZ, and ultimately, as a solo artist. Wonderful stuff, mad respect to Changbin, and though we're not exactly sure what went down in Show Me The Money, we know Changbin was probably fire and deserved a pass! If you wish to see our reaction to ALL SKZ songs in order from the start, shows like SKZ Code, SKZ survival show, and many other fun stuff, and gain access to exclusive discord server where we host livestreams, head over to our patreon at http://patreon.com/handsomesausages !! Kpop producers and singer-songwriters react to SKZ Changbin's Cypher. Enjoy! Sound at http://soundcloud.com/hsausages Follow us on IG: @handsomesausages Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 1:00 - Reaction 3:53 - Initial Thoughts & SMTM 5:05 - Cypher & Maze of Memories 6:56 - Lyrical Development 8:04 - Lyrics Analysis 9:22 - Chick Chick Bang 10:20 - GIVE CHANGBIN A MEDAL 11:05 - SHOUTOUT #skz #straykids #kpopreaction



Yes. I'm excited. So the first part is from an amazing song called scars. The ending lyrics of the second part was in thunderous, if i'm not mistaken. Maze of memories was next. No clue where the last part is from. But it was so amazing. The first time I heard it trying to keep up with the beat changes made me so dizzy but like I was in love with it. He is so stinking talented. Also, I had discovered this song after I had listened to all of their other songs. So I immediately heard the parts of those songs in this Cypher. HAN-C?!? YES MAZE OF MEMORIES WAS THERE. it was so fascinating to me. Y'all reacted to supernova? I gotta go back to your YouTube. Ive been on patreon mainly.


I was just about to sleep😭...now I have to watch this Edit: First of all this cypher is absolutely fire, changbin really showed that he can rap to any type of track/genre🔥 About Smtm, this cypher was released around a week before the episode was released where he got eliminated if I remember correctly. Unfortunately he was extremely nervous during that round and I'm sure tiredness added to that cuz it was filmed right during their busy backdoor comeback schedules. On top of that the song choice was not the best, so all in all he was just not his best self. So I kind of understand his elimination, at the same time people who were worse somehow passed so idk. But well that's in the past, and we all know how good of a rapper Changbin is, so he doesn't need smtm to prove himself as a rapper!!


Thanks kings


Maybe watch changbins part in show me the money. He makes a few mistakes in that 60 sec part and gets cut so it wasn’t his best self unfortunately

Jenni Heath

Also, the first track is from Scars. It's a single you guys haven't got to it yet but it is in my top 3 SKZ songs.


I was so confused why they didn't pick up recognising the first part at first, then I realised on the alternative sausage time line we have not reached that part of the SKZ journey, makes me so excited for many brilliant reactions to come.


When SKZ was in LA for the end of their tour last year, Changbin performed Cypher during the solo stage part of the show. At previous shows, he’d mostly been doing Doodle, so him suddenly doing Cypher was a huuuuge surprise. Hearing him rap this live was incredible. My jaw was on the floor. Lowkey my favorite memory from that concert lol


Lol. You two are totally giving off married couple vibes tonight! That's literally me and my husband. Him, getting the giggles over something stupid and me being mystified over whats so funny...but I love him to bits, so it works. I'm glad he can tap into that happiness randomly, makes me wish I was still a kid. You're great Han- C! D- Some, I'm with you...I think I'd need a drink or two to find "click clack chick chick bang"... So funny. Han- C's laugh is contagious though! 🤣


Trying to keep it Spoiler Free since its stuff you haven't gotten to yet. I remember listening to a new release and it bugging the hell out of me why I thought I recognized the music before I remembered it coming from Changbin's cypher. Its a nice combo of Changbin's original raps he's written. Its more from the Original 3racha Maze of Memories from their 3rd album (which you should also check out). Cant wait for you to be able to place these rap bits into the other songs they've released. You'll go crazy when you recognize them.


I will never understand how under appreciated Changbin is with STAYs. Changbin is a f*g GENIUS of musical composition and lyrics, and an absolute RAP GOD. His ear and the way his mind works…I can’t even think of the words that deserve to describe how f*g AMAZING he is. 3Racha deserves to be in the Music Hall of Fame. ISTG imma riot if they’re not inducted soon.

Ron Jackson Jr

Changbin was featured on Show Me The Money he passed round 1 when he did his rap performance in front of rapper Justthis and was so happy to get the necklace. In Round 2 he unfortunately failed but he learned some things.

Ron Jackson Jr

Hes changed his tone alot now i don't hear the raspy voice nowadays idk


The reason why there are so many Seungmin covers is that the concept of SKZ Record was supposedly Seungmin’s idea. They were in lockdown for corona and he had a lot of covers that he thought would be nice to share with stays (and also for his own documentation and growth obviously)

Star Dust

the fact that you didn't freak out at the Scars verse at the beginning reminded me that you haven't listened to Scars yet and now I'm freaking out about that because Scars is ELITE. The MV, the lyrics, the choreo, the vocals, the raps, the stages. UGH, just so perfect!