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As usual, we're reacting to two versions of this track from the latest ATEEZ album, and we are STILL not satisfied :D WE NEED MORE.

Golden Hour unironically is slowly becoming my (d'Some) number #1 album from ATEEZ and we're not even done with it - an early call? Yes. But a call worth risking? Hell yes.

Weirdly didn't get into music enough, but we do talk a lot about live mix, pitch correction, stage sound, and a lot of other interesting music-related topics so we hope you'll have fun with this :D and we'll be back with Shaboom! :D:D:D

Enjoy <3



Currently watching the recent Wanteez reaction and now this came out! YESSSSS! Honestly I felt uncomfy watching this live perf maybe because I can also see they are uncomfy about it. For some reason they sounded way better with the higher register notes (in this particular stage). That does not take the fact that this is such a beautiful song (hands down my fave among the album).


You should watch their Dingo Killing Voice! They perform Empty Box on it (they seemed way more comfortable too) and the only song you haven't heard yet is Turbulence. They only perform a few seconds of each song. Hongjoong and Jongho have also been on Lee Mujin Service if you wanted to check those out ❤️ I agree that the audio was super weird for these empty box performances I was surprised as well because they have performed chill songs like this on music shows and it was way different

Nina D

I really love this :) You should also react to their Killing Voice Episode.. It is the best thing ever! And also Coachella, im looking forward to your reactions!! Thank you very much

Tyra ☀️

Here to ditto all the killing voice and Coachella comments 🤞🏽


You should totally watch their Killing Voice episode it’s so beautiful! As well as I think it would be cool if you watched HongJoongs recent solo interviews I.M on the beat, you don’t have to watch the whole interview since they have timestamps for when he raps the songs he’s chosen!

Yeosangs Chicken Leg 🍗

I agree with everyone. Please react to Ateez Killing Voice 🙏 and if you can Jongho/ Maddox- Ditto (New Jeans Cover).


Such a beautiful song! And about the pitch problems, I remember Jongho saying he had a bad moment with pitch on one of their stages and their boss told him off stage that it's okay because now everybody knows he's not lip synching! 😄


Dingo Killing Voice is a must!!! Hongjoong on I'm on the BEAT was also fantastic!!!!!

Caspian Walters

Thank you for talking about all the live technical stuff! So interesting and it explains why I love listening to live music in person but it's really hit or miss recorded 😅

Paige Romig

You guys should watch their karaoke session and San and Jongho’s duet! They’re both so good and showcase all of their beautiful vocals!


eeeee yes hongjoong sounds so so good live! You should react to Hongjoong ON THE BEAT !! he sings there too and oh my god.. its just a must !

Eva Minster

Mingi does sometimes mention how some of his raps feel awkward on stage, so he sometimes changes them up a little during lives to improve the rap. Honestly, sometimes I can't tell the difference between Seonghwa, San, Yunho and Yeosang when they're harmonising like here and in cyberpunk. Sometimes they sound very similar to one another


Oooohhh you are getting closer to my two favorite songs and I just can't wait to see your reaction to them ❤️

Jaime Hicks

Beautiful song, beautiful voices and beautiful raps. Beautiful Ateez!! I'm looking forward to watching you react to their killing voice. They're amazing on that!


Killing Voice has a better version of Empty Box




Their Performance with Empty Box on the killing Voice is MUCH better, Maybe they didnt hear themselves that good…no idea but I know they couldve done soo much better like on the killing Voice, you could feel their confidence a 100% more than on these shows, you can just see they did feel kinda uncomfortable on this Performance and I think the other one too

Shaina EXO-L

I would LOVE if ya'll could please please add Hongjoong's IM on the beat episode to your reaction list, it's an interview show for producers and he gives us an incredible medley!!! Really would love to see ya'lls reaction to it. https://youtu.be/UZWeef-Dhbc?si=SSAEgTD9nY-_1cYS

Pia Housted

Cant wait for shaboom and killing voices