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Here's the edited livestream footage from April ! :D

Thank you again everyone for coming that night - it was a blast.

We'll have another one or two this coming months (June~July) for regular streaming as well as ATEEZ night, so keep an eye out on our discord server if you want to be updated on the dates! :)

The reactions to the songs may be uploaded on YT as well!

Enjoy this one, and see you in the next! :D

Love <3

Music Reaction Table of Contents

1. Onewe - Aurora
2. SF9 - Bibora
3. DPR Ian - No Blueberries
4. DPR Ian - Limbo
5. DPR Ian - Don't Go Insane
5 a) Don't Go Insane 'Seonghwa' Challenge
5 b) Don't Go Insane 'SOORAM' Belt version
6. ITZY - Mr. Vampire
7. DXMON - Burn Up
8. The Rose - Alive



Oh I can't wait for the next one. This was so much fun. Hopefully you can react to some Hannah. Bahng. Especially since she has an EP out now. Also, real quick, I'm going to remind you that you guys still have not listened to the 3racha version of hoodie season

Ace 0307

My favourite artist list: Stray Kids! Xdinary Heroes! DPR IAN! This is why I love Handsome Sausages!!😆


Cant wait for an ateez Night 😍😍😍

Eva Minster

I love how Seonghwa doing the challenge is the thumbnail. ❤️

Amy ✨️

Ooh can't wait for Ateez night! If you do more dpr Ian, you should check out Nerves, so beautiful and peanut butter and tears. They're my favourite songs of his :)

Mel A

Btw, Han-C, I remember there was a moment where you were confused about Onewe’s name. You were right, though: there is an artist Onew! He’s a member of SHINee, and he put out a really good solo album last year.


There's a band called The Fix who I really enjoy - maybe if you're looking for more rock band stuff you could look at them.

Emily Cortes

Got my tickets today to DPR Ian's Dream Reborn Tour in Atlanta in September 😭😭😭! Got my tickets to my 1st ATEEZ concert in July in Atlanta a month ago too 😭😭😭! I'm so freaking excited 😱!!! Next I'll try to get Straykids tickets but it's so hard ☹️. At least I saw them last year so if I don't get them this year I think I'll live 😪. At least I got ATEEZ and DPR Ian to look forward to 🥰. Anyone else going?

Michaela Rosková

Saw The Rose from a front row in Berlin. I love them so much you have no idea. They are so good! You need to check out their Heal album!

Stacy Marie

This was such a fun stream! almost had to miss it for work but I apparently manifested hard enough because we closed early, so i made it in time 😆


Well I know what I’m watching for an hour 😄 (even though I was at the livestream the whole time in the first place)

Michele Wang

in the studio versions, Dongmyeong and Eunkwang have similar tones, but live, they're nothing alike.

Michele Wang

OMG DXMON! That gave me such massive throwback feels. I haven't seen liberty spikes like that since the 90's early 00's.


Wooo! I'll be seeing ATEEZ and DPR Ian in Atlanta as well! Second time seeing ATEEZ - I'll be honest when they appeared on stage the first time I saw them I choked up a little lol and I'm a bit of an older fan haha but it was my first KPOP concert! They sound SO good live and they'll actually have an extended stage this year so that's exciting!

Emily Cortes

Omgosh that's so awesome! I'm an older Stan too lol. I'm 44. My daughter introduced me to Straykids in 2021 and I've been obsessed ever since. My 1st and only kpop concert was SKZ last year and it was literally the best concert I've been to in my life. Kpop concerts are just on another level. I can't wait to see ATEEZ bcuz they are such incredible performers as well. It's so cool that we're both going to both concerts in Atlanta lol! How exciting 😀!


I’m so glad you posted this, I only was able to join the end of this stream and if I didn’t get to see the whole thing I would probably NEVER have heard that SF9 song and it’s a bop 🥰 thank you!

Inge Sahuleka

So happy to see Onewe Aurora!!!!

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

I have BIBORA, MR VAMPIRE, and DXMON on my workout lists now