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Not surprised - hilarious.

As usual, everyone involved - including the extras, the editors, etc. - all go so hard.

Gotta say though, Yunho's item kept cracking us up XD so random and funny.

If you're like Yeosang and haven't been to proper K-sauna, it has to be on your to-do list when visiting Korea. Of course, the place, the company you're with, the mood, etc. all drastically changes the overall experience, but given the right combination, nothing beats K-sauna! :D

Again, if you have any questions, ask away! :D

Hope you have fun with this one, and we'll see you in the drinking one! XD

Love <3



Ooooh you will be in for a treat with the soju special 🤣

Key !!!

These episodes are like the calm before the storm. Love the drinking special it's my favorite of wanteez (and the fact they filmed it on my bday 3/24 so I take it as a gift). Love to watch the episodes with you guys as wanteez only gets better each time u view it.


I laughed so hard watching ths, I especially can't with Yunho and Jongho🤣 Next week is gonna be so much fun!👀 And yes, they'll be actually drinking! If you guys are drinking during the reaction, I will too while watching hahah


Omg. The drink special is the best thing ever


And they’re actually drinking lmao


Don’t drink with them lol you may not make it lol

Jenni Heath

I have been waiting for these next episodes ever since you started reacting to wanteez! So funny!!


It's always fun to re-watch it with you because you catch little things i missed when i watched it myself. 🕵‍♂️ and yes, they drink (the) Real alcohol. But their tolerance seems to be really high. Specially San's. Judging by his reaction. Or maybe he snuck in some food to keep him that sober.


Your opening few seconds compel me to inform you that sausages are commonly baked over the stove of a Finnish Sauna in the summer. As per Finnish Husband. No idea if that makes them toasted or steamed, but…it felt like something you must know.


The drinking Episodes are so freaking HILIRIOUSSS!!! I cant wait for your (Drunk) reaction🤣


I watched this with such a silly grin on my face and not even realizing it until my husband asked what I was watching. He just doesn't get it. lol It's the overall chaotic craziness that gets me. This was the perfect prequel to the next episodes! These silly boys get even sillier with alcohol..like who doesn't? 🤪


Yunho had me cracking up this entire episode, and the ATM machine and all the interactions with "it" were all golden. And I'm excited for the next episodes! I'll raise a glass and cheers with you and Ateez if you decide to have a drink with them. :)


I barely understood half of this the first time I watched it. There was way too much going on and I was having a hard enough time grasping the whole sauna experience. There was a lot of frantic googling. This time, thanks to you, I understood about 2/3 of it I think (I'm still flabbergasted by most of the banana business, although that's fine, the cute aggression Jongho gives me was enough). Still, both times I did have fun. Ateez making each other laugh is contagious.


You'll meet the DrunkTeez finally! Hahahaha.


jongho is hilarious lmao

Michele Wang

oh my gosh! When I watched this the first time, I'd never seen a photo of Bumjoong (Hongjoong's brother), but now that I have, HOLY SMOKES, that photo of Hongjoong in the yellow sweater from pre-debut looks JUST LIKE HIM!

Stacy Marie

I’ve never been to any kind of sauna but I am officially convinced idols don’t know how saunas work 😆


I wanna marry them and I’m in love is so real


Drunkteez wanteez reaction is just around the corner~~~


Oh my gosh. Hong Joong full blonde. Yeo sang is so adorable and very me. I love that they pulled that age card. Who HASN'T done that before. I was small for my age so i was always younger than i was to get the children's special. But its funny that they nade mingi the elementary student 😹. Lol, 4 dollars🤣 Hannie. Is that sonething they have in ksaunas? The ice room to carve ice? Oh wow they have all of that in a ksauna?! Whoa. Lol yunho and his hanger is hilarious. I am so confused as to what is going on with the money. The way my jaw dropped when woo young hit that egg on Seonghwa's head. I was not expecting that. Oh wow! That went by so fast. Mingi stop snitching okay. Y'all weren't even using that ATM. Let him play his games if he's bored 🤣🤣. Oh its that guy again. Where the hell did yubho get a metal detector?!? Wait, is it safe to eat the ice off of the wall? I am not even surprised that it devolved into chaos and putting ice down people's shirts. So what all comes with seaweed soup? That is too funny. I loved all of the banana milk jokes. That's the end of the episode. Why was that so fast?!?