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Now, you see the length of this video?
Half of SKZ concert worth material today so no need to explain anything here; everything is in the video for you - all the talks, the questions, the random facts you never asked for, etc.

So enjoy, let us know your thoughts on our questions/discussions, and we hope you have a wonderful day :)

Love <3



commenting before i forget: hyunjin and seungmin graduated in 2019, i.n graduated in 2021. So he probably went to school one year later plus he took a year off after middle school/ before high school (prob because he was a trainee and they were getting closer to debut at the time). Edit: To add more context, maniac era (which is when this was filmed) was the time where lee know seemed especially down/tired and just often a bit zoned out or less present, it wasn't there in the last episode with chan but it's definitly noticable in this episode with hyunjin and in the coming episodes.


Yessss, I can't wait to get home to watch it. I adore Han and IN as a pair. They are just so cute. I could definitely see it. IN definitely does look more mature in this episode. So Han is Rapunzel from Tangled confirmed. The 65-in TV is definitely big for room but IN saying it's the biggest TV they've ever seen is wild. It is hilarious watching them talk about this damn kiss. It really is not good for my heart at all. They are so cute. I'm pretty sure he did take a year off from school. Yeah, I don't think you would remember to ask that question if you did meet them. You know Felix is all smiles around changbin and it is the cutest thing. Not changbin acting like there isn't a whole butt hunter on the team. Talking about some watch your hands, What are you grabbing at? Sir, he's grabbing the prettiest butt of stray kids 🤣😹. Those fruits look delicious. I find it funny that they think it's funny that Felix still has that pillow from Kingdom week. I feel like Felix is the type of person. Actually he said this before. He loves using wearing the gifts that people give to him. So of course he's going to wear that pillow out. I just realized that Lee know has not talked a lot in the first episode and in this one. Like this is the first time hearing his voice. First of all, Felix just smiles when he talks. That's just how he is. Second of all, of course he's cheesing when he's talking to you Changbin. He loves you. He's not trying to charm you. He's just being himself. Not Changbin being so upset about Felix's face that he's like You're fake if you say you don't know you have a good face. 😂🤣. Not Felix immediately putting the fruit down and being like wait a minute are you actually upset? Like Felix was about to go into a whole thing like how dare Changbin be upset even if it's about me, like I must fix this immediately! No, it's just a love triangle. They're all married to each other. Hyunjin and Felix and changbin are all married to each other. He is definitely a passionate fire like person. He is the Leo of the group. Oh gosh these two. This is the biggest love. Hate relationship in the group to me. Because they fight like crazy but they also love each other so hard. I guess it's true what they say. Absence does make the heart grow fonder 😹. Wait have you guys never seen lino put the tissue in hyunjin's mouth? I really need you guys to watch like some compilations or their vlogs more. Yeah Lee know is gorgeous. I love his eyes. I love his lips and I Love the mole that's on his nose. Yeah hyunjin's eyebrows are so thick. It's crazy. I love the mole under hyunjin's eye. My Hannie, I feel so bad that he feels neglected or like he wasn't enough. Like I know it's kind of a joke but also I really do feel bad about it. Lol, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! I would totally be the new member 😂. Yeah they are shockingly close. Well it was shocking when I first saw this. Now it's not so shocking. I love the margarines. I don't know why they were called that but I like it. It's cute. I also don't know why they're called pupkas. Seungmin's face when Han put Hanquokka right in front of it was too funny. Oh wow, that really was a good analogy from Felix. How I feel right now I think I would sit and talk with changbin and Felix or Seungmin and Han. I would want to sit with changbin and Felix because like Changbin was saying he's honest and I would love to hear somebody just talk about me honestly and like how they think about me. And while Felix is honest as well, he all also tries to make you feel good about it. So I would love to just talk with him. And Han and Seungmin It really was just a chill Vibe and I love it. Oh wow, chess D'some? You're smart smart huh? I've taken the mbti quiz, maybe eight times in my life. And seven out of the eight times I have been INFP. There was one time I got something else. Whatever the adventure one is and I was so shook like what the hell. And then I took it a day later and I was back to INFP and I'm like that was weird. I also like to unwind by myself but I'm the type where I don't mind having somebody with me doing their own thing. I don't mind being alone with someone else basically. So I am like hyunjin in a sense.

J.A. Moore

As _nora_ said, I.N took a year off between middle and high school, so that probably threw things off, too, as far as the issue you were talking about with age / grades / hororifics, etc.

J.A. Moore

@23:35 when Felix is talking about sleeping with a pillow between your legs......one reason I think he does that is because he has chronic back issues and sometimes has to get treatment for it. It's been an ongoing issue for a few years. Sometimes, Felix has to opt out of some of their choreo moves, too. So in certain performances or dance videos, you see him at the back, kneeling when everyone else is dancing. (I know that's not always the reason why, but I have seen him do that a few times, especially when he was moving slightly awkwardly so I figured it was because of his back.)


This is why I love their “_ kids room” series. It always reveals a new side to them not only as individuals but their different pairings/units. A lot of it can be surprising and since they’ve been doing this pretty much since debut we can also see how they grow as people too. There’s a vlive clip of them right after debut where they talk about their first impressions of each other and I just find it so interesting to see how their relationships and views of each other have evolved over the years (you guys should check it out when you have the time, there’s a clip on the old vlive channel: https://youtu.be/U3PKmMhS4_c?si=T_CWkOqceHsL3TWH though I don’t know if that’s been shortened so there’s also the full vlive which I just think is really fun to watch to see how they were from the start cuz they talked about different goals for the group too: https://youtu.be/YrmunFSZJDA?si=UjKebvCehrnjXJ3m)

J.A. Moore

@48:51 - Hyunjin and Lee Know are talking about fishing. On YouTube, look up "Lee Know City Fisherman" and you'll see him fishing (for real) with a bunch of other guys. It's basically idols (including Lee Know) being taught how to fish by older guys. It's very cute, especially when they catch an actual fish. Here's a playlist of the episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNhuN_vNrSkBAjsslHKd0Ir2fJ0fW4K0P ^^^^^ It's not necessarily something you have to react to, but it's fun to watch (in a slow-paced way - which is to be expected with fishing, lol).


after years of only hearing about it, we finally got lee know stuffing tissues in hyunjin's mouth on a vlive in 2022! (https://youtu.be/Kuykx1acrYc?si=MPWJDfo6rZ4wjlBV) the whole vlive was extremely chaotic and funny, i highly recommend watching it xD

J.A. Moore

@50:54 - Hyunjin mentions Lee Know's performance for Tiger Inside. That's a difficult one to watch, because he's performing with several other idols, including Moonbin. It makes me emotional to see him, and I'm tearing up even now. SKZ performed with Moonbin a few times, and I can't even imagine how they felt when he passed away.

J.A. Moore

RE: Seungmin and Han You guys still need to listen to the second song ("Hold On") they sang on their 2 Kids SHOW episode. It's just SO good.


just to add a detail: he has intervertebral disk herniation


I love all of these, but I was especially pleasantly surprised by Lee Know & Hyunjin. Them being McDonald’s buddies and going on walks all the time was cute. I also like how Lee Know says you come to my house, it’s far for me and it takes Hyunjin a beat before he realizes, hey, it’s the same distance for me 😂


damn what I would give to be in the room with Lee Know and Hyunjin - it was relaxed and kinda playful at the same time and that's what I would love to be a part of rn. Apart from the conversation, I'd probably stare at them to my hearts content 'cause they're too damn beautiful

Jenni Heath

I would love to hang out with Hyunjin and Lee Know. I feel like my and Lee Knows sense of humor is really similar so it would be fun to pick on Hyunjin together lol


I was going to mention IN's school situation as well, but you beat me to it. Thanks for explaining! :)


I had a terrible day, thank you for the video and the uplifting mood

Star Dust

Yeah, the 2000 liners are only MONTHS older than I.N and treat him like he's decades younger than him. It's wild!


Absolutely, it still always stops my heart for sec, everytime I see Moonbin. Tiger inside is also a tough watch because of how drained Leeknow was. I think it's edited away from everything except a few fancams, how the two of them collapsed after the ending fairy. It's stil such an insanely good performance.

J.A. Moore

I remember Lee Know and Moonbin collapsing after Tiger Inside. One of them had stomach cramps and one was dehydrated and tired. But during the performance no one knew because they were so professional.


And it was during Oddinary that he first sustained that injury, so around the time they're filming this. A herniated disc is a bxxch of an injury, that stays for life, but with good and bad periods.


So IN actually is 2 years behind the 00s at school. Hyunjin and IN talked about it before. So he was older than his classmates that's why they are also calling him kkondae since he didn't want his classmates to not call him hyung😂

Star Dust

I.N took a year off when he became a trainee and then enrolled in SOPA with Hyunjin. Hyunjin and Seungmin both graduated in 2019 and I.N not until 2021. Chan, Lee Know, and Changbin graduated before debut. And HAN was a little genius. He was homeschooled in Malaysia and he graduated 4 years early when he was 14 or 15. I'm not sure if Felix graduated. I've only ever heard that he attended high school in Sydney and then got scouted and moved to Korea. Perhaps he finished online or something.

Star Dust

And funny story - not sure if I.N mentions it in 2KR, he might. But he told a story once about how he told his classmates to call him hyung because he was older. LOL

Tara Lehmann

I'm with D'Some and would like to join Han and Seungmin. Their conversation was more serious and also touched on their music. It was also more "heady", not that it wasn't fun or even funny, but it was a conversation more my style. Changbin and Felix were also serious but too "feely" and that can be too uncomfortable for me. I like that when it starts getting uncomfortable, someone can throw out a joke (like Han usually does) and it breaks things and people just move on. I'm a big I and have always have been. And like Han I do come out of my shell and am funny and witty with those I'm comfortable with.

Star Dust

I'm with you HanC, Changlix is a great ship. They just click! 🥰

Star Dust

I think, out of these 4, I'd pick I.N and HAN to hang with. Hyunjin and Lee Know are my vibe in all ways except the spontaneous part. I prefer plans. :) They are a little TOO laid back. Changbin and Felix are overwhelming to me. They have so much energy. I'd need someone chill with me to help me handle them. ;) And Seungmin and HAN were cool, a lot like my friend group from college, actually. I think I went with I.N and HAN because it reminds me of the vibe I have with my best friend.

Star Dust


melinda castillo

Lee know and hyunjin being the only water signs in skz makes sense why they seem so comfortable with each other and just a different vibe from the other pairs


I know, it's insane how hard they'll push themselves. I have a little bit of the same sour taste from the mama Maniac/Venom for the same reason. I get that they're pushing themselves, but those diets.... I know that they know their own limits, but they're pushing it a little too close sometimes, methinks.

J.A. Moore

Yeah, watching I.N collapse (and being caught by Bang Chan before he hit the floor) after the Venom/ Maniac performance at the MAMA awards was tough. He was trying to cut his water weight and he let himself get dehydrated. His body basically said...."NOPE, you can't do this anymore." And their Venom/Maniac performance at the awards was BEYOND hard. All of them were so wiped out, but especially I.N . I know he tends to still go on diets and cut back on liquids if he feels he's looking puffy or out of shape, but I hope he is careful.


This extra funny because I.N so often give off a hyung vibe with them. It'll be the 00'liner sleeping on his shoulders, and Seungmin practising his driving with I.N as his teacher is hilarious to me for some reason


I think we should just stop thinking about hyun/lix/bin as a love triangle. Just acknowledge them as as a throuple and call it a day?


Would you believe me if I said that I read through and halved this? Han and I.N are so cute, and they both give off this vibe of the youngest sibling insisting that they are, in fact, grown. Needless to say, they both fail miserably. Cuties. Felix is such a little menace, he just hides behind that cute face. He's a cheeky little demon if he wants to be and him flirting with his eyes will be .... Recurring. I also have the impression that Changbin had a lot to learn. He seems to have been maybe more privileged? Sheltered? And I don't mean that to say that he hasn't had any bad experiences, just that everyone has different backgrounds. You can see this more in early content, and he has mentioned it a few times as well. It seems as if he's been through a process of realising that not everything he took for granted was true for everyone. When I've talked about him and his high levels of empathy and self awareness, but how it seems to be a very intellectual thing for him and something he deliberately makes an effort for (as opposed to Chan, for whom it strikes me as instinctual), that's what I mean. As for Changbin and Jutdae... It's his thing - firm prinsiples and his IG handle (jutdwae, cuz dwaekki).... But also, Jut and Dae has become good friends of Stay. The Biddies. Which he named on a live. With the help of Stay. I swear, any other man on the planet and I'd be like "nope". And when Han mentions Changbin feeling bad about Felix being unable to join them for dance practice; this was during Oddinary, which was when Felix got his injury. That's why he is really only present for his own parts of Maniac and why his choreo sometimes is a bit modified. You'll notice it in his movements if it's in a bad period. The friendship between Leeknow and Hyunjin is so chill. Them just eating and cooking and enjoying nature and going on walks is such a mood. LeeKnow has also been on a couple of cooking shows; "Crazy Recipe Adventure" together with Hyunjin: https://youtu.be/A7CtW_q9Anw?si=OrRyUaK2svjOGD94 And "The best cooking secrets studio" (the first 4 vids of this playlist): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnA1w14JNxKurT7PqyxA39viB5HYm-Fa9&si=JAZjasRIx9x2UD66 And then "Mysterious kitchen" exists...(skz content, the last 3 of that same playlis⬆️) Then there's the madness. "Hey Hyunjin! You haven't eaten tissues in a while, have you?“ as well as how Hyunjin should be airfried - 20 min, 180 °C. I can't with those two. Han and Seungmin together creatively is something else. When you get that far, their duet 'Respirator' is one of my favourites! Their 2 Kids Show episode also has a couple of gems. Aaaaand ref. Seungmin rapping and because you've already reacted to 'Muddy Water' and 'Waiting For Us', when you get to the Oddinary album, you should watch the fancams from when the units switched songs. You'll get the vocal line rapping: https://youtu.be/7XXUCKJPP5Y?si=HxgMqEyQW-IcFpc9 And the rapline singing: https://youtu.be/0AZ8RxTUtbc?si=A4xJ76l5F_yVPohT And as for your ending questions: As much as I love all of them, my favourite pairing here must be Changbin and Felix. I'd join LeeKnow and Hyunjin, though. Nature, movement and good food with someone I can be alone together with sounds perfect. I do still mostly unwind alone. And as an INFP (it was close for me to be a T, but it's never actually changed), I have a lot of people with the same mbti around me. And even those who aren't, are mostly still NFs.


Also, when I'm already mentioning random and chaotic videos that should really be enjoyed; has anyone ever mentioned the Anniversary Covid Zoom-debacle of 2022 to you? It is hilarious and chaotic and I have no idea how anyone at Div1 still has any hair left, because I would have pulled mine out a long time ago ... The full hour and a half long video (really worth it): https://youtu.be/PwUrhPpMtLg?si=u4kla-fNXhy6thUg A half hour long highlight edit: https://youtu.be/5_YrakmUCws?si=pHiV1i1-p2GUIgUk


I think the same way how you have to sound it out if another one can take your jokes, you do with showing love. I have a feeling that Felix can just let it all out with Changbin when with others he holds back this or that. Some don't enjoy physical touch like him, others don't want to do deep conversations, but Changbin is ready for both. It is interesting that you mentioned Changbin fighting with everybody. I started thinking - they always say that Han fought with everybody, but even though they all say they have fought with Changbin, he doesn't have this fighter reputation. So I guess there's some difference that they feel. I'd never noticed that Han was playing the jilted wife the whole Hyunjin and Lee Know episode😆 I like MBTI, because the only thing it actually shows is how you see yourself and it's veeery revealing. In my country it is not known, the only reason I've done the test is psychology courses and K-pop. INTP here, hasn't changed in the last 10-15 years.


Exactly. Heart in my throat there, that's for sure. Tho, seeing that closeup of Chan's eyes, how he just knows somethings wrong from behind I.N and how he catches him before he even hits the ground is... I don't have any words to describe that man.... Spidey senses? Dad instinct? Unreal? They're so attuned to eachother. And I hate those diets. I'm sure they've gotten better at listening to their bodies, tho. Hyunjin has talked a lot lately about having stopped dieting altogether because he needs his energy for dancing. I still kinda want to shake Felix and I.N sometimes, lovingly. 😒

J.A. Moore

Chan could see I.N's knees start to buckle out of the corner of his eyes (in the video, his eyes keep darting over there) and as SOON as their "ending fairy" moment was over and the camera clicked off, down I.N went. And Chan was right there to catch him. I think Chan has all the "senses" you mentioned and more. He's just the best at watching out for his kids. Oh, and as soon as Chan caught I.N they had to do a mad scramble off the stage in the dark because the next act was getting ready to perform. For anyone who hasn't seen what we're talking about, watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNzftbV65DU


I’m definitely with D’some and would join the Han/seungmin conversation and not even just because they’re my biases. I also need to be around people that I can have real conversations with. I love talking to people who are knowledgeable about topics I’m not and getting to exchange ideas/learn new things. My husband and I are like you and your friend. We often go out to cafes and other places with small board/card games and just play while we eat. It’s a nice way to keep the mind active but without worrying about the daily stuff.


There it is. It never ceases to amaze me how you see him clocking I.Ns condition and then just reacting in a split second. And it's not even the first place I caught him doing that. I remember watching Kingdom as some of the first skz content I ever saw, and during the vault jumps on the sportsday, there's this drone shot of him running when Juyeon of The Boyz misses his jump. I just find it so telling about who he is as a person. It wasn't his member and with the collabs of Kingdom, he was on the opposing team, not to mention the medics that must have been present. He didn't have to do anything, but he did. And Juyeon was fine, practically landed on his feet. But that's just Chan.


These episodes were so cute. Each dynamic is always interesting to look at. Personally for me I am a very shy person so having conversations like Lee Know and Hyunjin are very common. It may seem like nonsense to some but those who know me or have conversations like that understand. I feel like the other three episodes I preferred watching that duo versus wanting to engage with them. Although potentially if I am really really close to someone (like my boyfriend), then the dynamic can become something like Changbin and Felix. I'm rarely that open but it can happen. I also find that Han's dynamic with both Seungmin and I.N is the kind of relationship I have with my younger sibling. It's the right amount of teasing without going to far or being mean. It wasn't always like that though since for SKZ they have maybe 1 year difference most of the time, but my younger sibling and I are 5 years apart. So to see that kind of energy from an outside perspective and some what understanding. Always fun to watch the boys and hang out here on patreon. Can't wait for the next installment ❤


After watching this anniversary video - and some other lives - I truly believe that Chan did indeed write Connected about Wifi. Because for the love of god...


Rina, I was just thinking the same when watching Handsome Ones discussing :D Why have only two-masted ship if there could be three?!


As someone who has genuinely come to care for them, I want to stuff their mouths with food and force them to sleep for weeks. I wish they weren't idols, because most of the (former) idols probably have lifelong scars and body image issues from this experience. But as someone who has received severe love-driven criticism at the time when I needed support for my choices - this is an extra burden at already hard time. And it's not like outsiders can actually change their conviction anyway. Ugh, sucks to be an adult.


It is comedy ✨gold✨ I'm happy to find something you hadn't seen 😊 It IS plausible, yes 🤣


Uuuh I am INTJ too. Well technically it said INTJ-P, so maybe I’m between the two. I would also choose han and seungmin. I just love deep conversations so that resonates with me.


Also, JYPE wifi is notorious for being horrible...😅


True. And like I said, they do know their limits and it is their own business. But I do dance a little happy dance by myself everytime one of them announces that they've decided to drop diets more permanently, like Hyunjin did not long ago


Not Han-C saying it out loud! Lol Changbin and Felix are so cute because of how much Felix really looks up to him. (Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix is a weird love triangle lol)

Quiet Type

Seungmin and Han, absolutely. They seem like a pair that you could laugh for an hour and then have a really deep conversation with for the next 3 and it would feel completely organic the whole time. I'm almost always INFJ and have been pretty much always. I'm terrible about starting deep conversations in weird places - eg: in a club, discussing the nature of regret. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I like it when things make me think and rambling conversations. I don't really do small talk well. Well, and I like listening to people who know more about something than I do or just something they're really interested.


The last time I took an MBTI test, I got ESFP, but beyond the extroversion being correct, I never know how much stock to put in my own self-perception. Also: especially given how you guys reacted to Felix and his formative teen crush on Changbin here (lmao) I am absolutely on tenterhooks for you to react to Lee Know and Han's episode!


But lines 9 & 8 cross at 석촌 .