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And believe it or not, we've NEVER seen the dance practice.

So here we are, reacting to the dance practice (which was CRAZY - RIP the floor), as well as the Liberation Day Special Stage that they performed at the Sungnyemun Gate.

Beautiful performance over the Kingdom version of the track. Really loved it, so thank you for letting us know about this one :D

Like we say, next up is Answer — so if you got some cool links we haven't seen, please let us know! :D

Love <3



Wonderland is my favorite track of all time...If I ever have to choose, always Wonderland 😂💁🏽‍♀️ I fully support you guys going back and reacting to Ateez stuff again now that you really know them!


I am so down for Wonderland night. Just saying. 🤣❤️


Ateez tore that dance practice UP. So incredible! And I'd love a Wonderland night, or any Ateez song focus, really! That's a fantastic idea to watch a bunch of performances, dance practices, fancams, behind the scenes videos, and memes all in one night together.


I'm not sure if they had other performance/s of Answer Kingdom version, but they did these behind the scenes thingy, per their Kingdom stages (yeah, totally forgot to share the Wonderland one) but here's for Answer: Ode to Joy https://youtu.be/yo683RimyHg?si=MZEoHZZyo64IfkU8


Wonderland night!!


What is so much cooler regarding that particular San part is that he always wipe/pat the back of the dancer that he stepped on. Always.


Would absolutely love a Wonderland night! It was one of the first ateez songs I watched, definitely a fave. I’m not sure if y’all have already see it, but Ateez’s MAMA 2019 stage for wonderland is pretty iconic. They mashed it with three other songs (from sunbaenims) and made quite the impression!

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

AHHHH finally!! 😭 I've been hoping you're get to this dance practice, by far one of the ones that left a lasting impression for me when I was still in the process of stanning them! 😈Not you guys talking about having a wonderland night like it can't be a thing... There's seriously allot of wonderland content. EASILY at least 5 hours worth 😈 Answer dance practice pleeeeease. Thanks for this guys 😭

Roxialocket 🧡💙

As you said I think you feel like is different because you always watched until now the moving camera ver. The dance prectice video represents the original choreography they used during promotion. For answer, U MUST WATCH the mama 2020 version ( https://youtu.be/tQJIszK1EOo?si=6-WOHsCL_gYYYc0y ) You won’t regret it! There is also a studio choom ver (https://youtu.be/lPBT8H1fYk8?si=38nJ3wD_L1BZvNJR ) And if you want a concert ver you could check this one of 2022 beginning of the end concert ( https://youtu.be/iU9fAKSIu0Y?si=i3AuLXC782WmGijx ) Btw you guys know right that ateez will do a comeback in less than two weeks? Yesterday they dropped the first concept photo of the album ( d’some you should check Seonghwa’s concept photo 😂😂 but prepare yourself lol)


I know this is completely unhelpful when it comes to Answer, but if you ever want to just watch San be bananas - therapy is expensive but this Wonderland San fancam is free - https://youtu.be/Pxd2PpXViCU

Fitri Atikah

The first song I heard from Ateez was Bouncy, but Answer is my favorite song, and it made me truly fall in love with Ateez. The first time I heard Answer was during Kingdom, but here are some of my favorite live stages of Answer: 1. Ateez at the 2021 Golden Disk Awards (Answer + Wonderland):(https://youtu.be/__mCL1kdZMk?si=H5QihuWOyYb2c8ui) 2. Answer on Music Bank 2020: (https://youtu.be/Pwr7gv9BFv0?si=R0mGGdHyE_2tOBEw) 3. INTRO + ANSWER in the Break The Wall World Tour in Seoul 2022:(https://youtu.be/DcMC7ZiiHmE?si=ZPRnq2hYa_iDpJC2) 4. ANSWER at The Fellowship: Break The Wall - Anchor in Seoul (I think this was in 2023): (https://youtu.be/3xWue_pXSeQ?si=v4gESZOoVzCqCpVe) 5. ANSWER - ATEEZ (Live band performance) at Mawazine 2024:(https://youtu.be/UHu3vzfhDqA?si=yMk0RqvaEbIp_e8T) Ateez performed at the Mawazine Festival, the largest music festival after Coachella. They performed in Morocco, their first visit back since filming the music videos for Pirate King and Treasure. Unfortunately, Wooyoung couldn't join due to cholinergic urticaria, or heat-induced hives, which he started experiencing while preparing for Coachella. This is a fan-recorded screen capture, so apologies if the quality isn’t as high as the other videos. 6. Answer Dance Practice: (https://youtu.be/gXrmoI8xy28?si=aGgaP78mKNSuZf-D)


I definitely like the original choreography for Wonderland more than the Kingdom version. Ironically it's much more huge and impactful and i miss them performing it. Like the Kingdom version is great, but i am so sick of it that i will be fine with never hearing it again in my life. Just add kraken to the original performance and you get the best of both worlds lol.

Paige Romig

Please have wonderland night, there’s so many good performances!!

Deidre (Deed-rah)

Here is my favorite stage of ATEEZ…it’s answer & wonderland combined for the Golden Disc Awards! https://youtu.be/__mCL1kdZMk?si=syW3wNe03lQy9RE7 Here’s the wonderland relay dance https://youtu.be/3HMILfi3OM0?si=6vr87renUJUCwc-Y And the answer relay https://youtu.be/W9ReQg3yJ3E?si=gZcYwMotU4r_3qmN


I’m so glad they preform the kingdom wonderland version now because while I do love the original the kingdom one is much more my type

Matsu Makky

I'm listening kpop for soo many years (2006)and loved so many groups. But since I discovered ATEEZ I can't be interested in other groups anymore. They are unbeatable in terms of performance, voices, original and dynamic choreography. However, I try to see what other groups do. But nothing works. None impress me as much as Ateez.

Eva Minster

You NEED to react to the Wonderland Halloween performances. I linked them below Halloween Special MCOUNTDOWN https://youtu.be/AFP6QLw0ClY?si=84AKjcanW609nrfw Wonderland Halloween version (PORT OF CALL) https://youtu.be/1reg8QxdOCM?si=U5euxH2sptFuOtm6


Wonderland night 💃🕺