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One word: 007빵빵!

I think we've just stumbled across a legendary clip by accident here. This is peak Changbin clown-fest making Hyunjin lose it on stage.

Do we need to say more?
Actually we do, because we also watched Chan's room footage where Bang Chan shares vocal track for Red Lights OT8 version. Yes. It was fire.

Wow. Unintentional, but this video is packed with fun contents.

So let's just get to it. XD

(and while we're at it, please do let us know the answers to our questions! :D)

Enjoy <3



Oh I'm so excited to watch this one. Okay, I'm finally home and I'm ready to watch. The OT8 vocals are heavenly. You know they all sound wonderful on this song. I wish the song was longer so we can get the other members up there for even more amount of time. Because it feels criminally short. I really like the setup of how they did the stages at this award show. Watching this song live makes me love the choreography even more. Because this it fits so perfectly. Do you mean it's pre-recorded? I think the unit songs are pre-recorded and they did the thunderous" live". Lol slimy. Oh I forgot. This is the performance where we got the really cute behind the scenes of everybody looking at Felix on the prompter and like falling in love because he's being cute and adorable and pretending to hold up the blue flame even though it's on a projector. One, what does that mean? Two. I love that we actually heard Hyunjin laugh in his mic because it just shows that they're singing live. These outfits are really cute too. Changbin and his ad-libs are absolutely adorable. You know whatever that word was that made yunjin laugh was definitely changbin. Oh if you watch a compilation of them, doing this song changbin does different ad-libs right before Lee know does his part in the song. Oh it means 007? Nice. Yeah that's part of the choreo. No it's always been Felix that does it. See ya. WHAT?!? Han-C shot us? 😨. Im hurt.

Sam sam (Lan zhan)

omg i haven't seen this videos in almost 4 years this is such a throwback for me 😭


you seem to enjoy their raw vocals/recordings, I can't wait for your reaction on 5 star intro since that has so much recording content 😭


Pls react to Wolfgang and miroh (kingdom ver) Dom tour in Osaka https://youtu.be/zlmrK5Th5T4?si=_iYKzGZvSBpk-psR


Felix holding the mic is defo part of the choreo. My favourite part of all the thunderous performances at the music shows was all the different things Changbin would say before LeeKnow started his part. My favourite is 'ah I couldn't decide.' There are compilations of them all. Maybe you could watch during your next skz livestream? I'm so happy you watched the OT8 red light clip too, I knew you'd love it!


this is the best compilation imo, i go back to this video from time to time lmao changbin's adlibs were definitely my favourite parts of the thunderous era as well lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=476sJA7lVT0&t=45s&ab_channel=seungtheworld

Ace 0307

It's ChangBin saying the 007 and Lee Know hyung😆


Hahaha changbin switches it up every performance😂 there is actually a compilation: https://youtu.be/476sJA7lVT0?si=jwI7tDVcCa4XYF-O And yess what felix did was part of the choreo😊

Ace 0307

https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS6CqDvXj/ There are more of ChangBin being fun during Thunderous You can have a look too

Tristana Keauna

I love it when the members make each other laugh on stage. It was eerie watching them perform without a real crowd, so it probably helped them enjoy it as well. I know there is a clip somewhere of Changbin just spouting random things during this era, I'll have to see if I can find it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=476sJA7lVT0


They had so much fun during Noeasy era whilst promoting Thunderous. It must've been hard because there was no crowd but Changbin's one-liners made it especially fun. He used to change it up for every performance.

DM Wilson

If you look at song credits, you'll see that they record some of their songs in that room, which is called Channie's Room.


For Rock-star as well! I love those myself, so can't wait until we get there in the reactions!


I'm loving this ! And yeah, Channie's room, with a few exceptions when they were travelling and such, were filmed from Chan's actual studio, which is called 'Channie's room'. The studio is his, to the extent that he is the one who decides if someone borrows it when they're away. Whenever Chan's credited as recording engineer on the albums, the recordings are listed as being done at '찬이의 "방"'. Changbin's adlibs are always hilarious, and you can see them all cracking up, except for maybe Seungmin. Felix too, in the part you replayed, is not even hiding his laugh. During Thunderous he made a thing out of it being different every time (and I can see you've gotten links, so I recommend checking it out), but they all always do different adlibs. I enjoy checking out the stage cams for their big performances specifically for this reason. It's always so much going on in the background. They usually have an AR that they sing on top of, and some Stay made such a big deal out of it that Chan spent quite some time on Channie's room explaining the differences and even went through a compilation, talking about each performance and what was live and not, and why. https://youtu.be/G5ltXLYqBeg?si=0zU8sz_cFOu7qN-8 There's also a fun little clip of him during Thunderous, when he'd obviously had it, because he gave us this gem (5 sec): https://youtube.com/shorts/evYqHCMwP50?si=ELnksN4FFj5wfk1J And you'll sometimes pick up on their mood being ... Off? at certain shows, where they have an obviously loud backing track. That usually then results in one of them, mostly Han or Seungmin, reaching their mic in the air during their own parts while scowling directly at a camera and not singing. I find those funny, while it obviously must be frustrating for a performer who wants to do it live. It's always been Felix doing that part of the choreo. At Hyde Park, Changbin had a problem with his in-ears that Han fixed for him while Felix held his mic here, not missing a single word. That was a fun little moment to catch live😂


It's so fun watching older performances and they're great but I can pick up how they've improved even more since then- the breathing, the stability, they somehow draw out even more of their personalities. It reminds me how hard they work constantly. I love watching them have fun on stage, it makes the performance really feel alive. Also yes, Chan's Room is the name of Chan's lives but it's because he does them from his studio which is officially named 'Channie's room'. You'll see it in the Intro clips sometimes and on album credits. In their previous building Hyunjin inherited Chan's OG studio when Chan got the one in the video.

EL Knox

Thank you for reacting to this one!!! The lip syncing is so random ... cause it is like they get more obvious with each unit stage .. in Surfin' it was not that obvious cause they were definately singing sme parts over the backing AR and Changbin throws in soe cute adlibs, then in Gone Away they have microphones but seems like they are either lipsyncing or the track is just being played over them for the upload... and then in Red Lights they don't even appear to have mics on, it is pure performance (I am not hating on any of this ... just funny how each stage seems to have been done differently) and Thunderous is just one of my fav stages it is so funny, you can see Felix laughing at the back as well .. I assume a few were trying hard not to crack-up. They always have so much fun performing this song... I love all the little funny interaction moments they have in the background when they are not dancing the focal points ... they are just so cute!

EL Knox

OMG that clip of Felix with the LED fire ball is sooooooooooo adorable !!!!


honestly y'all should do a thunderous night because Changbin had the time of his life during the promos, every stage was something new and hilarious


also you guys comparing han's voice to jungsu's felt like a personal attack because it made me realize I definitely have a ~type~ when it comes to vocals wow


Also after the 007 빵빵 incident after lee know turned around you can see him sliding his hands on changbin’s butt

Handsome Sausages

Lol I was gonna say "Jjuk Jjuk Bbang Bbang (kinda casual word for curvy sexy)" I was thinking too much like 'can I say that or not..?' Then it ended up being Bbang Bbang... I always shoot you guys LOVE hehe. Thank you XD🫰


Did you ever react to the SKZOO thunderous version? If not, it’s hilarious! https://youtu.be/SDKIUVFAPDU?si=v4SsvBUzFk0S-A2Y


I was annoyed how loud the backing track was for Gone Away since you could barely hear their vocals. My favorite thing about watching live performances is catching all the random things they're doing in the background--especially butt Hunter Lee Know!


Y all need to react to their stage of AAA 2021

Lili Grace

Yeah they did during a live session. I can’t remember which one it was tho


Changbin did different adlibs for each stage was the best. And the members only could find out only when they on stage. And for me all SKZ members are in Vocalracha now. Love their voices so much