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OH what a fabulous episode this was.

We've never heard Black Hole before, and we're stoked to check it out officially when the time comes (as usual), but what got us even more excited was the fact that this was one of the most balanced episodes so far from Two Kids Show. There were perfect amount of random chit chats (that were also new stories by the way), the perfect amount of comedy (thank you MC Changbin), everything was flowing right, AND they had plenty music talk.

Thanks to this, we also got to talk a lot about the song itself, the things they talked about, as well as some other things related to the way the show is handled (musically) and got to have some cool convos about general K-music scene.

So we hope you will have a lot of fun watching this one with us, and more than any other times, if you have questions, feel free to ask away! :D

Enjoy <3



Oh the hair erection cap! I love it!! Chan and I.N really need to do more songs together! I liked the theme and their voices.. it’s such a good song ♥️ the next one is amazing but the final episode is the cherry on top! 🤭


Oh my gosh! I cannot wait to watch this when I get home! This is such a beautiful song and it's very underrated. So I'm super excited that you guys finally get to hear it. It's so crazy to think that bang Chan is in generation z. I'm a millennial and I'm 3 years older than him. There he goes with that. Darn pillow again. Bang Chan is very strong but IN definitely has a sleeper build. Like man is pure muscle. Their faces are so expressive. When Chun bin got the age Gap wrong, the resulting faces were so funny. I'm not sure if the sound levels are different but I can't really hear what you're saying D'some. You said something about not really pitiful but it meant something else and I couldn't hear what you said. And then closer to the beginning you said something about in Korea M meant something? I'm not entirely sure. It was around the time they were talking about millennial and gen z. I love how IN is so serious but he laughs about it. I think that's really cute that bang Chan would never leave the boys behind. And I fully believe that. Lol yes Han-C, he does not sleep. He does not have a 48-hour day but this man does not sleep. He actually has bad insomnia. Or at least he did have bad insomnia at one point, but I'm sure he's still suffers with it a little bit. I absolutely love IN's fashion sense. But I also really like bang chans. I would wear bang Chan's more because it's more comfy and it's mostly black. Yeah they were joking about rapping. Yeah I would love to hear changbin's thoughts on the song. Yea the song is so stinking beautiful. Ian was like get me out of here. As soon as bang Chan started to pinch his cheeks. I would definitely sign that petition. Bangchan and Han. Because they sound nice. But like we want to hear your voice. Lol. Im with you D'some. I'm surprised that you're surprised that these two work together musically. Yes, Binnie did such a great job. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the pitch correction either. Yeah, I normally don't notice things like that but it was kind of really obvious in this one, especially on Bang Chan's voice. I really like your jacket D'some. I kind of want a clothes tour from you. Or like a tour of all of your jackets because you have some really pretty clothes. OH MY GOSH! hyunniebinnie is next! When I tell you I need the songs that they perform in the next episode expeditiously. I mean it. Like it's so good. And they sound fantastic.


WAIT THE CAP!? is this the debut of the hair erection cap?👀

Kumu Leato S. Savini

This ep made me cry a bit when I.N answered the disappear question about Bang Chan because it is so true. This was my favorire episode of this series. I wish more people would appreciate Blackhole and these two voices.


I’ve always thought that Chan has such a classic pop-y voice that kinda almost has a naturally auto-tuned quality (if that makes sense?) — it sorta makes the actual autotune feel extra pronounced? My hope for future Chan songs is more of his lower/middle register! Totally agree that I’d love to hear more of Chan’s voice with less autotune in general though (+ on some of Han’s solo tracks too) although it’s def just a personal preference thing for me. Both Han and Chan in particular seem to have a fondness for it hahaha On pitch correction — atp i just try my best to ignore it because once you focus too hard, it’s difficult to un-hear. Agree that it’s done pretty poorly on 2KS, but more broadly it’s just becoming a staple everywhere now :/ Maybe a symptom of kpop chasing perfection and consistency, which can make things feel too processed and sometimes a bit unsatisfying


+ I really love this pairing’s dynamic 🥹 2KS predates the dorm move, but it feels like they’ve gotten even closer after becoming roomies!


I just listen to those songs on repeat where you can hear Bang Chan’s vocals without the auto tune, but I agree we need more. I definitely notice the pitch correction and not having it would make these performances even better for me with their little imperfections and all. Still, I get that there are conventions and expectations that affect the presentation of live vocals


"chan would never run away and leave us behind, so i'm not worried" - if you listen closely you can hear every stay's heart getting a tiny crack because we all know how true that is😭 i could feel the disappointment when you found out chan's using cubase LOL. a lot of ppl don't like it but i think chan's just been using it from the very beginning and once you get used to a certain software, you tend to just stick with it. the rest of skz use cubase too i think, chan kinda spread it loll chan and jeongin are such a wholesome pair too🥹 they feel like close friends that really see eye to eye and are super comfortable. i think chan also feels esp comfortable around i.n because he's not that emotional/sensitive or nosy? tbh chan and jeongin were definitly the roommate pair i was the most surprised about living together, since all the other pairs were those who already hang out a lot together in their free time. but you can tell they got closer through living tght too. i would love to see all these roommate pairs again to see how their relationships changed after living together! and love mc changbin. you can tell he's genuinly curious (you could call it a bit nosy as well xD) about what goes on between skz members! next episodes are gonna be the wives and the boyfriends xD (all self proclaimed btw)

Coco Nies

I don't like it when autotune is super strong so I also wish Channie would use it a little less at times because his voice is so amazing! Also not a fan of super aggressive pitch correction cause it takes the emotions out of the singing a little, small mistakes are part of the experience. Is it merch time 👀


Their voices together are so nice and just them as a pairing is also super pleasing to see and hear about. There’s a cover that Chan, Seungmin and I.N did of Day6’s “I’ll try” and it was absolutely heavenly and really showed me how amazing they are as vocalists. Also, the cap is killing me lol


As a member of "general public" and total ignoramus when it comes to music - I've never once even noticed the pitch correction and personally I do enjoy the autotune on Chan's voice :D It was interesting what I.N. said about the directing, because I have a memory of someone else saying that while directing Chan has a very defined vision what he wants achieve and he won't let go until he has it. It could also be that they change their approach according to the member who's in the booth.

Tristana Keauna

I love their dynamic together. They give me the most 'sibling' vibes, but siblings that are genuinely friends as well. I've really fallen in love with I.Ns lower register when he sings, and am glad we're getting to hear more of it, more often.


to add about the pitch correction/autotune thing: you're right when you say that a lot people don't hear pitch correction, and some people hear that it's not just raw vocals but don't know what it is. for me i do hear it and would prefer less of it at times, but i also often don't hear it that strongly to the point were it really bothers me. autotune is often a matter of taste but i also wish it was less in some songs, esp the more melodical/lyrical ones like han's solo songs. it's definitly used much more than i would like in kpop shows/contents. i think the most ridiculous is when they do it in survival shows, even worse when it's episodes focusing on vocals and the fans are supposed to vote. like superstar k, like han-c mentioned😭 i love chan's vocal colour sm, i loved when we used to get snippets of him just singing freely on chan's room


His lower register had me replaying his parts of the songs before I was even able to recognise each of their voices. The way he starts 'Star Lost' is *Chef's kiss*. Also, they've had him follow directly after Changbin on several tracks lately and it just works so well for me. 'Megaverse' and 'Cover Me', for instance.


I love the voice of Chan, really and I preferred less pitch correction bc I don’t think they need it and more in this context idk why they do that we want to herd them sing, most of the time I notice when is corrected and makes me sad bc they are singers really good singers and I think some times correcting this much just makes the confidence of the artist get hurt, like you say, he haves this clear tone and huskynes in him the I really love, I’m grateful that we have the recording seasons bc we can hear how wheel they are. This is one of the reasons the I think we need a Lee Mujin Service with Chan, he can do it so well. But I don’t mind the auto tone in his songs bc I think go well with the theme of the song, but we need more ballad from him for sure. I love the episode bc you can tell how wheel they connect with each other and what IN says Bangchan never gonna leave them always get me


It was I.N who said that ad well, in an Intro that might have been Rock-star (don't quote me on where, tho, I've not gone back to double check😅). He said something along the lines of how Chan's very strict when it comes to the pitch and structure, but once you get that, he'll let you do what you want.


I sometimes also struggle with hearing what d'Some says, but only in the 2 Kids Show episodes, specifically. Never on anything else😅 It's just bits and pieces that falls out, and I'm usually good with the context, but I agree that I notice it more when you're correcting or explaining a translation, like here with the "not actually pitiful"-word 😆


Yess!! I agree with the pitch corrections😭😭. That's why I miss chan's room so much because chan used to play songs and sing a long to them. I'm hoping for the next come back, he'll be on lee mujin service


This was the first time I really struggled Because normally when I miss it it's because I'm paying attention to the Stray kids content and if I rewind it and just pay attention to what he's saying I can hear it. But this time I went back like three or four times and I still couldn't hear what he was saying 😿


Yes, same thoughts exactly! Also, where can we sign for Chan on Lee Mujin?

EL Knox

I will totally sign that petition ... I know he seems to really like to use auto tune etc especially on himself ... but man Bang Chan's voice is just so raw and beautiful without it ... WE NEED MORE MR. CHAN


The most important part first; the hair erection cap?! ♡♡ I apologise in advance for another long comment.... I love this duo so much. Both their personalities are pretty much opposite from their roles. I.N is a little hyung in attitude, and that seems to be much more natural for him. He has an image that comes with being maknae that is not really fitting with who he is. They've also mentioned that when he was in the kids group as trainee, he was actually intended to be in and most likely lead JYPE's next group after SKZ, and that's what would have happened if Chan hadn't pushed for him to be added to the survival show. And then there's Chan, who, while being best leader, reverts to wanting to be pampered whenever he doesn't have to be in charge. There ends up being a lot of overlap between, which makes them a really interesting mix imo. These two (and Felix) are also the only ones to actually have younger siblings, and I feel like it shows. When 2kids show was released last year, all the talk was "if they're not doing all duos, why these exact ones?", and while Ep. 1-4 kinda made sense on their own, it's not until now I realise that they were obviously foreshadowing the new dorm arrangements in ep.5-8 lol It's interesting to hear them compare Chan and Changbin's directing styles, because this is something i've noticed myself. You could pick up on it all the way back in the survival show, it was very apparent in the 2 Kids Song episodes (Chan/Felix vs. Changbin/I.N) and you still see it in the Intros and bts. Changbin will draw you a map and still walk there along with you, Chan just release you into the wild to figure it out for yourself and then stays close behind, just in case you veer too close to a disaster. Also, Changbin is just perpetually nosy, and mixed with a seemingly above average EQ, it's why he always knows what's going on with everyone and by extension, what questions to ask. That, and his quick wit, makes for a really good MC. I wish they would use less of the autotune in general, but they seem to really like it. While I've sort of accepted it as an artistic choice, I prefer when we get just their voices as they are. I really love Bangchan's raw vocals and his insane range that people don't talk nearly enough about. You get a lot of that in Chan's room. I'm also VERY weak for I.N's lower range, and I'm excited for him to figure out more of who he is as an artist. I usually don't notice the pitch correct. I didn't know what to listen for in the beginning, and now I'm just used to it. The charm of a live perfomance kinda disappear without the imperfections in it, though, and I wish they would shift away from the obsession with perfection in the industry, in general. Now, I spent over a decade listening to k-bands prior to finding SKZ (I've followed most bands in 2nd and 3rd gen, but primarily FTIsland). Obviously, it's already very different when it comes to bands and instruments on the korean tv-broadcasts, as opposed to a group where it's just the vocals being "corrected". I still remember their younger years and them talking openly about feeling that it was pointless to even be on those shows, because they wouldn't be able to "be musicians" there anyway. I'd mostly only watch their actual concerts because of it. Because this was my experience with Korean "live music tv", I really had no expectations at all, going into SKZ, tbh.

Stacy Marie

I love how the last four 2 Kids Show are all the roommates ^-^ It's like they were testing the waters by doing the pairs on the show or something XD


I am fine with autotune being used as a creative choice/style but I do love a more raw sound in recording. I think because previously I was largely a fan of rock/metal styles where the raw vocal is part of the style I miss it sometimes in pop/kpop. Like their live stages are excellent and it feels like you get that extra hit of emotion from live vocals, so this performance for example did irritate me a little because the sound was a little too produced- if that makes sense- and I'd love just straight up acoustic, but I do also get there are a lot of factors involved. Personally, I would love SKZ to do an album with full orchestra/band/live recording old style. Live harmonies, acoustics, all of it. I would love to see what Chan (and the others) did if you gave him a bunch of objects to make noise with recorded directly. I was listening to a programme about one of the first composers who used everyday sounds in compositions and built his own instruments to mimic car noises and factory noises and made them into music and it felt like that was so Chan-like. But they'd need a solid few months doing nothing else to work like that which doesn't work with their schedules. It's not that I think their music is bad in anyway I love what they create, it's just I think their genius is so great I would love to see it explored in different ways from how they typically have been as well.


FINALLY someone who voiced out all the things that icks me the most about ‘live takes’ from so many skz/etc videos (that are handled by their company). the pitch correction drives me insane and it ALWAYS takes away a certain % of my enjoyment if the content bc i feel like my ears are quite sensitive to these things… i adore raw vocals and ill allow minimal pitch correction but gosh darn it, i just think of how much more ‘genuine’ the performances can feel without the robotic corrections </3 when we DO get raw vocals it makes my heart so happy. we need more of these.


all THAT aside. im still waiting on that maknae on top pt2!! i will manifest it 🤞🤞🤞

Handsome Sausages

We'll recheck on the sound levels together :D This one definitely fluctuates a bit especially with the show itelf! FYI, the two parts you questioned, I said 1) Koreans generally just say MZ like how we use GenZ nowadays. They do know MZ is technically Millenial~GenZ, but it just became THE term. 2) Not just 'pitiful, but more so moving (as in, yeh, evoking pity but...he's not pathetic, if you know what I mean) And you're very welcome to do my actually pitiful closet tour. XD I've been spending the past 5 years trying my best not to buy more clothes and just exhaust my pre-existing wardrobe XD

Handsome Sausages

So many ppl didn't realize it XD Cuz I've actually been wearing this cap here and there at least 6 times before this I'm sure XD

Handsome Sausages

100%! I mean, some things you just cannot know until you actually produce music and have some kind of mixing knowledge, but generally speaking, pitch corrections can be noticed fairly easily once you know what to look for XD For survival shows, at least, when audience vote is truly involved, it's usually live stage so at least ppl will get to hear the non-corrected vocal there, but for earlier stages where there are judges on site, it's all corrected for broadcast XD

Handsome Sausages

Oh this was fun to read but just to specifically comment on your last remark about bands on TV—holy crap so true—I remember back in the day when they'd come up on stage and they literally just had to pretend like they're playing their instruments and nothing is plugged XD


I knooow, and bands in the idol industry is such a can of worms for many reasons. It was ridiculous and very obvious, once the idol bands started cropping up, that people in music television either didn't know what to do with them or they just didn't care. The most extreme one with them specifically that I remember, was once they showed up for a show and the showrunner didn't even know that it was an actual band that was coming. Like there were no instruments, nor the possibilty to set up any so they could at least pretend. Their drummer spoke about crying on the bus while Hongki sang alone on stage to a backtrack. Mind you, they were young young atp - their oldest member the same age as I.N at debut.


The face Chan and I.N. make after Changbin says he thought Chan was a '96er 😆. Wow, I did not notice the pitch correction until you pointed it out and I went back to listen and even then it was hard for me to catch. I was so impressed by how good they all sounded during these recordings. Am I disappointed? Not in the members but a little with the fact that now it's not as authentic as I thought it was. I'm curious though...Is it true that singers might have a harder time to be in tune in a concert environment because the surrounding noise is so loud? I know that's what the in-ears are for but I always assumed that it could still be hard to hear yourself. I generally can sing in tune but noticed in videos of concerts I've gone to that I am WAY more out of tune when I'm singing along lol 😅 mainly cuz I couldn't hear myself at all with all the crowd noise. Agree 10000% for more un-autotuned Chan. I love his singing voice even if it may not be the "strongest" one on the team. My favorite is the live version of "Hold My Breath" and he's doing the ad-libs at the end. So good. Does anyone know if Chan has ever confirmed that he has perfect pitch? I've seen that clip of him at an old concert where he asks the band to play a song off the top of his head and he hums a note then tells them which chord to play. I always wondered if that was just planned or if he actually could do that. My sister has perfect pitch and I'm still impressed now when I see her just know what note it is by hearing it.

Lilith Rain

PLEASE MORE OF BANG CHANS VOICE!! I always get so happy when there isn’t autotune cause his voice is so underrated to me 🖤

Lilith Rain

Also yes, pitch correcting is something brand new to me in these situations. I didn’t know they even did that until you guys explained it through this series 😊