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Here's our official introduction / QnA video for all our lovely sausages - we start off with some background info, our name explanation, musical history, etc. and jump into the questions you have asked us on one of the polls!

No scripts or anything. So... very chaotic.

We didn't think it'd take this long, but it's VERY long so feel free to skip around as we do have a general 'guidance' on screen (refer below to specific questions that were asked on the poll), but if you just want to chill and fall asleep to us blabbing, we do suggest you just listen to it in full as we're NOTORIOUSLY known to jump around and refer to things we've mentioned 5 minutes ago REPEATEDLY.

Either way, thank you thank you thank you again and always for always staying by our sides and screaming in excitement with us to all the crazy talents of all the wonderful groups we're reacting to! 

Much love, and see you in the next video ;)

Comment #1 Qs
- What made you guys want to go into the field of work you do?
- How did you guys meet? If it was through work what project did you guys first work on together?
- Did you guys ever have any doubts as to if this was really the work you wanted to do? If so how'd you over come that?
- What do you wish to do in the future as far as your careers?
- Whats the one project you guys have done that's made you feel the most accomplished?  
- Do you hope to continue to make the content you are currently making and grow a career out of it? (I think you guys definitely should cause your amazing at it)
- Did you guys go to college to study your careers? Or was it self taught?

- What are your uptime favourite artists (can be either kpop or general)
- If you could collab with someone (musician, producer) for a project (make music, a video), who would it be?
- What’s one Kpop song that’s on your personal playlists that you love listening to?
- I saw Yizzlebizzle ask about how you guys met. Which I think is a great question!
- How has the experience of starting a Patreon been? Like are you overwhelmed, enjoying it, stuff like that.

- How long have you been friends?
- How did you meet?
- Have you ever considered changing your name to sexy sausages?
- What's your fave girl group?
- What's your least favorite k/music genre?

- What toppings do you like on your pizza?
- What instruments do you play?
- Is it sock, sock, shoe, shoe or sock, shoe, sock shoe?

- Are you still producing/ making music? How do you go about it?

- For Han-C: Why did you choose to no longer work as a producer in K-pop and what is it like working as a producer in the K-pop industry?

- What is your favourite k-pop MV?
- If you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be and why?
- What's something about the industry that people might be surprised to know?
- Which group, member or solo artist do you think is most underrated?  
- What are your favourite books, films and dramas?

- Are there any artists that you feel influence or inspire the music you make?  
- what music production software is your favorite? What are the pros and cons to it?
- for people trying to get into music production what are some tips you have? Also where are some places to get some good sources?
- what kind of music do you guys listen to on a day to day basis? What are some of your favorite musicians or songs?
- If your life had a soundtrack what are 5 songs you think would be on it?

- Cereal, then milk, or milk, then cereal?

- What made you love music?
- Were you interested in becoming a singer first before getting into making music? What’s the behind story?
- How did you become Kpop producers?
- What are the requirements to make a Kpop songs whether it’s for a boy group or girl group?
- How fast can a Kpop song be made? Is there a deadline?
- Who usually writes? does the Kpop group get involved? Are the allowed?
- Are there certain topics that are prohibited when making songs?
- Are there any restrictions when making a Kpop song to a specific group?
- Was it difficult working with some artists? Or their management at any point?
- If a song blows up, do you guys get any incentive from it?

- Where are you guys based in? And did you learn English by living abroad or just by studying it in Korea?  
- What do you guys currently do for a living? What made you decide to leave producer's career?  
- If you were to collab with one artist/group out of the ones you reacted to, who would it be and why?   
- Which kpop song that you reacted to is your favorite/left the biggest impact?


Harley Shanks

Yes! I was just sitting down to work on my bullet journal and wanted to listen to something and here you are! Divine timing.


#4 and #9 asking the real questions here LOL Can't wait to hear your answers to all the questions!


We got our fandom name! 😂


Thank you for answering! I absolutely loved Everything Everywhere All At Once - via a strange and lucky set of circumstances, I actually got to go to the LA premier, which was an incredible experience. There are some Christopher Nolan films I really love (especially The Prestige and Interstellar), but he does periodically do stuff which, just by virtue of the subject matter, I simply do not vibe with. But I find it really interesting how you guys were said that, when you're making music, you tend not to listen to any because you don't want to be influenced, because that's sort of the opposite of how my industry (SFF writing) works - there are exceptions, but at least among the people I know, we're all rolling around in each other's work because we *do* want to be influenced; and yet, ironically, we often struggle to read even a third of what we want to, because there's so much more pressure to like it and respond to it within a certain timeframe.

Mel A

Ayaah, I have so much work to do tonight, but I had to pause it all to watch this. 🥰 Thanks for the openness (maybe a testament to the kind community you were talking about). Of course, I loved the WOODZ-love. 🥲 There is a possibility that something you said in the last 5 minutes might elicit some WOODZ spoilers—I hope not. Shhh Moodz!


Everything Everywhere all at Once is so dope!! I’m always looking at the Pulp Fiction and Fight Club posters in the background as well!! Both take me way back.

Harley Shanks

Yoooo what's up fellow Canadians!!! Never knew you guys are from the land of maple syrup. Hope you & your families have been unaffected by the fires across the country. Oh also, I'm sure you understand the pain of k-pop groups not really coming to Canada! Looking at you, Stray Kids.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

I snorted when you answered my question thank you! I disagree tho you are indeed some sex-y sausages! ♡ I am so sorry to hear about the hardships with your work but it eventually led you to us! ♡ I already mentioned sympathy for mr vengeance but omg oldboy (not the remake, never the remake) ♡ Ohmygosh when you mentioned sleeping and got close to the mic, maybe time for sausage ASMR? lol Thank you guys for this attack, my face hurts from smiling.♡

Harley Shanks

Totally get you on The Tortoise & The Hare!! TTATH made me a STAY. I got into SKZ because of God's Menu but after I heard TTATH, I realized this was a group like no other.


It was so much fun getting to know you guys a bit more <3 Thank you for answering my (our) questions! I definitely vote yes on a 예뻤어 cover. This was one of the first Korean songs I got to know after I became a SKZ-Stan (because Seungmin is a massive fan of Day6). I really love how you guys are in your videos, even with Han-C's silly jokes, crazy intro's and whatnot. The energy between you two is really nice. It was actually surprising to me when you said that Han-C is usually the one mentioning the negative and D-Some being the cheery one. With Han-C sillyness I always figured he'd be the cheery one, while D-Some tends to be a lot more restrained (? I mean in a good way! Don't really know how to explain it, but anyway, this was a fun TMI/behind the scenes to learn about). Keep up the good work <3


I can’t wait to watch this!


This was so fun to watch I was surprised to hear that Han-C lost a lot of his English from working in Korea. I’m planning to live and work in Korea in a few years and the thought that even though I grew up speaking English I might lose some of that is such a weird thought. Also the way you guys both said New Jeans for your favorite girl group made me laugh. Between me and my friends we often joke that New Jeans have a choke hold on men not because they’re young girls or anything but because so many men just absolute love their music and I think that’s so funny. Especially because their music and concepts are very poppy and upbeat and not necessarily stuff that we would associate with the “normal” ideas of masculinity. I have quite a few guy friends that absolutely love new jeans music that you would never think would just based off of appearance and vibe. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions and I definitely hope you guys do this again.

Neuter Lover

Wow! Thanks for sharing your journey / experience to us and answering those questions. Yeah finally I got the answer why I'm really into Handsome Sausages channel's reaction... It's because we have quite similar background in music industry. I'm also working as an independent music artist who funding myself with full-time UX job (Totally different skill, hahaha). I've been sacrificing my life for my music but I can't stop it. A huge different thing is I don't have music theory background, so I've learned a lot when you guys analyzed about chord progression and some theory stuff. Appreciated that. I'm so sorry for what Han-C had been through. I thought it just happened in small indie music scene, but OMG... T__T Anyway, I really love the background music you made. Looking forward to see more of your cover songs or any new music creations. Cheers!

Pauline R

Thank you so much for answering to all the questions and telling us about yourselves and your story! It was very entertaining and interesting. I love getting to know you guys. You seem to be lovely people and are one of my best discoveries of the year 2022. It's been a joy to follow you on YouTube and then here too. I always have a good time while watching your videos. Whatever content you want to do (please just keep Stray Kids haha) I'll support because I think you're good people. I've been absolutely loving rewatching Kingdom with you by the way. Anyway, keep it up and be happy :)

Eva Minster

This was very interesting to watch! Thank you so much guys for making this video! Han-C, I'm sorry to hear that working as a Kpop producer wasn't a pleasant experience for you. It sounded like a pretty similar experience to what a friend of mine had in working in television as an editor. It's really sad to hear that production staff don't get paid a lot for all the work that they do. They work so much and so hard. When you said that your name got dropped, did you mean that you are no longer credited for making those songs?

Sam w

Woo! You answered my question! It was the most important one, obviously... lol! Thanks for answering all these, it was really fun getting to know you guys a little more!


No secret meaning, but I'm in good company. https://youtu.be/B7xd2yg2osY

Handsome Sausages

Absolutely feel that pressure as well - it's really a mix but at one point you just stop listening. I guess though, for music specifically, it's so easy to unconsciously get influenced and end up unknowingly plagiarizing which is the last thing you want to in the music industry so it's a bit more inevitable that you stay away from other songs during production than other creative professions perhaps!

Handsome Sausages

HELLO fellow Canadian ! :D:D WE TOTALLY feel that pain because we always talk about attending a concert and doing livestreams afterwards and stuff like that but....to no avail :')

Handsome Sausages

Well then, 예뻤어 is DEF happening ;) Also, I mean, we are who we are and we stay true to our character - but it IS one specific character we portray on HS and we do seem (from others talking about us) very very different in real life inevitably. As is for any other creators or celebrities or whatnot out there, but yeh! Haha

Handsome Sausages

That's hilarious about New Jeans hahaha we didn't think about it that way but we do see that pattern in our own lives as well XD

Handsome Sausages

Oh that's so cool that you work independently and are working in user experience designer world!!! Mind sharing your music work with us though? :D:D no pressure!

Handsome Sausages

Thank you so much for always supporting our journey :D SKZ will NEVER disappear - they're one of our FAVOURITES and takes a special place in our hearts!

Handsome Sausages

Yes it means his name wasn't credited at all - as if he doesn't exist unfortunately :( Happens WAY MORE OFTEN (too often I'd say) than you may EVER imagine, at least in Korea.


Yeah, that makes sense! I suspect the length of the medium matters a lot here, too - in a longer work, even if you're subconsciously aping the structure of something else, you still have to put your own meat on those bones, so plagiarism is much harder to assert unless there's word-for-word similarities at the sentence level. But for something shorter, like a song, I can see how you might easily copy, say, a transition and a chorus without realizing where they'd come from until it's too late. Brains are weird!

Eva Minster

That is a great pity. It makes it hard for people who did great jobs on those songs because then they can't really show it as a portfolio piece because their name's not credited isn't it? Why don't people get credited for the work they did if it's okay to ask?


Thank you so much for answering my (our) questions! You kept me company while doing house chores and I loved listening about your experiences. Also, Han-C talking about how ruthless the k-pop/music industry can be for producers and other workers in the industry (not to mention the idols ofc), was quite eye-opening for me. I'm currently looking for a new job and as an event manager I was considering trying to get into the music industry, managing tours and concerts, since I'm passionate about music (my last job mainly consisted of organizing summits and scientific conferences, so not really an exciting topic), but tbh I am now kinda rethinking that, since, as you also mentioned, the music industry is not as shiny and "polished" as it looks from the outside. Also, so cool to know that you live in Canada! But now I need to hear D-Some speaking German heheh ;) Would be awsome to get to know where fellow Sausages (subscribers) came from too, maybe with a pool?


Carl and Rob Reiner are greats in my opinion. And, Christopher Nolan.


You're so welcome, also from the heart of our bottoms. <3


Yay! Thank you for answering my questions and for making this video 😍 I loved to get to know you guys better and to know your background and know more about the industry as well. It must be tough for artists to keep up the passion with all the failed attempts and also the way the industry works too. I also like films so much and relate to D-some, we have similar taste in music too especially global music. And I love Christopher Nolan works as well and can’t wait for Han-C to watch Oppenheimer because it was such an awesome viewing. Thank you guys for this informative video and can’t wait for the next reactions! 🔥


Thank you for sharing and taking the time to put this together. Interesting listening to the other side of music. You guys are awesome! Here for the long run!

Handsome Sausages

I mean, anything in the arts and entertainment industry can get quite corrupt but it works in macro and micro scale for any other field of work so...go for what you like?! Also, love the idea for the sausages distribution poll! On it! (And d'some lost his German more or less XD)

Handsome Sausages

Ohhh Oppenheimer was great time and I also can't wait for Han-C to watch it haha. GREAT taste in music and films if you share the taste with me :D ha!

Tristana Keauna

Thank you for pinning this so I could find it!

Ron Jackson Jr

i have a question for Han-C what track did you feel proud of that was turned into a kpop song u dont have to answer it :D

Handsome Sausages

Han-C) It is a song called 'White' by OhMyGirl (Arrangement, producing). That was my debut in K-pop industry (They took my name out, not even paid me hehehee). I do not listen to it because it is a bit sad(?) for me, but I always feel proud that the song was my debut :D


I appreciate getting to know you guys so i LOVED to see this. 🫰🏾🫶🏾


aah it's so nice to get to know you better! you guys are my favourite react channel, and i'm happy i finally came to patreon!


Just joined the Patreon, so took a minute or 70 to watch the intro. It was really nice to learn more about you. Two things caught my attention: 1. I am always sock shoe sock shoe. I live in a warm climate and the longer a foot is free of socks the better it is. 2. The Cubase commentary was hilarious. Way, waaayyy, back in the day my then boyfriend was trying to be an EDM musician / DJ and he earned a living as tech support for Cubase (and I think also ProTools) so I heard a lot of complaining. Love the reactions, by the way.

Handsome Sausages

THATTT MAKES SENSE why some would do sock shoe sock shoe XD finally! Thank you for that hahaha. Also, yes and yes and yes for Cubase XD!!! Thanks for watching, joining, and being part of the community <3

J.A. Moore

May 11, 2024 - Just want you to know....I've been going back and re-watching your older reaction vids from before you joined Patreon. It reminds me all over again why I followed you both on YouTube and here. Your reactions are so musically informed and just fun to watch. Thanks again for such great content. I stan Handsome Sausages!


Finally watched this video!! I'be been meaning to watch it since I joined your patreon 2 months ago but somehow kept forgetting lol. So interesting to hear more about your backgrounds, careers, etc. I learned so many new things, like I didn't even know you guys are in Quebec. D'some being born in Germany caught me so off guard tho cuz I'm from Germany as well hahah And I have to agree that sausages are the nicest people! Everyone is really kind and respectful, so I'm very happy to be part of this community ♡ It's really nice to hear more about you guys, hope you do something like this again soon :)

J.A. Moore

Hey Han-C and D'some - On your IG acct, you have several teaser videos where you're singing (and you both sound AMAZING). Suggestion: Here on Patreon, would you please post the **full** videos of those songs on occasion? I really want everyone to hear you sing. You guys sound so, so good. And also......do you still sing together? I hope so!

Handsome Sausages

Hey there :D I THINK you're referring to our covers - which are totally available on YT! IF that's not what you're referring to, we'll have to look into it, but if it's IG, it's 99% the covers XD which is how we started this channel originally!

Handsome Sausages

:D Welcome to the community!! And yes for Germany! Not many people see that coming, for obvious reasons XD! Thank you for being so awesome <3

J.A. Moore

I wasn't sure if they were all covers or not, but my main interest is in your voices and guitar playing. I think you guys sound SO good! I'd love to see you record more music (especially if it was your own).

Handsome Sausages

Why thank you :D You can certainly check the full vids on our channel. We do plan to do more covers down the road - and we do have our own stuff somewhere XD we'll see!


I'm only just getting around to finally watching this now, and I just had to pause midway, bc oldboy and sympathy for mr vengeance were mentioned and I have .OVED those films for SO long - the entire vengeance trilogy is a masterpiece, tbh, and I actually own them all on DvD from years and Years ago XD that is all, thank-you for listening


Hi ! I don't know where to post it, but you should react to Stray kid singing Karaoke ! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ri78XWlACQ) there is 2 videos (44 and 45) and they are great ! I'd love to see your reaction to them ! Also 3RACHa did a collaboration with Sky-Hi, it's worth listening to. Thanks a lot again !


omg yesssss!!!! the whole thing is fun, but watching Chan is just a casual reminder of how good he actually is. would love to watch Han-C and D-some's reaction to that!!!