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And here we were, thinking Crescent is a full track.

Wave came faster than we thought! Back to back time again, we are reacting to the short 47 second long interlude track Crescent followed right up by the notorious Wave - VERY different from the Kingdom performance, and this original version (being the OG version) really makes that Hakuna Matata line pop out like nothing else!

Despite being similar in genre with the other tracks of this album, somehow this song was a lot more hype to listen to - Loved it as usual, and can't wait for the beauty that is Aurora!


Much love <3




♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

I heard Wave when I was watching immortal songs and fell in love all over again when i found it 😭

Kay Popped

Hahaha. I'd love now for you to revisit the opening performance of Kingdom to compare and contrast. When I watched Kingdom the first time, I was like, "how are they dressed like that for Wave!?" and then... well, night Wave came into being! I almost didn't recognize it, and it's one of my beloved songs. It really does highlight, though, how versatile ATEEZ is, and how much effort they put into making the Kingdom performances different from the originals. And yes, Crescent listened to as a lead-in to Wave just makes Wave sound like a track with a longer intro. :) I don't know how to tell you to prepare yourself for Aurora, but it's a Hong Joong song through and through, and it's a fan favorite partially for that reason.

Yall Hearing This podcast

Absolutely cannot wait to see your reaction to Aurora! One of my absolute favorite Ateez tracks ❤️ And I believe the first full Hongjoong-written track on one of their albums! Definitely watch the MV if that isn’t already your plan: https://youtu.be/7wcM9Eq3UbI


Loved your reaction and analysis! This song is one of my favorites- it fooled me so hard the first time I heard it because it seemed all calm and Caribbean and soothing and then Mingi comes in with geonBAE geonBAE and the rhythm picks up, and there’s no going back. Like, if I didn’t end up hating every song I’ve ever set as an alarm, I’d set this as an alarm. Just a thought- I think that all of the thoughts about focusing on the arrangement for Kingdom, and creating a story, and doing something new, are all valid, but I wonder- was the “Hakuna Matata Ya” de-emphasized because Mingi wasn’t there? It’s so quintessentially Mingi.


Crescent would likely refer to the moon here, just going off knowledge that the Cromer (the hourglass device of their lore) allows time/dimension travel based in part on moon phases (at least for how I've seen it explained)... and one of the iconic symbols we have for ATEEZ includes moon phases. It may also work as a double-meaning since we know the waves rise and fall, and that's definitely not outside of the box thinking for them since I think nearly everything they do has at least two meanings. In terms of 'Crescent' being a transition, I think it's not actually intended to be a smooth transition but rather that it's a very abrupt (exactly as you said) awakening from the illusion. For me, it's like the whisper at the beginning is when they're going for that softness, but then the voice gets louder and we follow that with actual ticking of a clock (which makes me giggle just a tiny bit if I hear Crescent right after Illusion, because of the clock-croc reference my brain makes). Now, with that in mind, I'm not sure if 'Wave' is meant to be another dream or not... I'm not incredibly well-versed in the early lore because I'm still so new to the fandom and have focused more heavily on the newer parts of the storyline. This could be showing us the actual fun-loving friendship of the 8 guys who came together to be ATEEZ (lore-wise; think of it as the 8 real-life people playing 2 roles in a story, each has a character to play in ATEEZ and also in HALATEEZ). I could still be a dream-like state, though, showing things more as memories. I found it interesting to hear "Hakuna Matata" used here (and I won't ever be able to sing the Lion King song correctly again, because my brain now defaults to this pronunciation of it). The Lion King movie was released back in 1994, and I know my own son (born in 1998 like the 2 oldest ATEEZ guys) watched the heck out of that movie when he was little. Just a nice tie-in for me personally, heh. That said, though, it does mean "no worries" (I mean, we learned that from Timon and Puumba, right?) and at the end of 'Wave' they literally say "don't worry" (in Korean), so it definitely fits lyrically also. The K:LW version is definitely darker and switched about. As another person mentioned, they may have purposefully downplayed the "Hakuna Matata" part because of Mingi's absence. They did A LOT of things in the show that were focused on them still being 8 even without him present physically. Honestly, while I refuse to even attempt to pick favorite ATEEZ songs ever, 'Wave' is one that I will always turn up and enjoy because I'm just never not in a mood to hear it. It's always fun, and it always makes me smile... and it's able to make the sun come back out too, apparently, so that's awesome!

Eva Minster

D'some, you mentioning it that it's all a dream just made me understand the Inception music video. Lol. In that video they're shown waking up from the fantasy. The theme for the music video is very much influenced by the film Inception in terms of theme. Also, yeah, Mingi's voice does hit harder than Hongjoong's when saying 'Hakuna Matata'. I think their Kingdom performances would have hit very differently if Mingi was participating with them. That dude has such a strong and charismatic stage presence and then of course his voice just adds more depth to the songs.

Handsome Sausages

100% agree on the 'abrupt awakening' - that's EXACTLY how we felt it is and it works GREAT. And we did realize that Mingi's absence may have played a significant role in it being downplayed in general, AND intentionally!


Yes yes, Wave is sooo different from the introduction Kingdom performance, that’s why it’s better to watch it first but you can always rewatch the performance with fresh ears after hearing the OG Wave, it will be the same situation with Answer too, it connects so much into their lore as well so I think basic knowledge of the lore is needed but I hope you can get to Answer before it is played in Kingdom haha I also recommend you and every ATINY here to watch this video https://youtu.be/D6JaH8P5PjY (and the whole channel tbh) for more explanations about Wave/Illusion situation, especially if you like theories in the form of video essays, it’s so entertaining and just mind blowing how KQ and ATEEZ go about their lore. Thank you again for reacting to ATEEZ as always and can’t wait for Aurora next and then the Wonderland black and gold album, All to Action 😍


Hakuna Matata Ya! That shit just sticks in my head. I love Wave! It’s one that I am guaranteed to dance to when no one is looking and my designated summer song lmao! Glad you like it, and love your reactions as always! 🖤


Aurora is literally my child AAAAHHH IM EXCITED


Was so excited to see you guys react to the original version of Wave after seeing the overture version from Kingdom! The difference between them is so wild. Wave is actually such a special song for Ateez and Atiny. It is the song that gave Ateez their first ever music show win. It was so heartwarming and emotional. This song was so iconic when it came out and it still is. The "Hakuna Matata Ya" lives rent free in basically every Atiny's head to this day. I'm enjoying your guys' Ateez journey so much!! :')


I was running to the comments section to talk about the cromer and the crescent moon and dimension hopping but you did an excellent job. The one thing I'll still add is to remember the end of Illusion when they're going through the tunnel and see Halateez and hear open your eyes. That is a direct tie into the dimension hopping from illusion to wave via cresent. (Weirdly I love crescent, I love all of Ateez interludes, that fact that they usually get referenced in later full songs makes me feel like Ateez albums are actually symphonic in structure with repeat motifs and it just pleases me deeply.)


I'm a big fan of their intros, outros, and interludes also. Everything just flows so nicely and it's a shame when people skip those pieces just because they're short or "not really 'songs'" or whatever. And yes, the point about Illusion's ending is spot-on, thank you for adding that! <3


I put Wave on a Tropical House playlist and it slaps I don’t know how Eden and Hongjoong do it every single time.