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We LOVE this one. Heard a lot of people mention the cultural nuances in this one - well, it delivers.

This is another song with TONS of cultural and linguistic undertone - and we explain a lot of things in that regard more than the music itself here so buckle up!

Some words used in this video for reference!

시원하다 - cool (temperature)

해장국 - pork bone soup

감자탕 - pork bone soup (but many with potatoes)

아버지 - father (dad would be 아빠)

대기 - wait / stand by

기대다 - lean, or depend

Cheers :)



Thank you so much for explaining this emotional song! The you both explain the culture during your reactions is what drew me into watching consistently. Y’all are the best!


I've been trying to find the correct words to describe this song. After I learned what the song meant, I appreciate it even more. It's a very heartbreaking song when you learn the lyrics. I still haven't seen the video but I'll be back to tell a little bit more about it. It's actually a song I've been thinking about lately.


I didn’t think it was possible but you guys introduced me to a SKZ song I did not know yet. And I am very happy I got to know it through you. As I’m only at a very basic level of Korean, I would not have understood the deeper meaning of these lyrics and as you said, musically the song doesn’t necessarily stand out so I wouldn’t have thought too much of it, other than it being a nice chill song to listen to. Even though I can’t relate to the meaning, the way you explained it, feeling so passionate about correcting the lyrics to give thst deeper meaning, made me feel a bit sentimental. I would love going forward, if you could explain aspects of Korean culture, as a lot of these get lost in translation (I remember when you first react to Xikers Tricky House, I really enjoyed your explanations on the Korean 도깨비 as well).

Tess Huber

This was such a special reaction. I added this song to my monthly playlist and have had it on repeat since I knew you were reacting to it soon. It's such a different feel, but I still never would have had any insight into the underlying emotions of this one. Thank you for adding so much depth to this song!


Yes! I knew you would do this song justice and explain it properly. I am still learning Korean but I knew some of these words weren’t properly expressed but simplified to a broad audience. I can’t relate to the meaning behind but I absolutely appreciate this song to its fullest. It definitely feels like a very personal song to them. Thank you so much for the correction to more express the lyrics they wrote.


thank you so much for the video and for the Korean culture insight, it's always amazing to know little things about any culture to understand. It's an amazing song that, unfortunately there's no OT8 version, either way is so good. Can't wait for the next one, thank you again!!!


I loved this reaction so much guys, thank you! Since I first listened to this song I loved it, and I loved it more when I discovered what was it about. I knew you would understand it so much better than me so thank you so much for explaining :) ! I really love how you guys always explain about the word play in skz songs

Tracey Okeby Lucan

Thank you that was really great. Skz only seems to peel back the music when they want us to really listen to them. So it’s good that I now understand this one better.

Handsome Sausages

Thank you! It's such a beautiful song once you really speak Korean (and of course, if you know the culture) and so we wanted to try our best to bring light to its deeper meaning !

Handsome Sausages

Oh extra special if you didn't know this one!!! We wanted to go even further with the analysis but stopped here in case it gets too tedious; so it's really great to hear everyone say they enjoyed it! :)

Handsome Sausages

Oh thank you so much for anticipating our reaction - makes us want to pump out even more stuff asap! :') Happy to hear you enjoyed it :D!

Handsome Sausages

It most certainly IS a personal song and we can REALLY sense that with our Korean brain especially. :) Happy you loved this one! Thanks!

Handsome Sausages

Again, happy to hear you enjoyed our explanation - we shall pay more attention in the future not just to the lyrics but to the ENGLISH lyrics so if there's anything crazy wrong, we can help re-translate! :)

Handsome Sausages

Absolutely! Esp with songs like this, the lyrical depth is extremely important so we HAD to go in depth a bit with it ;)

Sam w

This is one of the main reasons I love you guys as reactors. You always have insights into the korean lyrics and culture that helped build the songs that I completely miss. I had no idea what this song was about, aside from soup. Knowing a little more about the lyrics and the culture behind them makes this so much more impactful! I also love the reactions where you break down what they do musically to acheive the moments I adore,but like the commenter above said, SKZ tends to focus hard on either lyrics or musical complexity, but typically not both at once. Which is nice of them, as if they have both super complex lyrics and insane music I'll just... *head exploding emoji*


Thank you so much for this explanation! This is a 3RACHA song, but given your explanation of the lyrics, I wonder if Changbin contributed the most lyrically in terms of personal experience, given that Han spent most of his childhood in Malaysia and Chan moved to Australia at age 3 - meaning, they're less likely to have seen their dads experiencing hoesik as they grew up compared to Changbin. Either way, I have a lot of sympathy for the idea of a generation gap between parents and kids in that age bracket given how fast Korea grew, because in some ways it's closer to my own experience, albeit from a different cultural context. (I'm a millennial, but my dad was born in 1932 and had me when he was 54, so I grew up with a very different set of cultural references to just about everyone my age. The gap between my dad's experience of being a teenage in the 40s and me being a teenager in the 90s/00s was BIG.) It's nice to get so much more insight into such a moving song!


i know i've listened to this song maybe once or twice before, but it never really hit for me. getting the context on the lyrics definitely helps me understand and appreciate it more.

Inge Sahuleka

Thank you so much for giving context. It makes me understand the way this song made me feel so much better.

Neuter Lover

OMG! Thank you very very very much for explaining Korean culture and the right meaning of the lyrics. I felt in love with this song without knowing the song's meaning... the beautiful music and the vocals touched my heart and soul directly. I bypassed the lyrics because I never understand the eng translation which totally wrong. Today I realized what is the story behind this song and the right translation from you guys, I'm impressed with this song more and more... my favorite song of Stray Kids.


thank you so much for the added context to this song!

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

aww yaay I never heard this one!! Lyrically I'd love to see you guys see breakdown "Volcano" by Han Jisung, omg he wrote this one and it makes me cry everytime. loved this! ♡


I’m so happy you gave the cultural background and focused on the lyrics cause you are so right if you don’t know about the Korean culture and the Korean language and stuff like that you really do miss out on so much context there’s a few songs out there that I absolutely love but I don’t even know how to begin trying to explain some of it this being one of them

Handsome Sausages

We thought the EXACT SAME THING about Changbin- just naturally, as well as his frequent use of Busan dialect and all - made us automatically think that Changbin must have played a big role in creating this lyrics!


Oh wow I somehow missed this but I'm so glad I found it and watched it! Thank you so much for explaining the lyrics and the meaning and context behind them for us - so many of us are wholly dependant on translations but I'm always happy because we have you to depend on now too! I agree as well - this song is definitely one of my top 3 most emotional SKZ songs, and usually sits at the top of that list. I also did not expect the song to sound the way it did when I first heard it, but it was such a solemn, emotional surprise. Thank you for your reactions as always and for always taking the time to explain things to us in so much detail!


Hero's Soup is one of the songs that make me cry every single time i listen to it. And that has to say something because i don't speak korean and barely know any korean culture so i can only feel the emotions in their singing. I will never be able to fully understand the song and once again i wish i had an understanding of the korean language and korean life. Thank you for explaining it further <3


I'm really glad you guys explained it. The lyrics video basically had it like "When am I gonna understand why my dad likes this soup" and it's like, that's not the point of the song AT ALL. It's about the existentialism of looking back at your parents work-life balance and culture and reflecting on why they did that and when will I reach the age when I understand the sacrifices and choices he made because I hold him in the highest esteem, he's my hero. Definitely not a simple Dad's favorite soup song.


I really love when you explain these things! Thank you!!