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VERY strong performances from the first three teams - next up are our boys Ateez AND SKZ as well as BTOB so....yeh. Heart attack in line already.

We're so happy you're enjoying this Kingdom journey. We have so much fun with these and we definitely hope it is as entertaining to watch this with us as it is for us :D

Enjoy <3



Woo first like and watching this right now! I don't need to go to sleep yet...


Literally was about to go to bed and NOW WHAT


Oh lord I am at work and about to ignore ALL my deadlines to watch this INSTANTLY

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

oh my god I can't, next is one of my FAVORITE SKZ performances EVER. Ateez killd it too but OMG the skz performance made me cry!!! (bangchan too lol) Im so hyped for 5mloved your reaction as always HS!!


I agree with you guys that in this episode SF9 really was the star. The Boyz and Ikon did great as well, but there was just something in SF9's performance that managed to catch your attention for every single second of the performance, there was a clear smooth transition from scene to scene, a clear storyline with a plot.. I LOVED it. but... knowing what is coming next... I am so excited for you guys. There's going to be 3 amazing performances. SKZ comes with probably the most emotionally moving stage of the entire stage in my opinion. I legit cry everytime I watch it (and it must have been like 20 times by now that I watched that stage because its THAT good). Ateez comes with an amazingly put together story that somehow just really shows how strong they are at delivering a performance, making great use of the set and details. BTOB's performance really took me by surprise as they stepped out of their comfort zones but made such a fun and cool stage. Safe to say: I can't wait for your reactions.

Eva Minster

Now I'm really curious to see your guys' reaction to Inception by ATEEZ. The cover was actually not too far from the original actually. About reading subtitles, I think I've gotten so used to reading them in kdramas that I'm able to keep with Kingdom ones even though they are a little faster.


I genuinely love hearing all your thoughts about the performances and get so excited when a new Kingdom video drops. loved this reaction and am looking forward to the next ep :) hope you have a sizzling day (get it cause you're sausages)


I am really really looking forward to you reacting to SKZ in the next episode! Don't want to spoil anything, but as their performance from the next episode is the one that was appreciated the least by the other groups/jury compared to all the other skz performances, I kept wondering if skz aimed too high, lacking some "skills/technicalities", or if it simply was because this time the other teams put up better performances. I know some stays had mixed feelings about it, my stay friends included, while others say their re-arrangement of a BTOB song was a masterpiece, so I'm super curios to hear you honest opinion and analysis!


I love that they were given feedback from experts to help them understand where their stages were shining and where they had room to improve. And hearing Yeosang read? Man, I love his speaking/reading voice as much as I love his actual vocals. For scoring, basically at the end of each round they have the scores that are based only on what's done 'on site' (self eval and judge eval, I think)... those are what determine, per round, the rankings and therefore who gets benefit of 1st place for the next round (like choosing their song-switch partners, or choosing the groups they want to team up with in the combined round). I'd appreciated that they did this because it meant the benefits were based on expert opinion (the performers themselves and the official judges), and not popularity. The global votes are added later, but really only have bearing on totals since it's the cumulative score that determines the final "winner". I think I explained that right, lol. All 6 groups honestly did well with this, in my opinion. They weren't all my favorite performances, but they all did well in their interpretations. I have to agree with anyone else saying that reading subtitles just kind of becomes ingrained when you're used to watching shows in languages you don't understand (or not well). After over 100 K/C/J/Thai dramas, it's just natural for me to read them now and I usually don't even think to turn off the feature when I actually bother watching something in English. Reality shows can be a little fast for me and I might have to back up, but usually there's no real trouble in dramas or shows like Kingdom. For this particular episode, SF9 is totally the standout for me. It's evident in their performance how much they trained and prepared for it; the resulting performance is visually stunning, vocally blissful, and really just amazing. I can't even tell you what I expected, even after watching the lead-up, but it was nothing compared to what they served. Taeyang was absolutely correct when he called it a beautiful performance. While not my favorite of the full round (you'll see why in the next episode), they are definitely my favorites from this episode and I felt oddly proud of them since I'd come to the show actually knowing some of their music. The Boyz did great, but this performance fell into the trap of picking a song that happens to fall into my "favorites" list for SF9. It was the very first SF9 song I ever heard, and I fell in love with a few of the voices quickly. Yes this was a good interpretation, and objectively I can say that The Boyz put their own spin on it and made it into something that is probably enjoyable for a lot of people. I also appreciate that they kept a running theme, because I'm definitely a fan of that kind of thing and I know how hard it can be at times to come up with ideas on how to make something fit. However, looking at it subjectively, I wasn't a fan of the performance. As of right now, this one is my least favorite of the round. iKON suffered the same issue that The Boyz did by choosing a song that I love by a group that I love, but in this case they seemed to go further into re-interpretation to make it their own. The verses keep the same feeling of the original, but the refrain is totally different, Bobby's rap is of course his own work, Jongho's part vanished like the dream they're in (poor maknae), and the slowed-down dance break at the end is also new. I honestly didn't like it the first time I watched it, but when I showed it to my husband that new refrain got absolutely stuck in my head... so this one ranks 5th of the round for me. This version is definitely different enough from the original that you haven't been fully spoiled or anything. I don't actually mind ranking them from my own perspective, lol... because really you guys are right, it all comes down to what you'll remember or the ones that hit you the hardest when watching it. Add me to the list of those who absolutely can't wait to see your reaction to the next episode... all 3 performances are just amazing. Any chance you two are so anxious to see the rest that you'll post it up sooner than planned? lol


Yes to all of this!!! This is the week I’ve been waiting to see their reactions for.


Lol when Jongho was like “my part is coming up” and I was like nah dude, Ikon didn’t even attempt to touch any of your majestic vocals. 🤣 First, I’d agree. SF9 took top spot for me during these performances. And for as much as love Bobby’s reactions, SF9 just stood out for me. Second, I absolutely cannot wait for you to see the next 3 on the next episode. I love what each group did with the songs they choose and the performances are just awesome. Definitely tops their previous performances in my opinion. And BTOB doing a SKZ song was everything I didn’t know I needed. Outside of Mayfly episodes (which I can not wait for you to see) the next episode is one of my favorites. I’m also really curious to see your reaction to Ateez’s Inception now that you seen what Ikon has done with it. Anyways, loving your Kingdom reactions!


I loved this ep and your reaction but I CANNOT WAIT for the next ep reaction, its soooo good!

Kay Popped

SF9 brought everything to their performance in this round and it showed. It had a clear concept, the acting was spot on. You know they put a lot of work into it when you see Inseong flawlessly sing and walk while dodging the hanging chain that I'm sure isn't always just right there. The acting class did a lot, and of course Rowoon looked like the absolute BOSS at the beginning. It's funny that since Kingdom he's had the darker roles and the ones that required more emotion on his face. I wonder how much credit he'd give to what he learned here. The thing that stuck out for me about iKON is that the round category isn't "cover," but Re-born, and when you do get to watch ATEEZ's original you'll be able to see how far they went to give birth to a truly different song. They didn't "just" put an iKON spin on it, they took the bones of the song and reimagined it like they were making it into an entirely different beast, and I really, really appreciated that. Inception is a great song (lower on my title track list among ATEEZ songs, but only because ATEEZ doesn't make bad music ever) in its original, and two years later I always want at least some of the iKON chorus when I listen to it, and I get surprised that it doesn't go there. They get my second place in this round simply because they understood the assignment. The Boyz gave a good performance, but it didn't hit for me. If you're going to go for a tango theme, then play that up, use the partners for more than props, and really GO there. Given how far they took past performances, this one just didn't seem like it went far enough. A Latin-inspired lost love storyline could have been so much more to see and feel, and given you the passion I felt was missing here. All that said, what I'll say about the next episode is that when you start with an iconic song, like in this episode, you can reimagine it, you can remake it in your style, or you can take it somewhere else entirely, but if you do the latter, those for whom the song is beloved might not go along with you. Oh, and listen closely to ATEEZ's performance intro (you'll get to hear it twice during the episode if you watch the effing opening spoilers) for a prequel to one of their later songs you've heard/reviewed. I'm counting on you guys to get the reference. ;) If you miss it, though, look for the visual similarities with one of their other videos and recognize the distance between things. ATEEZ are _planners_.

Sam w

I feel like I should know, but what happened wi5 the other mc?


Firstly, thank you for these, it's always fun to see Kingdom again through a fresh pair of eyes, especially people with an understanding of Kpop already. Secondly, I don't know how far in advance you record these, but I'd highly recommend watching the sports day episode. While it doesn't have singing, it's a really fun watch and highlights some of the dynamics between the groups, which was personally one of my favourite things about Kingdom. - edit, just seen the end of the video, I think you guys will enjoy it!

Sam w

Great reaction! These eps have the most background stuff that isn’t super exciting if you don’t know the group, but the performances are insane. ! Can’t wait till the next one where you get to see skz, ateez and btob! Also, I feel like I say this all the time, but you should definitely react to OnlyOneOf!


Honestly I can’t wait for the next episode cause btob killed it like I regularly go back and watch it cause not only is it just a super fun performance but knowing that Changsub wasn’t feeling well (which is why during the interviews he wasn’t there) and still knocked it out of the park plus I’m such a Minhyuk bias with an Eunkwang wrecker and omg they we’re absolutely fantastic and their visuals 😫 easily my favorite btob performance on kingdom I also can’t wait for the collab stages and for you guys to react to mayfly especially

Handsome Sausages

Absolutely agree on your perspective for the groups in this episode :D And it still amazes us that y'all are used to subs of this kind because no matter how many K-dramas you watch, variety shows are a different breed altogether when it comes to the number of subs flying at you XD

Handsome Sausages

He had this whole going to bar issue during covid that all got entangled with it potentially being an illegal place, etc. etc. it was a mess haha


I really wasn't sure I was going to rewatch this along with you. I think ALL the performances were really cool. But watching SF9 and Icon constantly feel bad and question their skills and quality hurt my heart and I'm not even their fan directly. As you can see in this episode they did an incredible job and have no reason to keep feeling that way. Plus the fan voting was so unfair and out of proportion. I much prefer just watching the performances and the groups' interactions that were so lovely all around. Anyway the next episode contains both my favorite Ateez performance of the show and also my favorite performance of the entire show (BTOB). Looking forward to your take on it!! You've got a lot more episodes there's still 3 whole rounds of performances after this one. :D (Not including the field day).


Oh wow, I loved your analysis! I'm very much looking forward to your comment under the next episode too eheh esp what you think of SKZ's performance, as it's their only performance from Kingdom I actually have mixed feelings about (BTOB's on the other hand was hands down my fav along with Sf9)


To your comment about the "many stages" that they must be utilising, they are basically filming in like an airplane hanger, so lots of room to maneuver their set pieces, LOL. As to the Sports Day episode, I won't give away results, but they compete in 3 different events: Vaulting, Catch The Balloon Tail game, and a Relay Race. And in amidst that there is cute segment that you might find cringey/cute, I guess we'll see when you watch it!


I'm looking forward to being able to sit and organize thoughts while seeing their reactions to the next episode, myself. I came to K:LW with little to no exposure to most of the groups, so I think the next one was much easier for me to appreciate all around. I'll look for you in the comments!

Tracey Okeby Lucan

Before this episode I’d always thought SF9 was pretty weak as an idol group. Great performers in their own right but never properly united. This changed all that for me. And what they do next on Kingdom made me really respect them and get excited to see them more.

Maddie Mitchell

I have no idea if it was edited out of the video you bought or whether you edited it out but at the beginning of the boys' performance there was a tango dance which I cant see here