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Super Bowl!

  • Japanese 11
  • Korean 16
  • English 175
  • Honestly, doesn't matter! 29
  • 2023-08-23
  • 231 votes
{'title': 'Super Bowl!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Japanese', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Korean', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'English', 'votes': 175}, {'text': "Honestly, doesn't matter!", 'votes': 29}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 23, 18, 59, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 231}


Hey everyone!

So we've been hearing about SKZ's Super Bowl having a Japanese Version, Korean Version, as well as English?! Not sure about that one but if it does exist, we want to know what we should do first as our main reaction and why!

Let us know! :D



English! That’s the original one from the 5-Star album so my vote would be English first.


English first because that was actually the version released on 5-Star, but then Japanese because the MV is a lot of fun. I didn’t know a Korean version existed? If it does, shame on me


I think (could be wrong) the English version is an AI edit. Personally I would suggest reacting to both as I prefer the lyrics (sounds more smooth.. I think) in the Korean one, but the MV for the japanese one is absolutely awesome


the original version was released on five star with all-english lyrics. they recently released a japanese version, but a korean version does not exist to my knowledge


There isn't a Korean version it's just the English one on 5star and Japanese version on the new ep, so it depends on if you want to do the whole Japanese EP in one go.


There isn't a Korean version. Just English and Japanese 😁


The one on the 5 star album is the English version. The Japanese one will be available on the JP EP they release in September. I would say react to the English version first. The original Korean version is not available anywhere (for all I know), they first wrote it in Korean and then translated it into English and released it.


English is the one that was first released on 5star the Japanese one is coming out on their new Japanese EP Social Path in September they haven’t released a Korean version of Super Bowl so I would say English first as that was the first one they released (and maybe it’s cause that’s the one I’ve been listening to first and for longer to me just sounds better)


English Ver.! That's the original one from the 5 star album :) But the MV for the Japanese ver. is definitely worth watching too at some point.

melinda castillo

Maybe do the lyric video in English then watch the video which is in Japanese


Guys I can't vote because I want both hahaha Korean ver is not available yet so that's a no. If I have to choose it'll be the English version, but the Japanese video is so much fun to not watch it and it has choreo D: so both!!! haha first English so you get a grasp of it, then japanese


The English version is the original version from the 5-star album! The Japanese version was released recently along with the mv and the Korean version doesn’t currently exist


hah well I feel stupid now, I would've sworn I heard Korean lyrics.. I've listened to this song several times already xD Well English version first and then japanese one I guess ;)


Definitely the English. The MV is fun, but the song holds up even without it. There are some unofficial versions where people have put the English track over the Japanese MV and that's fun too.


I would definitely say listen to the English version! It’s probably my favorite but the MV for the Japanese version is sooo good so maybe both? Edit: wanted to add that I loveeee the wordplay in the English version, I’m curious to see if you’ll pick it up! JYPE artists really gotta get creative to say certain things LMAO 😭


If you don't mind combining 2 songs in the same video, it would be awesome if you first reacted to the English version from 5-Star and right after dug into the Japanese MV, also to see how much they changed the song by translating it into another language!


This one is hard because it’s the English version on the album, but the MV is SO GOOD!!!


Please do both the English album version, and then the Japanese MV!

Marifel Trias

They performed the English Version at KCON this past weekend AND followed with God's Menu... the English just HITS.


The English on is their original version of the song on the 5 star album, the Japanese version is with their Japanese album that is coming out. So I would check out the English version first 😁


English was the first. So please. I think it’s fate bc as I see this post Super Bowl (eng) started playing.. ✨✨ they even performed the English version at KCON la. 🥰 I was so happy and surprised.


I’d say do both the English and Japanese if you care about choreography or seeing the mv otherwise the English version is more appealing to the ears


Honestly, hard choice. I want to say English because that is the version on the 5 Star album. Plus it just sounds good. But the Japanese mv is just so good!

asja cambiganu

Wait ....since when there is a Korean version of Super Bowl? 🤔 I know that there are the English and the Japanese version, but the Korean...? Anyway English version for sure

Harley Shanks

As everyone has pointed out, there is no Korean version although I’m hopeful they’ll release one. It was originally recorded in Korean, which has also been mentioned but no one has mentioned that Super Bowl was supposed to be the title track of Go Live. Super Bowl was God’s Menu 1 and the God’s Menu we have now was the second version. So there IS a Korean version its just not released. Its in the depths of Chan’s laptop. I’d like to see the English version reaction and the Japanese version with the MV as one video if you’re willing to do both!

Emily Cortes

I suggest doing the English version for the lyrics then the Japanese version for the mv. You can do both in one video and it wouldn't take that long. The English version is awesome and it's the original version. The Japanese mv is awesome but doesn't have lyrics. The mv is amazing though so you definitely don't want to miss that.


I am just going to be agreeing with most people here and say that you should listen to the English version from 5 star but then take a look at the MV that is the Japanese version because the video is sooooo good! thanks for all your great reactions.


Start with the English, but the Japanese version is the one with the MV. So maybe do that after? I dunno. The mv is wild. I don't know if i could have told you what the song sounded like if watching that was my first impression.

Martha Ferguson

I would think do the English version from the album and then do the Japanese version as the MV because obviously the English version has no MV but then you’ll know what it’s about when you do the Japanese MV and there’s still a lot of English in it too.


Definitely do the English version but you gotta watch the Japanese MV!


omg I totally forgot about Super Bowl being gods menu ver 1 yess it’s such a cool fact. really puts into perspective just how much music they constantly have at the ready just waiting to be shared!


I don't think there IS an official Korean version of Super Bowl.

Neuter Lover

English first, then Japanese version MV.


Adding to my previous comment, it would be great if after listening to the song(s), you could have a look at this short video (1 min) from Zack Djurich, Superbowl’s producer alongside 3racha, who shared how he made the beat 🙌 We don't get many bts from producers who worked with 3racha, so whenever a video like this comes out it's gold! Here the original video from Zack's TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJs3e93g/ Here the twitter link with more insights: https://twitter.com/skzhoodie/status/1687458636099207168?t=To4EGc2JtXqIeTPqZuuhEg&s=19

Yoshi (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Japanese version first for the MV and to get the wow factor of the beat out first, and then the English version to listen to the lyrics and beat together with a sharper ear


I think y’all should do both on the same video, but if you wanna choose one over the other then I say English, as that’s the original one