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Ohhhh how fun this one was - we had a LOT of fun with this song, listening and analyzing, and I hope you enjoy it as well.

Again, a lot more wordplay than we initially thought, with some culture-specific words and nuances sprinkled on top, but we tried our best to explain these without overwhelming you so :D hopefully it helped and added to the experience!

Much love - see you in the next one!!



극과 극 - pole to pole 

전기장판 - electric heating mat

코타츠 - kotatsu (炬燵 or こたつ in Japanese)

윷놀이 - traditional Korean game played with '윷(yut)가락' - 윷놀이 literally means yut play

도 - doh represents pig and comes from the word 동아지, which means baby pig 

모 - moh represents horse and means a small square - the speculation is that people took horse's general shape as square and decided to call it that for the game for the sake of simplicity and flow

모 아니면 도 - all or nothing / hit or miss / go big or go home; literally, it means 'either moh or doh'

찌끄디두가다팦 - yes.



This was so fun to listen to and wholly unexpected the first time i heard it. But after tortoise and the hare all bets were off anyhow


I can't can't wait for you to react to Maze of Memories! If N/S is the most rap-intense song you heard from them so far, you will be MINDBLOWN by Maze of Memories (which 3RACHA also performed at KCON Thailand in a collab rap stage with Hong Joong from Ateez and Soyeon from G-Idle years before Kingdom). I seriously can't wait for you to get to it! As for N/S, I really like the song, but tbh I never realized it was about opposites lol It's so obvious now that you brought it up, but I didn't even know the title was North - South lmao But seriously, thanks for putting in the description the words you talked about! It makes it so much easier to get back to it at a later point.


Yes, it was filmed in Thailand, and I love that the Thai citizenry are like, "Oh, you're filming here? Who cares, I gotta job to do!" LOL


ps. I'm leaving here the rap collab stage (SKZ-ATEEZ-GIDLE) I was talking about, in case you feel like reacting to it one day! It's an awesome collab :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm0A_cyIHuY


This was a fun reaction as expected. Thank you for explaining so much. I love the fun vibe of this street version so much!


Y'all really do make my day. I love getting to watch you react to the boys and I ALSO love getting to learn more Korean things with you guys.

Tess Huber

Thank you for sharing that. It was SO cool! I hadn't seen it yet. 5 powerhouse rappers of 4th gen together was stunning

Emily Cortes

I already loved N/S before but now with the explanation I love it even more 😂. As always, StrayKids are so freaking clever!

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

oh my gosh I can't stop laughing, I've never seen this! loved everythign about this HS!


Loooved the reaction!!! Not gonna lie, the funniest part was you guys thinking it was a love song hahaha Now really, if like me you don't know korean then this song is just plain funny because it doesn't make any sense without context, so thank you for explaining, I knew skz wouldn't make a song just because xD Anyway I've watched this reaction more times that I want to admit haha so see you in 0325!!! You're gonna loveeee it!!! And remember: Red Light, Green Light, Swag 😎


I always lose it when Lee Know is trying his hardest to not burst out laughing when the guy with the hand truck comes through. This is definitely a great song to put on when you just want to vibe but with swag. 😂 Excited to see your thoughts on 0325. It’s a nice bookend for the whole album with You as track 1.


I loved this reaction! I always love the language insights- it really adds something for me, as well, of course, as y'all having a good laugh just like we did when you saw these videos for the first time! Also, when Bang Chan is doing his nonsense syllables/scatting, if you listen under that, you'll hear moaning that is definitely NOT maknae-appropriate, and that's actually I.N.- everyone always jokes about what a boss he must've felt like going to school the next day after recording that part.


So happy you watched the street version! Definitely hilarious! Thanks for explaining the word play more. I enjoy learning it. I love how they always have something creative with their lyrics and I want to understand it. Definitely appreciated!


I honestly just watch this video if I’m feeling down cause it’s just soo funny whenever I’m having a bad day watching this one, the street version of boxer (which you’ll get to in the next album), the street version of questions, and the street version of Mixtape 4 (which you’ll get to in 2 albums) those are my favorite street versions N/S street version and Boxer street version are by far the funniest ones

Neuter Lover

Wow! Thanks for word play explanation again! I love it! ^__^ Yes, they shoot this video in Bangkok, Thailand (my country) since they had a concert here. I felt so sorry that I didn't know Stray Kids at that time and missed many good opportunities. You see, at that era there were unknown... this street mv reflected it well. People in local area thought they were just a tourist making fun. And now... they're global superstar.

Jackie G

They look like they are on lunch in junior high lol!

Glad Wise

I.N’s rap part is my favorite.🤣 the tone and the delivery is just great.