[Tier 3] SKZ - N/S (Street Version) (Patreon)
224962349.mp4 00:00 / 00:00
Ohhhh how fun this one was - we had a LOT of fun with this song, listening and analyzing, and I hope you enjoy it as well.
Again, a lot more wordplay than we initially thought, with some culture-specific words and nuances sprinkled on top, but we tried our best to explain these without overwhelming you so :D hopefully it helped and added to the experience!
Much love - see you in the next one!!
극과 극 - pole to pole
전기장판 - electric heating mat
코타츠 - kotatsu (炬燵 or こたつ in Japanese)
윷놀이 - traditional Korean game played with '윷(yut)가락' - 윷놀이 literally means yut play
도 - doh represents pig and comes from the word 동아지, which means baby pig
모 - moh represents horse and means a small square - the speculation is that people took horse's general shape as square and decided to call it that for the game for the sake of simplicity and flow
모 아니면 도 - all or nothing / hit or miss / go big or go home; literally, it means 'either moh or doh'
찌끄디두가다팦 - yes.