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We really didn't expect BTOB to perform THIS well, but hey, this was one of our favourite episodes with ATEEZ, SKZ, AND BTOB absolutely slaying the stages.

90 minutes breezed by and it felt like 20!

So ready for the next episode, and we hope you have fun watching us drool! :D

Enjoy <3



Omg! I’m so glad I’m on leave from work today and can finally catch one of your videos on time. So so happy you guys enjoyed this one. This is one of my fave episodes. I’m so excited to watch it with you guys!!


Yes so excited to watch!!!


The fact that all reactors I've watched didn't think I.N made a mistake makes me sad. Changbin shared that I.N cried alone in their dorm that they have to rush to him saying it's okay and that he did great. This performance is one of the best performance of them in Kingdom. It's sad that it could be a bad memory for I.N as he blame himself due to his mistake. Members love him so much, he can just breath and members will find it cute lol, SKZ's dynamics is amazing they love each other like family and watching all of their contents, specially 2kids Rooms, you'll really see and feel it. That's why I love them soo much aside from their amazing talent.


Choosing a favorite of these three performances is like...how...how does one..? But I gotta say, this is my 3rd time watching the show in full and I think BTOB comes out on top. Their reinterpretation wasn't just creative and unexpected, the execution was both near-flawless and so, so fun. Not to say that I didn't love the other two performances! Strayteez...the power they wield. Also, there are several theories around the storyline behind Stray Kids's performance, but a popular fan theory is that the child represents Hyunjin, who, after being abruptly put on hiatus, they weren't even allowed to talk about and had to basically pretend didn't exist. Something that would track with that is the kind of vague language they used when talking about their reinterpretation of the song (just saying that it didn't have to be for a woman, it could be for any loved one), and that the group making the rings kept emphasizing that having an physical accessory on their person to represent someone they loved would make the performance more meaningful (again, kind of vaguely). They also made at least 8 rings, with the little boy wearing the 8th one on the stage. This could have been the "Stay" ring, which could also track, because one of Hyunjin's nicknames was/is "LoveStay Boy" among certain parts of the fandom, since he was the one who started using it as a hashtag (#LoveStay) quite a long time ago. Or they could've made another ring, if this theory is correct, I don't know, just telling y'all about a popular fan theory! A less convoluted theory about the storyline is that it represents the "deal with the devil" one makes when one becomes an idol/celebrity- you give your blood, sweat, tears, and heart to reach and help your fans, and in the end you're broken down, but you may have saved someone. This would also explain the little boy wearing the "Stay" ring around his neck. Also I felt so bad for I.N. because seriously, every person I've watched this performance with and every person I've seen react to it thought a similar thing, that it wasn't a mistake, it was just a vocal fluctuation from expressing the emotion of the song. I'm glad we got to hear such a sweet interaction between him and Chan and witness how supportive his fellow members were of him, but I wish he hadn't put so much pressure on himself. Poor thing. Novel-writer out!

Emily Cortes

I.N perfected the performance without even realizing it. Without I.Ns emotional voice it wouldn't have had the same impact.The fact that he thought he did bad when the world was in tears praising his performance is so heartbreaking.


This is one of my favorite episodes because BTOB absolutely killed their performance like this is easily my favorite performance they did on Kingdom cause it’s something I never would have expected and trying to recreate a Stray Kids song to fit their style was such a difficult task cause they very much are polar opposites when it comes to performance style plus Minhyuk ripping open his shirt and saying “you wanna come in” had me blushing and giggling like a little school girl cause yes I very much do wanna come in Minhyuk lol. For me I think it’s very had to decide a number two it’s between Ateez, Stray Kids, and SF9 cause their performances were all amazing. The fact D’some commented on how Jeongin’s voice crack sounded normal and like an emotional delivery was my exact thoughts too like the song is so emotional and raw and you can feel the despair and sadness and when I first listened I almost missed it because I thought it was a stylistic choice to push that desperate feeling. Plus I felt so bad for I.N. when they did show the “professionals” ratings because they were in the lower half of the scoring I don’t remember for sure but I think it was 5th place (don’t quote me on that). I loved how Ateez arranged Rhythm Ta because it very much does feel like a different song and the storyline is still running through their kingdom performances. Honestly Ateez’s dedication to their lore and storyline is insane because even just these performances in a competition show that has nothing to do with their actual albums or music videos all still play a part in their lore I still don’t fully understand Ateez lore because it goes so deep throughout albums through performances and it honestly blows my mind. As for why the 7th episode is so long I believe that is the collab performances. So the 6 groups split into 2 teams (3 groups per team) and they each have a rap stage, a performance/dance stage, and a vocal stage so within each of the 3 groups they split into where they feel they will fit best so 2 members might go to rap 5 members might go to dance 1 member might go to vocal it depends on the number of members and where each member feels is their strong suit. Due to the fact it’s like a mini super group they made the episode longer so each grouping of each collab team can perform in one episode I believe it’s because the splitting of episodes would be weird unless they only let one collab team perform on each episode. The collab performances is probably my second favorite episode cause those performances are absolutely amazing and what I would give to see the groups collab again for actual performances at like award shows or Kcon or something. Like I would sell my kidney, my first born child, just so I could see those collab stages live.

Kiki Meowzilla

Honestly, BTOB and SKZ were my one and two for this one. I loved both of their interpretations of the songs and the fact that it was so unexpected. As for your questions, episode 7, the units round, is almost 30 mins longer because of the results at the beginning and explanation of the point system for the episode because they change. The units round continues into episode 8 until about the 1hr mark. Then for the last 30 mins the next round starts which continues into all of Episode 9. The last episode is so long because it is live performances so everything is really streched out and they show more of the bts stuff. You can definitely split it into 3 performances each part. The theory they present on the bts is that the boy represent someone they cherished that they lost and they are grieving but can't accept it. So they go to heaven to try and get them back and they are basically held captive, they attempt to throw them out (when the angels are dragging Felix). They escape and decide to make a pact with the devil which they accomplish by sacrifincing their lives to get the heart. They get it and give it to the boy who is a statue. In their sacrifice they give up their lives to bring him back which they accomplish cause the statue disappears and the boy is back and they all die. Changbin mentions they purposely left it open ended so everyone can interpret but that was the sentiment they wanted to convey. Side comment, you mentioned how Minhyuk remind you of Soobin funny enough they always get mistaken and even one time Soobin sent his mom a picture of Minhyuk and she complimented him on how good he looked and he was shocked she couldnt even recognize that it wasnt him, lol. Thanks as always!


Yesss! Y’all saved me from being bored as hell in this stupid freaking bed while I wait to get discharged. This definitely one of my favorite episodes and I’ve been trying to wait patiently for it.

Eva Minster

I think the reason the editing for Stray Kids and ATEEZ's performances are so bad is, because they both have powerful points that evoke a strong reaction from the other groups which the cameras want to show each time. Also, with iKON's facial expressions when expressing how they felt about ATEEZ's performance, I can't tell if it's negative or positive because of how different the song was. I can tell they were impressed though. I always think of Guerrilla and Don't Stop when watching ATEEZ's Rythm-ta.


These three performances are some of my favorites of the competition. I think I.N’s voice crack at the end felt so raw and emotional that I didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to happen. It hurts my heart to watch him blame himself. He’s such a lovely soul.

your name here

High note in the I'll Be Your Man performance at the end is Bang Chan. Getting to see BTOB and SKZ interact together was particularly lovely because Chan and Peniel have been friends since Chan first moved to Korea. Peniel was still a JYPE trainee at the time and the two lived in the international trainee dorms together before Peniel left for Cube. Since this show, Minhyuk has talked about how the kids come over to his place quite a bit.


Knowing what we know now about ATEEZ’s “The World” albums, they totally set up the entire storyline for Guerilla with “Rhythmn Ta”, we didn’t even know it. From the banning of emotions, they were breaking into a museum to steal artifacts and I believe it was the cromer. It’s all part of the diaries in the albums. I loved all the performances, but what sets them apart for me is how invested they are to their lore. They are the only group that follows it all the way through. But ATEEZ aside, this show made me fall in love with BTOB. They are so fun and so down to earth. And who doesn’t love SKZ?


yes to all these points, I wanted to share this info last night but it was sooooo late. You explained so well!


YOUR DOG SHARES MY NAME OMG (sorry, that just made me super happy hahah, he's so cute <3). I just got home from work, knowing this episode was waiting for me and I have been counting down the hours! I would have watched at work, but I prefer to watch these in my comfy chair with a snack. I'm excited!


You asked about the age difference between IKON and Ateez: I actually created a spreadsheet of all of the contestants on Kingdom, because I found the age dynamic so interesting. It lays out like this, the maknae of IKON is 3 months older than the oldest of Ateez, so the age difference is not so stark (1994 - 2000, so 6 years overall). IKON - Jay - Feb 1994 (Just started his military service) IKON - Song - Feb 1995 IKON - Bobby - Dec 1995 IKON - DK - Jan 1997 IKON - Ju-Ne - Mar 1997 IKON - Chan - Jan 1998 They are all winter babies, very interesting... Ateez - Seonghwa - Apr 1998 (fun fact, he's my B-day buddy, Apr 3rd) Ateez - Hongjoong - Nov 1998 Ateez - Yunho - Mar 1999 Ateez - Yeosang - Jun 1999 Ateez - San - July 1999 Ateez - Mingi - Aug 1999 (just 2 days older than Changbin, lol) Ateez - Wooyoung - Nov 1999 Ateez - Jongho - Oct 2000 *Just as a note, if you count the TVXQ MC's, the overall age spread of everyone on Kingdom (1986 - 2001) is 15 years. If you want to know what it looks like by year: 1986 (TVXQ) 1988 (TVXQ) 1990 (BTOB x2) 1991 (BTOB) 1992 (BTOB - military) 1993 (BTOB, SF9 x2) 1994 (IKON, SF9) 1995 (IKON x2, SF9, BTOB - military) 1996 (TBZ, SF9 x2) 1997 (SKZ, SF9, IKON x2, TBZ x3) 1998 (SKZ, IKON, ATZ x2, TBZ x4) 1999 (SKZ, TBZ, SF9, ATZ x4, ATZ - hiatus) 2000 (ATZ, SF9, TBZ x2, SKZ x3, SKZ - hiatus) 2001 (SKZ)


This episode is definitely one of my favorites. I was absolutely blown away by the creativity and just how the groups pulled off their ideas on stage. Let me preface this comment with a blanket caveat. I watched K:LW in March 2023 as a newcomer to K-pop (since November 2022), with no prior exposure to BTOB, iKON, or TBZ. I had heard 2 SKZ songs and maybe 10 of SF9's, but knew all of ATEEZ's title tracks plus some b-sides from releases through that point. Prior to beginning my K-pop journey, I'd mostly avoided country, R&B, hip-hop, and most rap (few exceptions). All of that definitely affected the impact some performances had on me versus how others might have viewed them. I may make additional mentions of this in specific stage notes, but wanted to give a brief explanation here first. Okay, moving on. ----- ATEEZ ~ Rhythm Ta (Awakening of Summer) Warning: contains spoilers for releases after this show aired. I had only heard 'Rhythm Ta' in iKON's introductory stage, and it didn't really hit me as something I wanted to hear more of... so I wasn't sure what to expect from ATEEZ on this one. When it started, I was excited because I immediately saw the reference to The World EP 1 : Movement. My eyes were glued to the screen. Anyway, we start once again with classical music, this time overlaid with that ominous warning about human emotion being a disease. We see the eye keeping watch over the museum, and the propaganda flyer showing that all art, dance, and music is illegal (which shows anyone new to ATEEZ why the things in the museum are locked down the way they are). If you look closely before the part where they "crash" through the wall, you can see that the thing Captain has is projecting a map of the museum, with the vault shown in red. So uh, I love me some whisperTEEZ. I'll just leave that there and you can guess how that first line hit me. How they changed the song floored me. It didn't feel like a re-imagining of an iKON song, but rather an ATEEZ song that had 'Rhythm Ta' woven into it for emphasis. Captain himself states in the meeting that fans should know it's ATEEZ by how it's produced, and that's precisely what happened for me. It wasn't until later that I realized this is Hongjoong's way when it comes to "covers"; every single one I've heard basically takes the original song and re-weaves it with his own personality and dynamics, which is why I can always appreciate his version even if the original is dear to my heart. I love how they used the museum heist idea because it fits right into their overall lore while also allowing them to create an amazing stage here for the actual competition. The production of the song also fits, and it easily could have been included as a bonus track on one of the more recent EPs. Consistency of theme is something they've impressed me with constantly. The fact that they not only keep a theme through their stages, but even plan it so one stage ties directly into another... I also LOVE the fact that this one shows us that both ATEEZ and HALATEEZ are "present" in K:LW in terms of lore, since we see the Cromer stolen here and now know where it came from when it was delivered to Captain in the previous stage (Wonderland). Seriously, this entire performance is one massive teaser (for anyone who watched it prior to the release of that EP in summer 2022; Awakening of Summer, anyone?) and hints at their overall lore. So basically they were able to use this to give us a prequel to their The World series. - the eye ('Propaganda', Movement EP, see notes) - There is a disease in the heart of man. The disease is human emotion. ('Guerilla', Movement EP) - museum setting (general) - our boys being a rebel force (general) - stealing the Cromer and having it delivered to Captain (general) - the zeppelin and flyers raining down from above ('Guerilla' MV) - Captain's speech ('This World', Outlaw EP) - "pump up the volume louder" ('Bouncy', Outlaw EP) - Jongho's high notes here feel like Outlaw EP adlibs Propaganda note: A teaser picture for the Movement EP was a background of words covered with big red letters "ARE YOU SEEING THIS? EYES IN THE SKY". Apart from an intro ("Wake up. Wake up, world. Are you there? It's time."), the only word from the lyrics that is NOT on the picture is "surveillance". The massive eye in this stage is the surveillance, which is why I include it in the list of teasers for The World EPs. I think the stage as a whole was much more fun for me to watch because I'd had that previous exposure to them and was already hooked on learning more about their lore. Given what you guys said about being able to envision an incredibly large world because of the most recent album, I know you get it. Needless to say, this is my favorite stage of the round. ATEEZ not only understood the assignment, they went for extra credit. Would this have hit as hard if I had come into this as an iKON fan or if I had seen it when it first aired? Who knows... but from the perspective of a very new fan who watched the show for ATEEZ, this went far beyond any of my expectations and taught me a lot about how they do things. I think it also really solidified me as an ATINY, too, which I'm sure has a lot to do with why I'm possibly biased on this. Okay, I'll shut up about this performance now. And I apologize if any of the above sounds like rambling or doesn't quite make sense with how it's organized -- I wrote a TON and then actually tried to pare down and reorganize my thoughts before posting this! (Yeah, it really was actually longer, ugh.) ----- BTOB ~ 'Back Door' The first thing that stood out to me was in their meeting, when Changsub said that he had listened to all of SKZ's songs. Prior to the show, I only knew 'Hellevator' and 'Side Effects' by SKZ, and literally nothing by BTOB. I did check out the SKZ songs they performed up to this point, also. So as they were tossing around various song options, I was actually hoping they would do 'Hellevator' since it wouldn't be a repeat of something SKZ did on the show already but it would be a familiar song. When they picked 'Back Door', I decided NOT to go check out the SKZ version first. That was probably among the smartest thing I've ever done (in terms of listening to music, lol) because there was no preconception. All I knew of BTOB was what they'd shown already in the competition, and all I knew of 'Back Door' was what little they showed in clips leading up to performing. Cute note about Eunkwang calling 3RACHA "Cha Cha Cha" is that Seungmin did a song for the OST of Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. Beautiful song. It's probably not an intentional reference, but it made me smile. I absolutely love this version of the song. The assignment was to take the song and make it their own, and I absolutely think they did that. Because I hadn't heard the original in full, I was able to fully appreciate this as a masterpiece. I enjoyed the different flavors and textures it gave us, and I also loved the difference in how each member performed it. The performance itself being designed as them preparing to go out on stage, then going out and seeing the fans? Golden. So beautiful, especially given the timing of everything and knowing how much they must have missed having concerts and interacting with Melody. I hate that Changsub was feeling so poorly during this portion of the show, but he did so well. And that ending? Yes, please, I will definitely go in. Inseong (SF9) made me giggle with his "Let's rip it up together", so adorable. I'm convinced that Chan took Minhyuk's shirt-ripping as a challenge, and I don't think anyone's complaining. I agree that this was BTOB's best performance so far as a group. It went so far beyond what I expected from them, from what little I'd seen so far plus knowledge that they're more vocal-heavy. Right after this, I watched the original MV and then watched this again to get a better feel for where it's different and where it's the same, and was pleasantly surprised by how much they changed up until the end. It made it feel like a tapestry where they each had their own colors that didn't look like the original song until it all got woven together, which was awesome. The reactions by SKZ are so nice, also. ----- Stray Kids ~ Pray (I'll Be Your Man) Reminder: I had no prior knowledge of this song, BTOB, or much exposure to SKZ before watching. The production on this song, and their performance of it, is stunning. The staging is beautiful, their use of Han's vocals makes my heart happy, and the storyline is gorgeous and heart-breaking and breath-taking at once. First, I love that they used the direction they did, making it about having to sacrifice for a lost loved one (not a lover). The visual staging and how they made use of monochrome versus color is lovely and really takes it to a new level. In the pre-performance bits, we see them making rings to show that STAY is precious to them. I'm sure others will point this out, but I've heard that they also made one for Hyunjin (who we know wasn't able to participate) and we hear Chan say he wants to show the rings on stage thinking of someone special -- the statue has a ring on a chain around its neck, which is quite possibly their way of including Hyunjin. The acting is phenomenal, in my opinion, with their facial expressions and the tones of their voices really bringing it all home. Honestly, as much as I loved their other performances, I think this might have been my favorite SKZ stage of the whole show. That's likely because I came at everything with such fresh eyes, but it also has to do with how it hit me personally, it just made me FEEL something. The ending especially was beautiful, and honestly I cried the first time I saw it. The BTOB-style harmonies brought on goosebumps, and when the statue came to life and held him all the emotions just broke loose and I sobbed. It's a brilliant description of the stages of grief, if you think about it. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They're all here. If we look at it through that lens, the ending could be acceptance and finally finding a sense of peace or comfort rather than an actual return to life. Whether planned that way or not, it certainly fits. I feel SO BAD for I.N because I actually loved that his voice fell off the note at the end. Like you guys said, it was emotional and I felt like that delivered the feelings behind it all better (perhaps) than perfect pitch... I could tell it wasn't what he wanted it to be, but it's part of why the performance resounded like it did for me. BTOB and SKZ are tied for me here, because BTOB impressed me so much but SKZ absolutely moved me in a way that I hadn't expected. ----- Some other thoughts based on stuff you guys said during the reaction... Hwa's voice is so soothing. One of the view POP! chats I actually went to on the app was one of his, and he ended up just talking really softly (not quite a whisper). It felt like just idle chat before bed or something, and was so incredibly sweet. Granted, he was actually about to go to sleep and I'm totally not able to understand 99.9% of the words they say, so there's that! But still, just me agreeing that his voice is wonderful, and I'd pay for an 8 or 10 hour recording of just him reading in Korean so I could just listen to him while I slept. I giggled a little when you guys realized the subs were off, and that you hadn't noticed at first because you can understand them anyway. From a western perspective, the age difference between iKON and ATEEZ isn't huge (iKON is 1994-1998; ATEEZ is 1998-2000)... but in a Korean perspective they're dealing not only with the actual age but also with seniority in the industry. It hadn't even been 3 years since debut for ATEEZ at this point. I still get chills every time I watch this ATEEZ performance. Every time. As soon as the whisper hits, the chills start. The editing is terrible when it's a killer performance that gets a ton of reactions from the other groups, unfortunately. On the one hand it's great because it proves that the others think it's amazing too, but on the other hand it sucks because you're not able to see it seamlessly. Still, I prefer seeing it this way first and then watching the 'full version', since I like to know how the other idols have reacted. I would totally understand if you guys decided to react to the 'full version' first, though (I'm sitting here assuming you'd also watch the one with the other groups reacting, and I'd certainly still watch even though it'd be longer; but ultimately it's your call, obviously, and I won't not watch if you skip their reactions).


Ooh, I didn't even think about Don't Stop, but you're right. Now that I read your comment, I can't un-hear it in my head.


This is where my love for BtoB truly began. They actually still talk to and visit SKZ. Also, just Minhyuk...damn. I hate that I.N. felt so bad. Then, they scored low. Changbin said he felt really bad. Personally, I feel BtoB and SKZ steal the show.


Also, JYP needs to stop making fans angry (canceling Chan's Room). Or, Director Eunkwang will steal them. 😊


Ranking-wise, Stray Kids are my ULT group, and they did fantastic, but #1 is SF9, and #2 is BTOB. I think for me #3 is Ateez, #4 IKON, #5 Stray Kids and #6 The Boyz. AND I love ALL of these groups, and think they all knocked it out of the park, but if I had to put them in any order, that's how I'd rank them. Sorry SKZ!


If you are so inclined, you can watch Episode 7 and part the first part of Ep 8 together as those are the 6 performances done as the 2 teams created by 3 groups each, and then finish up Ep 8 and then move into Ep 9 as those are all of the back to og groups No Limit performances. Ep 10 was filmed LIVE and so there is a lot you can edit out of your reactions. Ep 10 is the Final 6 performances by the groups, and then a quick special unit performance that airs while they are tallying up the votes.

Pauline R

I would gladly go laser tag with y'all but I live in France... I'm afraid the expenses are too high for my empty wallet (curtosy of SKZ non-stop releases and activities)

Cari J

so the beginning of the awakening of summer with the voice saying what's prohibited is used in the Guerilla MV

Kay Popped

Heh. I made a similar spreadsheet when I found out that Chan is only a year Seonghwa/Hong Joong's senior. It makes more sense when you see the next (after field day) episodes. It was weird to know, too, that Max and Bobby have both had children since this episode. The changes in Korean ages, though, really jacked with how old everyone presents.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

This was another performance that made me go "I might have to know a bit more about these guys" demon line slayed and I am reminded that seonghwa rapping is an absolute vibe.

Kay Popped

This was a great episode because it really showed how different the groups all are in approach and styling. I adored ATEEZ's Rhythm Ta and like iKON's Inception, I'll occasionally catch myself singing the Kingdom version versus the album one. They truly made it their own, wove their lore heavily into it, and kept to their theme of adding the songs to classical tunes. I don't feel like they got enough credit for the classical adds, honestly, especially when The Boyz were complimented for their Game of Thrones theme continuance (also lovely, don't get me wrong). No spoiler to say that yes, the classical mixes continue, and to great effect. BTOB really understood the assignment. To break their performance up into the four parts was genius, and it worked so well. And heck, if I was a man with a body like Minhyuk's, I'd be all over ripping my shirt off, too! The jury is still very out on SKZ performance. You'll find that it ranked low with everyone except fans, and even fans weren't enough to pull the performance up from 5th overall (order was SF9 (well-deserved, honestly), BtoB, ATEEZ, iKON, SKZ, The Boyz). I've heard lots of theories, but for me personally, it came down to two things: 1) the storyline is just a little too vague to be coherent, and I think it fell victim to the same things for them that the previous performance did; 2) high notes, fast rapping, dancing AND stage was literally too much for me to handle. Individually, all the pieces were sound, and I.N's break at the end was emotional, just like Jongho's on Wonderland, which adds versus detracts. But it felt chaotic to me overall and lost me, especially as an interpretation of what was once a very simple (if complex to execute) song. It did showcase their abilities, but I think it could have been a lot better had it been pared down to the essentials. There were also theories about the fact that because it was a beloved song, changing it to the dark side like this doesn't do it any favors, and I don't know about that first hand. I think in the end, I would have ranked it as it came out. The Boyz could have challenged themselves further, and SKZ could have stepped back for a tougher competition. Looking much forward to sports day, because it really is fun and funny (CHANGMIN-AH!!!!!). From a performance perspective, it's obviously a throwaway, but darnit, it's sooo cute to watch, and in some ways absolutely shows you the character of the various group members.

Tracey Okeby Lucan

BtoB just murdered me with this stage. They keep stepping up their performances with every challenge in Kingdom but I was absolutely breathless with this one. I feel like Ateez taught us what Rhythm Ta should be and I can’t even talk about SKZ, I still get overwhelmed. SF9 really brought up their energy and skill for this round and it really makes me feel bad for The Boyz who tried really hard but just didn’t bring it they way they usually do. My favourite things in this episode though are everyone discovering about 3racha, the cute calls and meet ups with BtoB and Skz and how Skz responds to I.N being upset. We’ve seen other groups with crying and struggling members on the show already but Skz… just all of them comforting him for the ending interview to them not returning to their waiting room until he was ready. Ah. I can’t.


I watched the bts episode skz released to every episode on kingdom, (link is https://youtu.be/8PS4KybT9KM?si=9UeBghbTnYFvxEdy and Hannies part is at around 12:45 minutes in) and in the episode connected to the ill be your man performance, Han shares during his solo vocal practice that he has vocal cord nodules and is therefore very dissatisfied with his then voice and range. He sits at the piano and sighs? Which is absolutely ridiculous, but also just insane. He did the whole of kingdom - and that singing in particular in Ill be your man with vocal nodules? Like, the level of his talent just isn't meant for actual people?


The next round is definitely my favorite. Not only do we get mixed group stuff, but we also get sports day - which is just amazing. Even beyond the behind the scenes stuff and reactions, sports day shows so much of their personality and really makes it fun to watch and easy to enjoy them all.


Did you catch (among many lore details), what was written on Hongjoong's podium when he was making the speech? "Hearts Awaken Live Alive" (Hala Hala) :D Now where have you heard whispers of " Open your eyes" before? (Wave) It's a "Whole New World"! The list of forbidden items on the poster indicates this is in the world of "Halazia", before the original 8 were destroyed. Or possibly after the second group of 8 become...Outlaws (Bouncy). Your reactions to Kingdom are the BEST! Thank you so much !!


I just realized I forgot to give an overall ranking for the round. 1) ATEEZ - it might be a biased ranking, but even re-watching it for the 5th time (with you guys), I still feel the same way as when I watched it the first time. 2) TIE between SKZ and BTOB - even now, I can't figure out which one I like better. I'd probably lean toward SKZ if I had to force an answer, because I'm truly a fan of how they put the performance together and was immediately hit with the grief framework. BTOB was also amazing, though, and I loved what they did with their choice to the point that I sometimes prefer their version of 'Back Door' over the original. I feel like the answer could even change day to day based on mood, etc., so best not to pick. 4) SF9 - We can just call this 3rd even though it's technically not, and I noted that these guys are amazing and definitely took 1st in their episode for me... they also far surpassed my expectations (being the other group I actually had any previous exposure to before watching the show). 5) iKON - although they suffered from picking 'Inception' (in my opinion, due to me loving the song so much), they did a great job on it and every time I watch the show or hear their version, I like it what they did with it a little more. 6) TBZ - unfortunately, there was no recovering on this one, which sucks since I can acknowledge that they performed really well... it just wasn't for me, and all the other groups simply did a better job of re-interpreting songs, imho. Again, as I pointed out in the last episode, they all did well.

Jenni Heath

I feel like my ranking has changed everytime I watch this episode. The first time I watched it I was a die hard only Stray Kids fan and would have argued with my grandma about how they deserved 1st lol. Now that I like all the groups, for me Ateez gets 1st and BTOB and Stray Kids are basically tied for 2nd/3rd. Now if I had to pick an individual that did best my vote would still be for Han. The next 2.5 episodes are my favorites. It's fun to see the teams interacting and collaborating.

Handsome Sausages

Oh this is so great! Loved it thank you :D Hyunjin theory, while can't be confirmed 100%, definitely makes sense !

Handsome Sausages

OMG so SKZ actually did rank pretty low on this one from the professionals huh :'( that'd have made IN feel even worse.. bah forget ratings right - this was such great performances from all groups!

Handsome Sausages

Ohhh so a lot of 'scoring' related stuff huh? Could consider skipping that intro then! And we'll also see about how to go about the last live episode! Thanks :D And yes - Minhyuk totally looks like Soobin and we're happy to know we aren't the only ones thinking that, esp when Soobin's own mother thought this way XD

Handsome Sausages

Yes he does! hahaha! Funny enough we ALWAYS joked about how Cookie will run toward us whenever we do shoutout with your name. Isn't that wonderful :')

Handsome Sausages

Well this was ....wow. You know, this was not only detailed but also quite spot on in analysis esp for some of the groups - wanna work with us? XD Thank you for sharing such detailed note! Loved it :)

Handsome Sausages

Huh wow wonder why they divided the episodes like this - we'll have to see to know what's up, but will def consider your approach! :D

Handsome Sausages

Yeh it was really nice to see SKZ members really trying to comfort I.N and all :'). sigh such sadness that I.N felt this bad

Handsome Sausages

Wuw so many details. They really be enjoying doing this XD can't blame them - it's so much fun just watching and figuring things out


How do you guys measure up to them age-wise? I'm '87 line, so right smack dab in the middle of TVXQ 😂


That was my thought exactly I knew that would probably make IN feel even worse


Holy wow, lol... I can't even describe how much my face hurts from blushing and smiling after reading your comment! Honestly, working with you guys would kind of be a dream, though I'm really not "qualified" in terms of education or practical experience beyond 30+ years of music appreciation (as in, listening to it, hah). I know the offer was playful, but wanted to at least express how cool I thought it would be. (For the record, my husband said I can't work with any handsome sausage that isn't him.... and I'm kind of dying right now, lol.) I'm always happy to share my thoughts in the comments, though, as long as it's not annoying that I tend to wax ...wordy... at times. :)


Rhythm Ta is my fav Ateez performance in the entire competition. The world building and story is so cool and smart with how it teases Guerilla and I love the Latin vibes of the arrangement. I think about that performance all the time. BUT BtoB doing Back Door is my favorite performance in the entirety of Kingdom. I rewatch it all the time. I love the arrangement and stage it just blew me away and made me a BtoB stan. Top tier stuff.


so just incase no one has mentioned it, all the high/whistle notes in the last chorus in the background that served as ad libs were all bang chan! You can actually see him singing them in the background if you look really really hard! We all agreed, IN's voice crack didnt sound like a mistake at all, it was such a natural addition, it broke all of stays hearts to see him cry :( I was so pleasantly surprised by BtoB after this performance that I actually became a fan, and dove into their discography, but I feel like SKZ's vocals and Chanbin rapping the part of FOUR MEMBERS ON HIS OWN at the end are just so criminally underrated as a whole. honestly i cant even pick a favourite, between SKZ, BTOB, and Ateez all killing it I really had no clue who i would place where when i first watched this!


I think this episode is where I really fell in love with Stray Kids. I'd never listened to them before Kingdom, but throughout the entire series my favorite songs were BTOB doing "Back Door" and SKZ doing "I'll Be Your Man". All the groups are incredible in their own ways, but these two groups (BTOB & SKZ) were consistently in my top favorites.

Michele Wang

I HATE the way the judges handled Stray Kids' performance. It really seemed that either they didn't get or didn't like their concept, because there is no way that Jeongin was the reason why they ranked so low. A slight vocal crack? You can't help those. All of the responses from the rest of the groups were shock, awe, respect, and impressed. Every single professional vocal coach and producer that I've watched react to them had the same to say. Nah, considering everything else we know about what went on behind the scenes of Kingdom, it would come as a surprise to literally no one if the judges already picked the lineup before the performances even took place. There was some proper filth happening behind the scenes.

Michele Wang

Eunkwang is my ultimate bias. Not just because of his talent, but because he's basically the entire industry's cheerleader. At least, whenever he's on screen, he ALWAYS has something positive and encouraging to say about other idols. There's something so endearing, but also so very attractive, about someone who is so at-ease in their own skin that they go out of their way to uplift others. ALSO, his immaculate English skills. /s hahahahhaha

Michele Wang

I'm not sure if you've noticed or if someone mentioned it already, but the intro to Rhythm Ta is also the intro to Guerilla, 2 years later. "There is a disease in the heart of man. The disease is human emotion." They have their storyline and discography planned at least 2 years in advance. We know this from other situations, like the fact that Hala Hala was initially meant to be their debut track but they decided to go with Pirate King and Treasure so they would be more easily recognizable and so we could get a firm grip on their pirate theme.

Racha Dahou

Stray kids’ biggest rob cause that’s one of the best performances of the entire show not just that challenge but they ranked 6th 😭😭 I STILL cannot get over it🥲


This episode never fails to bring the truma every time I watch it, even the picture that skz posted on their twitter that day still hunt stays because you can see everyone’s anger and disappointment with the results. in my opinion stray kids gave their all and they did so good this is my favorite kingdom performance and one of my top favorites of all time, ranking them with 6th place was the most cruel thing Mnet, judge, or whoever was the responsible, did to stray kids. Even if I’m a stay I watched different people reactions and none said one bad feedback about this performance. Still cried when they showed I.N, everyone agreed that the ‘mistake’ he think he did was a chef kiss to the performance and it showed much more emotions than what they intended. Man this episode truly makes me angry every time I watch it, but that’s okay at the end they won ‘after so much anxiety’. 😂 one of the top 5 most traumatic moments in stayville.


SKZ’s performance of IBYM will always be the standout performance for me because it’s definitely their love song to Hyunjin. I suspected as much when the little boy statue had the 8th ring, but Chan all but confirmed it on CR. With that story behind it I think it hits even harder.

Estelle S

I concur completely!! I saw from some other stays that they ranked last because they didn't change the song enough to fit their image... BUT I.Ns CRYING WILL NEVER NOT MAKE ME MAD. UGH! Anyway... sorry for yelling, but I also feel strongly about this episode. At least it's not as bad as... well, that other show that Handsome Sausages were watching at the same time... :'/

Matsu Makky

Ateez performances are really something. I don't know why they're always give me goosebumps. All others performances was incredible but for me Ateez are in another level. I'm into kpop for decades but no one mesmerize me like them.

Samantha Whaley

And my Hannie did that with vocal nodes at the time 🥰 best ace of 4th gen


The thing that i love about the BTOB perfomance is the joy SKZ have when they watch them perfom their song. The pure joy is an instant win for me.