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Oh what a wonderful piece. 

There were some very cool stuff in this song that we had a blast talking about, but hey, what less to expect from Ateez right?

Super excited to continue this album as there are tons of songs we've never even heard of from the Atiny community - let us know what you are looking forward to the most! :D

Enjoy <3



hahah no those photos arent photoshopped. usually, the lyric videos use the group's concept photos for that specific album. I cant wait for you to react to mist!!! and precious! ...and win.....if without you.....................................(the whole album actually) Also, some context if you decide to watch the special video for "If without you" instead of a lyric video. San had covid so he isn't in the video and the rest of the members were quarantined during this. Also, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, this was Mingi's first appearance since his 8-month long hiatus just so you know how precious the video is to ATINY 🥺😭

Stacey Mac

This entire album (like all of Ateez’s albums) is amazing. If you can find a live concert version of Mist to react to along with the lyric video I strongly recommend you do. It is amazing live.

Gaby Fukumura

Win is amazing and if you can watch a live performance of it, it is even better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFtwDgkz_-E Mist is amazing as well. THANK U is a song Hongjoong wrote about his friendship with Seongwha.


This entire album is amazing, but I think the reason why you may not hear as much about the other songs, is because they are a softer (Sunrise, Mist, With u, thank u) and Wonderland is such a powerhouse of a song. It doesn't make them any less impressive though, while Ateez is definitely known for their strong and heavy performances, they are also really really good at more emotional, intentional songs. I also really like Win, but personally I prefer the Remix they added in the Halazia EP, although the OG version is also great, and as Gaby mentioned, realyl great performance too.


One of the things I love about ATEEZ is how their songs are connected sonically. They don't sound alike (even when two fit a similar theme, they sound different) but you can listen to a song and pick up snippets from one or more other songs, which forces my brain to connect them. For example, the "Row up" adlib in the middle of Captain's rap is the same that we hear all through the song 'My Way'. It's just one of those things that reinforces the "This is ATEEZ" feeling I get with all of their music, because even if two songs are vastly different I can sense connections. The way "Who you, who am I" bounces between lower tones and Jongho's higher ones is soothing. I really don't know why, but it's been that way every time I've heard the song. There's probably science behind it. The photos ARE kind of dazzling... :D You guys pointed out the modulated sounds. To me it's as if senses are being warped. As in, the light is so bright that vision blurs, equilibrium feels off, there's a kind of "swaying" feeling. Going back to their lore for a personal interpretation, it's like being on a ship and watching the sun as it rises. The light brightens until it hurts to look... a dazzle or haze prevents you from seeing quite clearly... and the boat is swaying under your feet as the waves rise and fall. The whole album is wonderful, and I can't wait to see how you react to specific things that always catch my attention or make me smile.

Yall Hearing This podcast

Mist!! My absolute favorite Ateez song, it is so powerful ❤️ If you can please watch a live version as well as the lyrics- and most lyric videos I’ve seen mix up San/Wooyoung. San starts the song and Wooyoung is on the chorus. Can’t wait- as always love your reactions!

Eva Minster

The photos are indeed official photos taken for the album but I think they are only in the physical booklet that comes with the physical album. They always do special shoots for those. Also, in the comments of another video, I mentioned that 친구 Thank U, is written purely by Hongjoong for Seonghwa. Thanking him for being a friend


Mist is one of my absolute fave ATEEZ songs so I am really excited to hear your thoughts on it. The lyric video for Mist on yt has some of the parts for Mist wrong. San does not start the chorus, Wooyoung does, and there's a whole story about that that is really special.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

the live of this is beautiful too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFtwDgkz_-E