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No need for an opener. Here is the first episode of SKZ Survival Show!

:D We had too much fun with this one ngl.



Taylor M

Yayyy what a treat! It’s definitely less stressful to watch this as people from the future knowing where they are now lol. Excited to watch along!


I enjoy watching with you. This show made me feel more connected to Stray Kids. They are incredible young men.


There is SOOO much more to come in the survival show. I’m not going to spoil it! You have to take the emotional roller coaster just like those of us that have seen it. 😂 There is so much I want to say but I don’t want to spoil some important moments. Thank y’all for this!

Emily Cortes

Yes! I'm so glad you started the survival show! Thank you so much 😊


NOOOOO im not ready for the emotional damage this series is going to cause me! I've avoided it religiously because ive seen snippets and i KNOW its going to cause levels of trauma i am wholly unprepared for but im definitely ready to go on this journey with you and watch you both cry and laugh with us. SO many mixed feelings but mainly relief because at least we know how big our boys have made it! <3


The Subbers did a FANTASTIC job of getting as close to the same fonts and colors for the ENG subs so it feels seamless. I was so impressed with it when I watched the show the first time. JYPE was still in the old building in Cheongdam-dong. They moved to the new building in Gangdong-gu near Olympic Park not long after filming the survival show. GOT7 debuted Jan 16, 2014, just 7 months after BTS. In fact the groups are good friends with Jackson Wang being very close with RM, and Bam Bam and Yugyeom being a part of the '97 line group chat with Jungkook. Bang Chan is also part of the '97 line. Also, not sure if you realized it, but Han and Felix are just a day apart (Sep 14 & 15 respectively) and are sometimes referred to by the fans as The Sunshine Twins. (For OT8 SKZ it's '97, '98, '99, '00 x4, & '01) Seungmin is a HUGE fan of DAY6, and is considered as the unofficial MYDAY President, at least in STAYVILLE. His bias is Wonpil, so not surprising that you made that connection right away. While Bang Chan was an early trainee, along with Jackson and Bam Bam from GOT7, he also dormed with Young K from DAY6 (who by the way just released his second solo album, check it out if you haven't already, it's so good) and Peniel from BTOB who was a trainee at JYP before he moved to CUBE and joined BTOB. That's why Chan is so comfortable talking to him on Kingdom, they already had that previous connection.


I'm so stinking excited for this journey with you all.

Kimiko Milheim

Prepare for emotional trauma. Seeing this series really puts a lot of things into perspective. And shows why they are so close and such a family. I didn’t really know about Ws departure when I started watching this but he always seemed a little off to me from the rest of them.

Sandy Cai

I'm so happy you guys are watching this... enjoy guys! :)


As much as I’m looking forward to watching you guys react to this I’m filled with so much anxiety and dread like yea Ik what happens yea I’ve seen this before but I watched this one time a few years ago and never watched it again because it made me so anxious, made me cry, made me angry, just a whole emotional rollercoaster and I went yup I’m good I don’t need to watch this again but the emotional trauma is really with this show like Ik stays that haven’t and refuse to watch it but I feel like you just appreciate them so much more knowing everything they went through and seeing everything that went down more so than just hearing about it or reading about it I’m excited for you guys to react to this be prepared for this emotional rollercoaster and skz as little babies working so hard and doing and amazing job even so young and so early on in their careers welcome to the wonderful world of pre-debut era skz they’ve honestly grown so much it makes me so proud


I'm glad you guys are watching this. It definitely helps understand why they are the way they are more. But it was definitely a tough show to watch, you say it's harder to be rigged in 2017, although I am still convinced it was rigged and JYP put them through painful and stressful times for entertainment purposes, not for actual reasons, but we will never know. On a technical note, maybe it's just me but I was wondering if for future reactions to this show, you could maybe lower your mic volumes a bit or smth? I feel like your reactions are really overpowering and making it hard to follow the show itself as well. But as I said, could just be me haha.


Just started the episode and I’m super excited but also very anxious about this. Just had to drop in to comment at the “nobody saw this coming” part (though I’m sure this was recorded awhile ago) cos Han-C literally mentioned it in your last Kingdom episode video 🤣🤣🤣 so I think most of us who picked that up saw this coming!

your name here

Boy Story actually debuted before Stray Kids and are technically their seniors. Boy Story is a Chinese group with JYPE. They recently had a video call with 3RACHA getting advice from the guys as they were working on their own songs too. Chan saw a lot of them grow up at the trainee center.


And it begins!!!!

Kiki Meowzilla

Just some details about the timeline of the show, SKZ training periods and living situation. The show started filming around mid to late 2017, yet it aired October 17, 2017. It was announced around end of August that a male group would debut and in September they realeased the first image teasers and a MV teaser for Hellevator. They released the single on October 6th building up to the hype of the shows debut. When the show aired it hadn't been decided who would debut in SKZ and they were still filming the survival show. The show ended in December and Stray Kids officially debuted in March 2018. So if everything is to be believed when they filmed that first episode SKZ and the girls team didnt know what was going to happen and who would debut which makes sense because the showcase was in August 2017 and nothing got announced until after the showcase. Now for the training periods. Chan had been there 7 years, since 2010 when he was just 13yrs old. Jisung had been there 3 years (14yrs), Wojin (18yrs), I.N. (14yrs), Hyunjin (15yrs), and Changbin (16yrs) 2 years of training, now here is where it gets tricky Felix had arrived in Korea February of 2017 so he had only been training 8 months when the first episode aired and he was 16yrs old when he arrived. His english was basic he has said that he knew basic greetings, simple sentences and how to count. You will notice in the show as well as a lot of their early content that he never really knew what was happening and got confused a lot. Minho had only joined JYP about 2-3 months before they started filming, he was actually recruited. He had been invited to audition about 2 years prior and heard nothing so he had moved on and worked as a BTS dancer then in Spring 2017 he got called in and he finished the BTS wings tour and came to JYP. Chan recruited him for SKZ and he was so determined to be able to debut with them that he passed the very well known JYP 40 basic dances in 2 weeks breaking and still holding the record for the fastest completion. So, yes they were all VERY VERY young and determined. As for the living situation, Chan had lived in the dorms since he arrived from Australia, so had Felix. Jisung's family was in Malaysia where he had lived before moving to Korea to pursue being an idol, and I.N. being from Busan had to live in the dorms. Seugmin, Hyunjin, Changbin and Woojin lived at home and were close enough to commute while being trainees. Minho lived alone in/near Seoul because of school and work. Like with most trainees set to debut they all moved into the dorms. And yes, Changbin's family is obvioulsy well off, haha. Also about the girls group, as you noted some of them did debut in Itzy in early 2019. Worth noting during the showcase the young girl that was singing solo and belting her heart out was Lily from Nmixx. Sorry for the long comment but hopefully it was helpful, thanks as always enjoying the content.

Neuter Lover

YES!! That's why I've always told SKZ survival show is a must! So happy you guys reacted to it and enjoyed it a lot. Looking forward to view from your perspective.

Handsome Sausages

Oh now it's emotional 'damage' - uh oh, roller coaster was scary enough of an expression. Phew, we'll have to brace ourselves then

Handsome Sausages

Yesss the subs were inCREDIBLE. And thanks for the info ! :D Definitely helpful in understanding their positions and origin a bit better!

Handsome Sausages

Ok - emotional roller coaster to damage to trauma. TRAUMA. Definitely gon make sure we're ready for this XD

Handsome Sausages

Yeh absolutely! We try to edit the mic volume appropriately but it perhaps has more to do with how we put the show volume quite low. Shows are usually edited by Han-C so I'll pass that message on once he begins editing the survival show!


Yeah, some of them are also really close with Felix. There's video footage of him hanging out with them when they were still in Korea... Although they just had a comeback so I think they are back from China...

Michele Wang

I watched Chaeyoung and Chaeryeong's auditions, and those girls have always been phenomenal dancers. I've always been really impressed.

Michele Wang

JYP is across from Olympic Park now. I can't tell you exactly where, because I'm directionally challenged and am still figuring things out here, but my husband and I walked past it a few weeks ago.

Tracey Okeby Lucan

I’m catching up. I’m very happy to have Sausages to watch this with for my second go round. Going it alone as a baby stay was hard. But I love how much we learn about them all.

Estelle S

YES!!! I literally just typed that in the comments on the 10th episode. I just had to wait until they posted all of them just in case I needed to watch them all right away... 😥😅

Estelle S

Easier to watch. HA! YOU THOUGHT, D-Some, YOU THOUGHT!!!


Being 5 years in the future didn't help me. I still cried like a grown baby during half of these episodes. Happy to be giving the show a rewatch with you guys.


Feel like I need to give a shout out to Stray K Subs… There were no English subs on the original broadcast. Stray K Subs does all the overlays on their own and it looks amazing. That’s why when stuff used to come out unsubbed, like kingdom week, it took them a bit of time to do. It’s not as much of an issue now because almost everything is subbed so they’ve kind of stepped back. But we appreciate everything they did in the beginning a lot!


ahhh i'm starting this finally! i've never seen the survival show in it's whole, just clips, and i've been a bit hesitant to watch since i know it's so emotional ;_; but maybe watching "together" with hs and sausages will feel more reassuring than just watching alone:)