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This was 100% a no skip episode.

Had so much fun with it - it was great to see the groups chill and have fun for once, enjoy each others' company (I'm looking at you Changbin) and also to get that teamwork on the go with the 3v3 team formation for the next round!

Definitely made us want to move and be active!

Enjoy and we'll see you in the next episode <3




Thank you for doing this as a reaction. I always enjoy watching them do the sports day. It’s fun!! Mayfly (BTOB, SKZ, & Ateez) makes a great team. You will REALLY see that going forward. You’re not wrong SKZ is shorter than most.The tallest is Hyunjin. They do also call Bang Chan(Chris) Kangaroo. I am sure some will give you a more comprehensive answer to the height of all the ideals present but until then… Hyunjin - 179 cm Seungmin - 178 cm Lee Know - 172 cm I.N. - 172 cm Felix - 171 cm Bang Chan - 171 cm Han - 169 cm Changbin - 167 cm

Yep, I'm Liberty

Yes. Stray Kids are that short - and they know it. They joke about their height all the time. Looks like AJ already posted their heights, but yeah - they're our pocket-sized kings ♡〜٩(^▿^)۶〜♡. Bang Chan is the most athletic from SKZ (lots of swimming medals from before moving to SK and can run his a@@ off - check out his ISAC clips). The Boyz' Kevin is pretty well known for his "twerking" and does it randomly (even showing up in the background of other membmers' live streams to feature this magnificent skill ⇎_⇎. As for BTOB's Minhyuk - he's more than a "vault god", he's just super athletic in general. He is frequently on shows talking about his fitness and has been on Running Man as well (and always dominates). I agree that this was a well-needed episode/break from the drama of competition (even though this was a competition too, but you know what I mean) and it definitely helped with the bonding before what is yet to come. You are going to be super impressed with the team episodes as their teamwork really shows and there are a few unforgettable stages. You may want to have those uncut performances ready to go though, if you were frustrated with the cuts in the last episode, it's only going to get worse.


I think this episode showed off Felix’s 63 taekwondo medals and Chans kangaroo nickname really well lmaoo

Star Dust

The only heights we have for SKZ are from debut days and some have certainly grown since then (I.N and Hyunjin for sure), so we don't really know their heights exactly. But they are "fun sized", as Chan calls them. :)

Emily Cortes

Not sure if it's been mentioned before but Changbin and Wooyoung have been besties since High School (before becoming idols) and call eachother daily (according to them)...hence the "lovey + dovey" jokes. The rest of StrayKids and ATEEZ became very close during Kingdom and Yunho now games online with Felix all the time, Chan and Hongjoong have bonded as friends, leaders and producers and Seongwha and San have adopted Felix as their little bro. I absolutely love the bonds that were created in Kingdom between ALL of the different groups. They all genuinely cared for and rooted for eachother even though they were competing against eachother. In my opinion, Kingdom was the best, most wholesome competition I've ever seen. Yes the dramatic edits were a bit much from time to time but you can tell the editors are really having to dig deep and really reach trying to find some sort of controversy or beef but clearly these 6 groups were so genuinely happy for one another that all the editors could find were a few nervous or unsatisfactory moments that a few of the members felt about themselves. In my opinion, these 6 groups are the cream of the crop when it comes to respecting your craft and your peers. They were all the upmost professionals and team players in this competition. They set the example with how to act when competing with others.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

oh my gosh I had so much fun watching this with you! ♡


Ok. My visual king, if you take SKZ out, would be Minhyuk or Zuho. SKZ are too beautiful 😍


I'm so happy they decided to add this to the show. I think both for all the participants as for viewers it's nice to have a moment of just having fun together. Something I really love from this episode too, is Bang Chan's personality shining through, without it necessarily being mentioned, if you haven't noticed: during the vault jump part, whenever the vaulthorse got knocked over, you could see him running towards it/the idol to make sure they weren't hurt/the vaulthorse would fall on them. I think this is something he definitely learned from watching his dad, who is a swimcoach (who works with kids with disabilities, honestly super inspiring man!). Throughout the many SKZ content I have watched, it often is seen how Bang Chan will prioritise checking someone is ok, and in this episode, seeing he does that for everyone, not just his members is just such an amazing thing. The world really is blessed to have Christopher Chan Bang in it. Also in the balloon-game, San's Cardigan become quite legendary. "Be as strong as San's Cardigan". Wooyoung and Bang Chan are both amazing runners too. If you ever get a chance to watch ISAC 2022 videos, you can see they are both suuuuuuper fast. afaik there won't be a ISAC 2023 sadly (unless they still need to anounce.. but that would be super late..), but both Ateez and SKZ did amazingly in that (I recommend the running and archery videos!).


With the jeans, apparently Ateez and SF9 weren't told it was going to be an athletic day, just that they were socializing and having a picnic with minigames. I will always be sad that San was injured for the field day (he injured his ankle in Rhythm Ta), as a former volley ball player and a black belt in taekwondo the dude has major hops. I really hope to see him do the vault some day.

Eva Minster

This was a fun episode to watch. It was nice seeing the teams have so much fun together. It seems like they bonded really well and I hope they kept those bonds even if Kingdom doesn't serve as a happy memory. This actually kind of made me miss my sports days in primary school. Out of the 3 activities they did, I only ever did relay. Instead of vault jumping we did high jumping and long jumping.

Eva Minster

San's cardigan deserves to be legendary. I'm really surprised it didn't rip. Probably stretched out, but still.


I have always loved this episode because even though their reactions to all of the performances give us a chance to see their personalities, this gave us even more of a look at who they are off-stage as people and not just idols. Really, it's just a fun watch and the editors allowed their sense of humor to shine in new ways with all the little notes they gave us. Being able to perform alongside their Round 3 team was great for team-building as well, and between this and the preparations they did for those performances, some amazing friendships were formed. ----- Vault ~ From what I understand, the jumper's height matters far less than the speed of approach, where you hit the springboard, and the angle of your jump. Technique really is the name of the game. I'd imagine weight plays a part also, since it would be harder to spring a heavier frame than a lighter one. Getting a second attempt in a pass/fail event is fairly standard, I think. Some scored events will even do multiple attempts and take either the top score or an average score of all runs. I'm glad they did a second attempt for a failed run here though, since it gave them a chance to adjust and try again (especially for a fun day of bonding as a combined team). All of the groups would have been given a brief period to warm up (checking out the feel of the springboard, for instance) and a second attempt if they failed, but for the sake of time a lot of that was edited out. That's an assumption, but I can't imagine them giving some groups those opportunities and not allowing all to have them... I mean, they were all right there watching, so it's not like it could be hidden. The height HAS to be increased from the bottom, because the base has to become steadily larger in order to support the structure so it will stay upright. They also place bands or braces to keep sections of it together, which not only gives it more support but also makes it easier for them to add new levels. For Minhyuk's final jump, I think there were 3 possible reasons behind the call. First, he hit the vault with his right leg at the first half of the top; we saw another jump earlier that was deemed success despite hitting the vault, but the jumper hit as he was clearing the far side, whereas Minhyuk hit as he was going over. Second, they honestly might have just decided to make it a tie, since the win went to Mayfly anyway. Third, Minhyuk being who he is, they may have judged him more heavily here; he even shook his head, he knew it should be a fail. ----- Visual King ~ I can't even, I have no thoughts. ----- Catch the Tail ~ It was so hilarious to watch, and I think everyone wishes they could be as strong as San's cardigan... even if they don't realize it. ----- Relay Race ~ Also fun to watch, and you can really tell which ones are better sprinters versus which ones do better with distance running. I 100% believe that Bang Chan would've overtaken Wooyoung if there had been even 1/4 of the course left to go, given how quickly he caught up and how close he was at the finish line.

Kiki Meowzilla

Also worth noting that Bang Chan was using/ relying on his jump more than his wrist support to get him over the vault cause he has bad wrists. Someone said he has bad carpel tunel but don't know if its true but it tracks given all the work he does produicng. BUt he has mentioned before that he has weak wrists and hand strength when he wraps them. As for the racing it really does seem like Bang Chan could have overtaken him given he came from way behind and finished so close, but I also have seen Wooyoung run in ISAC and he is a beast and I dont think he was running at 100% here, just enough to win. Would be great to see them race and see who wins.


Looking forward to annual Handsome Sausages Sports Day 😆


Yeah, Chan was definitely relying mostly on his actual vault rather than using his wrists to push further. Carpal tunnel syndrome would make sense for him (I've been dealing with it for over 20 years myself). I've only seen a few ISAC clips, not whole meets, but have been super-impressed by the level of serious athleticism these kids maintain. I realize training is rigorous and whatnot, but it's still just mind-blowing to watch them in certain events.


I love this episode seeing my skz bias and btob bias 1v1 for the vault jump always makes me so happy and then seeing that all the people that voted for Felix were either my bias or wrecker was super funny as for the relay race one thing that I absolutely love is that you can see when chan starts his turn skz is in 4th place by quite a distance from the first and second team and somehow with his incredible athleticism and speed makes it to second place by a hair and I absolutely love watching bang chan just full send it he is running like crazy and it just makes me laugh every time I watch cause he looks so serious lol

Yeosangs Chicken Leg 🍗

My name was said lol. I didn't leave you guys, I changed my name temporarily. 🐔🍗


Who can fly?! We can fly! Mayfly!! These are my favorite episodes because you can see their personalities and how they interact with each other it made me love the different groups even more. And Bobby is just a representation of me this whole episode lol


I love this episode! It's so fun and it really shows the chemistry between different groups :) glad you had fun watching it! I also just wanted to ask if for the next reactions you could move your mouse/pointer out of the screen > < (both in this and in the previous ep it was stuck onscreen) It's a minor detail really, and I don't know if it's just me, but sometimes I move my touchpad willing it to disappear, thinking it's actually my pointer. Also, I really can't wait for your reaction to the next episode! Mayfly was seriously amazing.


Agreed! To me, aside from the amazing performances, this is what mattered the most in Kingdom! Also, to add on what you said, Chan mentioned that he also got close to Yunho. And then we have BTOB, where apart from Chan's and Peniel's pre-debut friendship, Minhyuk pretty much collected all SKZ, inviting all of them to this house. I still have this quote from Minhyuk stuck in my mind "Seungmin's bias is Eunkwang? Ah that's possible, he's so cute" "but you came to my house 3 times and didn't choose me as your bias??" I swear, they're all cut from the same cloth xD


My favorite part of cardigan saga was Chan feeling so bad he publicly apologized to San, the cardigan, and the stylists. 😂


Chan’s legitimately a kangaroo. His vertical jump is nuts. I saw a clip just the other day from one of the dome concerts where he jumped nearly as high as Lee Know like it was nothing.

stela ♥

This is my second favorite episode hehehe my favorite being the Mayfly competition episodes just because seeing them working together behind the scenes is SO FUN!!! ♥♥ The sports episode is great because everyone really seems to be having fun together and I love interactions between the different group - not to mention the athleticism :O

Handsome Sausages

Wow how does that even work for groups that are actively participating in the show, starting with the budget and all? Shame :(

Handsome Sausages

I think the three things they did are most def representative of what Korean students would've done XD for us, it was super nostalgic!

Handsome Sausages

Oh yeh that's what we meant XD We knew you're still here! Happy to have that name back too - indeed the best name ever

Yep, I'm Liberty

Bobby was ABSOLUTELY a mood this entire series - honestly you can tell iKON was in it for the fun more than anything else...they are so over survival shows. Lol


Firstly, I just wanted to say that I loved this reaction, and I am so glad that you both found it as enjoyable as I did. It is such a fun ep. Then secondly, I wanted to mention something about the scoring. I know we don’t really care about the scores because they really don’t matter at all (it’s all about showcasing the talents of everyone involved for sure). But I did want to mention (and maybe I have this wrong, the scoring is CONFUSING! And maybe someone will correct me if I have it wrong) so I think a couple of times when they announced that the stage would be worth a big amount (lets say 20,000 points) one of you would say that would change everything or that the 1,000 that Stray Kids won in the intro stage wasn’t really worth that much. I think it might help to note that the 20,000 gets distribution to each of the teams based on the amount of the “votes” they get in each section of judging. So, the 20,000 will get broken up 6 ways no matter what. An example would be if the profession judging is worth 20% of 20,000 then that section is worth 4,000 and then that 4,000 gets divide among the teams, so if that is the one where Ateez won then they might take the biggest amount of the 4,000 like 1,444.44 which would be them getting like 36% of the professional judges votes (these aren’t the actual numbers because I didn’t feel like scrubbing through an ep, it’s just an example I made up). I think this is why all the scores have the non-round numbers, because they really break the points down to the second decimal. As I said before, this really doesn’t matter at all, but I only mention it because the intro round was 1,000 points that Stray Kids didn’t have to share with any other group and the team contest works similarly so I thought this might help with scoring confusion when you watch that ep. And also I could totally have this wrong, even though I have watched the whole show twice and a number of reactions I could still be missing how the scoring works because it is involved/poorly explained. That isn’t a dig at the show because winning isn’t what is important in this show at all. Anyway, sorry for the super long comment and thanks again for your content 😊

Handsome Sausages

Holy crap that 1000, which we did eventually think would be worth a lot, is worth even more than we thought if that's the case. Wow- we may actually look into and get into the scoring section once we go through the show from start to finish, just to see how things went down and to get a better picture of the entire show. We ARE curious, so perhaps we shall do that on our own times XD

Jan 잔

This is such a perfect mid way episode for so many reasons. Lighten up the mood, team bonding and also extra fun for audience. Thank you for reacting to this. I love that everytime Bangchan was next to the vault and someone would fail he ran to make sure they wouldn't get hurt. He is so caring it hurts. And dang the run at the end.


Watching this, I remember one member of another group saying in their live that Felix was like the mascot during Kingdom. Like he was adored by everyone because he was such a “sweet man”.

Matsu Makky

San had a leg injury, that's why he fail. Usually His jumps were the highest I have ever seen. That day, unlike the other groups, Ateez were not informed of the content of the program and came in jeans. The chemistry between Wooyoung and Changbin is so cute 😊